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High power frequency comb based on mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ~9μm
High power frequency comb based on mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ~9μm
Q. Y. Lu, M. Razeghi, S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, W. J. Zhou, M. Chen, D. Heydari, A. Haddadi, R. McClintock, M. Amanti, and C. Sirtori
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 051105-- February 2, 2015
We investigate a frequency comb source based on a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ∼9 μm with high power output. A broad flat-top gain with near-zero group velocity dispersion has been engineered using a dual-core active region structure. This favors the locking of the dispersed Fabry-Pérot modes into equally spaced frequency lines via four wave mixing. A current range with a narrow intermode beating linewidth of 3 kHz is identified with a fast detector and spectrum analyzer. This range corresponds to a broad spectral coverage of 65 cm−1 and a high power output of 180 mW for ∼176 comb modes. reprint
Bias-selectable dual-band mid-/long-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InAs/InAs<sub>1−x</sub>Sb<sub>x</sub> type-II superlattices
Bias-selectable dual-band mid-/long-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InAs/InAs1−xSbx type-II superlattices
A. Haddadi, R. Chevallier, G. Chen, A. M. Hoang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 106 , 011104-- January 8, 2015
A high performance bias-selectable mid-/long-wavelength infrared photodetector based on InAs/InAs1−xSbx type-II superlattices on GaSb substrate has been demonstrated. The mid- and long-wavelength channels' 50% cut-off wavelengths were ∼5.1 and ∼9.5 μm at 77 K. The mid-wavelength channel exhibited a quantum efficiency of 45% at 100 mV bias voltage under front-side illumination and without any anti-reflection coating. With a dark current density of 1 × 10−7 A/cm² under 100 mV applied bias, the mid-wavelength channel exhibited a specific detectivity of 8.2 × 1012 cm·Hz½·W-1 at 77 K. The long-wavelength channel exhibited a quantum efficiency of 40%, a dark current density of 5.7 × 10−4 A/cm² under −150 mV applied bias at 77 K, providing a specific detectivity value of 1.64 × 1011 cm·Hz½·W-1. reprint
Demonstration of type-II superlattice MWIR minority carrier unipolar imager for high operation temperature application
Demonstration of type-II superlattice MWIR minority carrier unipolar imager for high operation temperature application
Guanxi Chen, Abbas Haddadi, Anh-Minh Hoang, Romain Chevallier, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Letters Vol. 40, Iss. 1, pp. 29–32-- December 18, 2014
An InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice-based mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) 320×256 unipolar focal plane array (FPA) using pMp architecture exhibited excellent infrared image from 81 to 150 K and ∼98% operability, which illustrated the possibility for high operation temperature application. At 150 K and −50  mV operation bias, the 27 μm pixels exhibited dark current density to be 1.2×10−5  A/cm², with 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.9 μm, quantum efficiency of 67% at peak responsivity (4.6 μm), and specific detectivity of 1.2×1012 Jones. At 90 K and below, the 27 μm pixels exhibited system limited dark current density, which is below 1×10−9  A/cm², and specific detectivity of 1.5×1014 Jones. From 81 to 100 K, the FPA showed ∼11  mK NEDT by using F/2.3 optics and a 9.69 ms integration time. reprint
Widely tunable room temperature semiconductor terahertz source
Widely tunable room temperature semiconductor terahertz source
Q. Y. Lu, S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 201102-- November 17, 2014
We present a widely tunable, monolithic terahertz source based on intracavity difference frequency generation within a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at room temperature. A three-section ridge waveguide laser design with two sampled grating sections and a distributed-Bragg section is used to achieve the terahertz (THz) frequency tuning. Room temperature single mode THz emission with a wide tunable frequency range of 2.6–4.2 THz (∼47% of the central frequency) and THz power up to 0.1 mW is demonstrated, making such device an ideal candidate for THz spectroscopy and sensing. reprint
InAs/InAs<sub>1-x</sub>Sb<sub>x</sub> type-II superlattices for high performance long wavelength infrared detection
InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattices for high performance long wavelength infrared detection
A. Haddadi , G. Chen , R. Chevallier , A. M. Hoang , and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 121104 (2014)-- September 22, 2014
High performance long-wavelength infrared nBn photodetectors based on InAs/InAs1−xSbx type-II superlattices on GaSb substrate have been demonstrated. The photodetector's 50% cut-off wavelength was ∼10 μm at 77 K. The photodetector with a 6 μm-thick absorption region exhibited a peak responsivity of 4.47 A/W at 7.9 μm, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 54% at −90 mV bias voltage under front-side illumination and without any anti-reflection coating. With an R × A of 119 Ω·cm² and a dark current density of 4.4 × 10−4 A/cm² under −90 mV applied bias at 77 K, the photodetector exhibited a specific detectivity of 2.8 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2·W-1. reprint
High power operation of λ ∼ 5.2–11 μm strain balanced quantum cascade lasers based on the same material composition
High power operation of λ ∼ 5.2–11 μm strain balanced quantum cascade lasers based on the same material composition
N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 071106 (2014)-- August 20, 2014
A technique based on composite quantum wells for design and growth of strain balanced Al0.63In0.37As/Ga0.35In0.65As/Ga0.47In0.53As quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), emitting in 5.2–11 μm wavelength range, is reported. The strained Al0.63In0.37As provides good electron confinement at all wavelengths, and strain balancing can be achieved through composite wells of Ga0.35In0.65As/Ga0.47In0.53As for different wavelength. The use of these fixed composition materials can avoid the need for frequent calibration of a MBE reactor to grow active regions with different strain levels for different wavelengths. Experimental results for QCLs emitting at 5.2, 6.7, 8.2, 9.1, and 11 μm exhibit good wall plug efficiencies and power across the whole wavelength range. It is shown that the emission wavelength can be predictably changed using the same design template. These lasers are also compatible with a heterogeneous broadband active region, consisting of multiple QCL cores, which can be produced in a single growth run. reprint
Advances in mid-infrared detection and imaging: a key issues review
Advances in mid-infrared detection and imaging: a key issues review
Manijeh Razeghi and Binh-Minh Nguyen
Rep. Prog. Phys. 77 (2014) 082401-- August 4, 2014
It has been over 200 years since people recognized the presence of infrared radiation, and developed methods to capture this signal. However, current material systems and technologies for infrared detections have not met the increasing demand for high performance infrared detectors/cameras, with each system having intrinsic drawbacks. Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice has been recently considered as a promising candidate for the next generation of infrared detection and imaging. Type-II superlattice is a man-made crystal structure, consisting of multiple quantum wells placed next to each other in a controlled way such that adjacent quantum wells can interact. The interaction between multiple quantum wells offers an additional degree of freedom in tailoring the material's properties. Another advantage of type-II superlattice is the experimental benefit of inheriting previous research on material synthesis and device fabrication of bulk semiconductors. It is the combination of these two unique strengths of type-II superlattice—novel physics and easy manipulation—that has enabled unprecedented progress in recent years. In this review, we will describe historical development, and current status of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice for advanced detection and imaging in the mid-infrared regime (λ = 3–5 µm). reprint
High Performance Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Focal Plane Arrays Based on AlGaN
High Performance Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Focal Plane Arrays Based on AlGaN
Erdem Cicek, Ryan McClintock, Abbas Haddadi, William A. Gaviria Rojas, and Manijeh Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 50, Issue 8, p 591-595-- August 1, 2014
We report on solar-blind ultraviolet, AlxGa1-x N- based,p-i-n,focal plane array (FPA) with 92% operability. At the peak detection wavelength of 278 nm, 320×256-FP A-pixel showed unbiased peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) and responsivity of 49% and 109 mA/W, respectively, increasing to 66% under 5 volts of reverse bias. Electrical measurements yielded a low-dark current density: <7×10-9A/cm², at FPA operating voltage of 2 volts of reverse bias. reprint
Antimonide-Based Type II Superlattices:  A Superior Candidate for the Third Generation of Infrared Imaging Systems
Antimonide-Based Type II Superlattices: A Superior Candidate for the Third Generation of Infrared Imaging Systems
M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, A.M. Hoang, G. Chen, S. Bogdanov, S.R. Darvish, F. Callewaert, P.R. Bijjam, and R. McClintock
Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 43, No. 8, 2014-- August 1, 2014
Type II superlattices (T2SLs), a system of interacting multiquantum wells,were introduced by Nobel Laureate L. Esaki in the 1970s. Since then, this material system has drawn a lot of attention, especially for infrared detection and imaging. In recent years, the T2SL material system has experienced incredible improvements in material growth quality, device structure design, and device fabrication techniques that have elevated the performance of T2SL-based photodetectors and focal-plane arrays (FPAs) to a level comparable to state-of-the-art material systems for infrared detection and imaging, such as mercury cadmium telluride compounds. We present the current status of T2SL-based photodetectors and FPAs for imaging in different infrared regimes, from short wavelength to very long wavelength, and dual-band infrared detection and imaging, as well as the future outlook for this material system. reprint
Monolithic terahertz source
Monolithic terahertz source
Q. Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Nature Photonics | Research Highlights -- July 31, 2014
To date, the production of continuous-wave terahertz (THz) sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers operating at room temperature has proved elusive. A critical problem is that, to achieve a large nonlinear susceptibility for frequency conversion, the active region of the quantum cascade laser requires high doping, which elevates the lasing threshold current density. Now, Quan-Yong Lu and colleagues from Northwestern University in the USA have overcome this problem and demonstrated a room-temperature continuous-wave THz source based on difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers. They designed quantum-well structures based on In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As material system for two mid-infrared wavelengths. The average doping in the active region was about 2.5 × 1016 cm−3. A buried ridge, buried composite distributed-feedback waveguide with the Čerenkov phase-matching scheme was used to reduce the waveguide loss and enhance heat dissipation. As a result, single-mode emission at 3.6 THz was observed at 293 K. The continuous-wave THz power reached 3 μW with a conversion efficiency of 0.44 mW W−2 from mid-infrared to THz waves. Using a similar device design, a THz peak power of 1.4 mW was achieved in pulse mode. reprint
High performance photodiodes based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices for very long wavelength infrared detection
High performance photodiodes based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices for very long wavelength infrared detection
A. M. Hoang, G. Chen, R. Chevallier, A. Haddadi, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 251105 (2014)-- June 23, 2014
Very long wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InAs/InAsSb Type-II superlattices are demonstrated on GaSb substrate. A heterostructure photodiode was grown with 50% cut-off wavelength of 14.6 μm. At 77 K, the photodiode exhibited a peak responsivity of 4.8 A/W, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 46% at −300 mV bias voltage from front side illumination without antireflective coating. With the dark current density of 0.7 A/cm², it provided a specific detectivity of 1.4 × 1010 Jones. The device performance was investigated as a function of operating temperature, revealing a very stable optical response and a background limited performance below 50 K. reprint
Continuous operation of a monolithic semiconductor terahertz source at room temperature
Continuous operation of a monolithic semiconductor terahertz source at room temperature
Q. Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 221105 (2014)-- June 3, 2014
We demonstrate room temperature continuous wave THz sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Buried ridge, buried composite distributed-feedback waveguide with Čerenkov phase-matching scheme is used to reduce the waveguide loss and enhance the heat dissipation for continuous wave operation. Continuous emission at 3.6 THz with a side-mode suppression ratio of 20 dB and output power up to 3 μW are achieved, respectively. THz peak power is further scaled up to 1.4 mW in pulsed mode by increasing the mid-infrared power through increasing the active region doping and device area. reprint
163.  Superlattice-based quantum devices: from theory to practical applications
M. Razeghi
Waves in Random and Complex Media, -- April 23, 2014
The concepts of resonant tunneling and superlattices were first developed by Esaki and Tsu. What started with the new physics of the Esaki tunnel diode has matured into nanoscale engineering of semiconductors superlattices to create whole synthetic band structures. While working at Thomson CSF in France, Manijeh Razeghi went on to develop the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy growth of superlattice material as reported in my seminal volumes of The MOCVD Challenge. After years of considerable effort to bring this technology to maturity, we now see the results of this formidable new science in almost every electronic and photonic device that we encounter. Among the most successful triumphs are the type-II superlattice photodetectors and quantum cascade lasers – these technologies have demonstrated the beauty of turning fundamental concepts into practical devices, thanks to advanced growth technologies. This enables us to design and realize compact devices capable of mimicking or even exceeding nature. Using superlattice to pioneer the development of quantum systems is driving the research work at the Center for Quantum Devices.
Novel Method for Reclaim/Reuse of Bulk GaN Substrates using Sacrifical ZnO Release Layers
Novel Method for Reclaim/Reuse of Bulk GaN Substrates using Sacrifical ZnO Release Layers
A. Rajan, S. Sundaram, Y. El Gmili, P. L. Voss, K. Pantzas, T. Moudakir, A. Ougazzaden, D. J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, V. E. Sandana, P. Bove, K. Prior, R. McClintock & M. Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 8987, Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, 898719-- April 2, 2014
Free-standing (0002)-oriented GaN substrates (f = 2”) were coated with 200 nm of ZnO and used as templates for the growth of GaN thin films. SEM and AFM revealed that such GaN layers had a relatively homogenous surface morphology with an RMS roughness (5 μm x 5 μm) of less than 4nm. XRD studies revealed strained ZnO growth on the GaN substrate and the reproduction of the substrate rocking curve for the GaN overlayers after only a hundred nm of growth, thus indicating that the GaN films had superior crystallographic quality compared to those grown on sapphire or ZnO/sapphire substrates. Quarter-wafer areas of GaN were removed from the GaN substrate (by selective chemical etching away of the ZnO interlayer). The expensive GaN substrates were then reclaimed/reused (without the need for polishing) for a second cycle of ZnO and GaN growth, which gave similar XRD, SEM, CL and AFM results to the first cycle. reprint
Cubic Phase GaN on Nano-grooved Si (100) via Maskless Selective Area Epitaxy
Cubic Phase GaN on Nano-grooved Si (100) via Maskless Selective Area Epitaxy
Bayram, C., Ott, J. A., Shiu, K.-T., Cheng, C.-W., Zhu, Y., Kim, J., Razeghi, M. and Sadana, D. K.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014-- April 1, 2014
A method of forming cubic phase (zinc blende) GaN (referred as c-GaN) on a CMOS-compatible on-axis Si (100) substrate is reported. Conventional GaN materials are hexagonal phase (wurtzite) (referred as h-GaN) and possess very high polarization fields (∼MV/cm) along the common growth direction of <0001>. Such large polarization fields lead to undesired shifts (e.g., wavelength and current) in the performance of photonic and vertical transport electronic devices. The cubic phase of GaN materials is polarization-free along the common growth direction of <001>, however, this phase is thermodynamically unstable, requiring low-temperature deposition conditions and unconventional substrates (e.g., GaAs). Here, novel nano-groove patterning and maskless selective area epitaxy processes are employed to integrate thermodynamically stable, stress-free, and low-defectivity c-GaN on CMOS-compatible on-axis Si. These results suggest that epitaxial growth conditions and nano-groove pattern parameters are critical to obtain such high quality c-GaN. InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well structures grown on c-GaN/Si (100) show strong room temperature luminescence in the visible spectrum, promising visible emitter applications for this technology. reprint
Evaluating the size-dependent quantum efficiency loss in a SiO<sub>2</sub>-Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3 </sub>hybrid gated type-II InAs/GaSb long-infrared photodetector array
Evaluating the size-dependent quantum efficiency loss in a SiO2-Y2O3 hybrid gated type-II InAs/GaSb long-infrared photodetector array
G. Chen , A. M. Hoang , and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 104 , 103509 (2014)-- March 14, 2014
Growing Y2O3 on 20 nm SiO2 to passivate a 11 μm 50% cut-off wavelength long-wavelength infrared type-II superlattice gated photodetector array reduces its saturated gate bias (VGsat ) to −7 V. Size-dependent quantum efficiency (QE) losses are evaluated from 400 μm to 57 μm size gated photodiode. Evolution of QE of the 57 μm gated photodiode with gate bias and diode operation bias reveals different surface recombination mechanisms. At 77 K and VG,sat , the 57 μm gated photodiode exhibits QE enhancement from 53% to 63%, and it has 1.2 × 10−5 A/cm² dark current density at −200 mV, and a specific detectivity of 2.3 × 1012 Jones. reprint
Nickel oxide growth on Si (111), c-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and FTO/glass by pulsed laser deposition
Nickel oxide growth on Si (111), c-Al2O3 and FTO/glass by pulsed laser deposition
V. E. Sandana ; D. J. Rogers ; F. Hosseini Teherani ; P. Bove ; R. McClintock ; M. Razeghi
03/07/2014-- March 7, 2014
NiO was grown on Si (111), c-Al2O3 and FTO/glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies revealed that layers grown on c-Al2O3 were fcc NiO with a dense morphology of cubic grains that were strongly (111) oriented along the growth direction. The relatively low ω rocking curve linewidth, of 0.12°suggests that there may have been epitaxial growth on the c-Al2O3 substrate. XRD and SEM indicated that films grown on Si (111) were also fcc NiO, with cubic grains, but that the grain orientation was random. This is consistent with the presence of an amorphous SiO2 layer at the surface of the Si substrate, which precluded epitaxial growth. NiO grown at lower temperature (200°C) on temperature-sensitive FTO/glass substrates showed no evidence of crystallinity in XRD and SEM studies. After flash annealing in air, however, peaks characteristic of randomly oriented fcc NiO appeared in the XRD scans and the surface morphology became more granular in appearance. Such layers appear promising for the development of future dye-sensitised solar cell devices based on NiO grown by PLD. reprint
Generation-recombination and trap-assisted tunneling in long wavelength infrared minority electron unipolar photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb superlattice
Generation-recombination and trap-assisted tunneling in long wavelength infrared minority electron unipolar photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb superlattice
F. Callewaert, A.M. Hoang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 104, 053508 (2014)-- February 6, 2014
A long wavelength infrared minority electron unipolar photodetector based on InAs/GaSb type-II superlattices is demonstrated. At 77 K, a dark current of 3 × 10−5 A/cm² and a differential resistance-area of 3 700 Ω·cm² are achieved at the turn-on bias, with a 50%-cutoff of 10.0 μm and a specific detectivity of 6.2 × 1011 Jones. The dark current is fitted as a function of bias and temperature using a model combining generation-recombination and trap-assisted tunneling. Good agreement was observed between the theory and the experimental dark current. reprint
Investigation of the factors influencing nanostructure array growth by PLD towards reproducible wafer-scale growth
Investigation of the factors influencing nanostructure array growth by PLD towards reproducible wafer-scale growth
Vinod E. Sandana; David. J. Rogers; Ferechteh Hosseini Teherani; Philippe Bove; Manijeh Razeghi
physica status solidi (a) Applications and Materials Science. Volume 211, Issue 2, pages 449–454, (February 2014)-- January 14, 2014
The growth of catalyst-free ZnO nanostructure arrays on silicon (111) substrates by pulsed laser deposition was investigated. Without an underlayer, randomly oriented, micron-scale structures were obtained. Introduction of a c-axis oriented ZnO underlayer resulted in denser arrays of vertically oriented nanostructures with either tapering, vertical-walled or broadening forms, depending on background Ar pressure. Nanostructure pitch seemed to be determined by underlayer grain size while nanostructure widths could be narrowed from ∼100–500 to ∼10–50 nm by a 50 °C increase in growth temperature. A dimpled underlayer topography correlated with the moth-eye type arrays while a more granular surface was linked to vertically walled nanocolumns. Between-wafer reproducibility was demonstrated for both moth-eye and vertical nanocolumn arrays. Broadening nanostructures proved difficult to replicate, however. Full 2 inch wafer coverage was obtained by rastering the target with the laser beam. reprint
Extended electrical tuning of quantum cascade lasers with digital concatenated gratings
Extended electrical tuning of quantum cascade lasers with digital concatenated gratings
S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, Q. Y. Lu, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 231110 (2013)-- December 6, 2013
In this report, the sampled grating distributed feedback laser architecture is modified with digital concatenated gratings to partially compensate for the wavelength dependence of optical gain in a standard high efficiency quantum cascade laser core. This allows equalization of laser threshold over a wide wavelength range and demonstration of wide electrical tuning. With only two control currents, a full tuning range of 500 nm (236 cm−1) has been demonstrated. Emission is single mode, with a side mode suppression of >20 dB. reprint
Effect of sidewall surface recombination on the quantum efficiency in a Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> passivated gated type-II InAs/GaSb long-infrared photodetector array
Effect of sidewall surface recombination on the quantum efficiency in a Y2O3 passivated gated type-II InAs/GaSb long-infrared photodetector array
G. Chen, A. M. Hoang, S. Bogdanov, A. Haddadi, S. R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 223501 (2013)-- November 25, 2013
Y2O3 was applied to passivate a long-wavelength infrared type-II superlattice gated photodetector array with 50% cut-off wavelength at 11 μm, resulting in a saturated gate bias that was 3 times lower than in a SiO2 passivated array. Besides effectively suppressing surface leakage, gating technique exhibited its ability to enhance the quantum efficiency of 100 × 100 μm size mesa from 51% to 57% by suppressing sidewall surface recombination. At 77 K, the gated photodetector showed dark current density and resistance-area product at −300 mV of 2.5 × 10−5 A/cm² and 1.3 × 104 Ω·cm², respectively, and a specific detectivity of 1.4 × 1012 Jones. reprint
Room temperature compact THz sources based on quantum cascade laser technology
Room temperature compact THz sources based on quantum cascade laser technology
M. Razeghi; Q.Y. Lu; N. Bandyopadhyay; S. Slivken; Y. Bai
Proc. SPIE 8846, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications IV, 884602 (September 24, 2013)-- November 24, 2013
We present the high performance THz sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Room temperature single-mode operation in a wide THz spectral range of 1-4.6 THz is demonstrated from our Čerenkov phase-matched THz sources with dual-period DFB gratings. High THz power up to 215 μW at 3.5 THz is demonstrated via epi-down mounting of our THz device. The rapid development renders this type of THz sources promising local oscillators for many astronomical and medical applications. reprint
Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>N-based back-illuminated solar-blind photodetectors with external quantum efficiency of 89%
AlxGa1-xN-based back-illuminated solar-blind photodetectors with external quantum efficiency of 89%
E. Cicek, R. McClintock, C. Y. Cho, B. Rahnema, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 191108 (2013)-- November 5, 2013
We report on high performance AlxGa1−xN-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector (PD) array grown on sapphire substrate. First, high quality, crack-free AlN template layer is grown via metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Then, we systematically optimized the device design and material doping through the growth and processing of multiple devices. After optimization, uniform and solar-blind operation is observed throughout the array; at the peak detection wavelength of 275 nm, 729 μm² area PD showed unbiased peak external quantum efficiency and responsivity of ∼80% and ∼176 mA/W, respectively, increasing to 89% under 5 V of reverse bias. Taking the reflection loses into consideration, the internal quantum efficiency of these optimized PD can be estimated to be as high as ∼98%. The visible rejection ratio measured to be more than six orders of magnitude. Electrical measurements yielded a low-dark current density: <2 × 10−9 A/cm², at 10 V of reverse bias. reprint
Recent advances in mid infrared (3-5 μm) quantum cascade lasers
Recent advances in mid infrared (3-5 μm) quantum cascade lasers
Manijeh Razeghi; Neelanjan Bandyopadhyay; Yanbo Bai; Quanyong Lu; Steven Slivken
Optical Materials Express, Vol. 3, Issue 11, pp. 1872-1884 (2013)-- November 2, 2013
Quantum cascade laser (QCL) is an important source of electromagnetic radiation in mid infrared region. Recent research in mid-IR QCLs has resulted in record high wallplug efficiency (WPE), high continuous wave (CW) output power, single mode operation and wide tunability. CW output power of 5.1 W with 21% WPE has been achieved at room temperature (RT). A record high WPE of 53% at 40K has been demonstrated. Operation wavelength of QCL in CW at RT has been extended to as short as 3μm. Very high peak power of 190 W has been obtained from a broad area QCL of ridge width 400μm. 2.4W RT, CW power output has been achieved from a distributed feedback (DFB) QCL. Wide tuning based on dual section sample grating DFB QCLs has resulted in individual tuning of 50cm-1 and 24 dB side mode suppression ratio with continuous wave power greater than 100 mW. reprint
Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1−x</sub>N-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector based on lateral epitaxial overgrowth of AlN on Si substrate
AlxGa1−xN-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector based on lateral epitaxial overgrowth of AlN on Si substrate
E. Cicek, R. McClintock, C. Y. Cho, B. Rahnema, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 181113 (2013)-- October 30, 2013
We report on AlxGa1−xN-based solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) photodetector (PD) grown on Si(111) substrate. First, Si(111) substrate is patterned, and then metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is implemented for a fully-coalesced ∼8.5 μm AlN template layer via a pulsed atomic layer epitaxial growth technique. A back-illuminated p-i-n PD structure is subsequently grown on the high quality AlN template layer. After processing and implementation of Si(111) substrate removal, the optical and electrical characteristic of PDs are studied. Solar-blind operation is observed throughout the array; at the peak detection wavelength of 290 nm, 625 μm² area PD showed unbiased peak external quantum efficiency and responsivity of ∼7% and 18.3 mA/W, respectively, with a UV and visible rejection ratio of more than three orders of magnitude. Electrical measurements yielded a low-dark current density below 1.6 × 10−8 A/cm² at 10 V reverse bias. reprint

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