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451. | High-Power CW Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers J.R. Meyer, W.W. Bewley, J.R. Lindle, I. Vurgaftman, A.J. Evans, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, -- January 22, 2005 We report the cw operation of quantum cascade lasers that do not require cryogenic cooling and emit at λ = 4.7-6.2 µm. At 200 K, more than 1 W of output power is obtained from 12-µm-wide stripes, with a wall-plug efficiency (ηwall) near 10%. Room-temperature cw operation has also been demonstrated, with a maximum output power of 640 mW (ηwall = 4.5%) at 6 µm and 260 mW (ηwall = 2.3%) at 4.8 µm. Far-field characterization indicates that whereas the beam quality remains close to the diffraction limit in all of the tested lasers, in the devices emitting at 6.2 µm the beam tends to steer by as much as 5-10° degrees in either direction with varying temperature and pump current. reprint |
452. | Back-illuminated solar-blind photodetectors for imaging applications R. McClintock, A. Yasan, K. Mayes, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp.175-- January 22, 2005 Back-illuminated solar-blind ultraviolet p-i-n photodetectors and focal plane arrays are investigated. We initially study single-pixel devices and then discuss the hybridization to a read-out integrated circuit to form focal plane arrays for solar-blind UV imaging. reprint |
453. | AlGaN-based deep UV light emitting diodes with peak emission below 255 nm A. Yasan, R. McClintock, K. Mayes, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 197-- January 22, 2005 We report on the growth and fabrication of AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with peak emission of below 255 nm. In order to achieve such short wavelength UV LEDs, the Al mole fractions in the device layers should be greater than ~60%. This introdues serious challenges on the growth and doping of AlxGa1-xN epilayers. However, with the aid of a high-quality AlN template layer and refinement of the growth conditions we have been able to demonstrate UV LEDs emitting below 255 nm. reprint |
454. | High performance LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors and infrared focal plane array Y. Wei, A. Hood, A. Gin, V. Yazdanpanah, M. Razeghi and M. Tidrow SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 309-- January 22, 2005 We report on the demonstration of a focal plane array based on Type-II InAs-GaSb superlattices grown on n-type GaSb substrate with a 50% cutoff wavelength at 10 μm. The surface leakage occurring after flip-chip bonding and underfill in the Type-II devices was suppressed using a double heterostructure design. The R0A of diodes passivated with SiO2 was 23 Ω·cm2 after underfill. A focal plane array hybridized to an Indigo readout integrated circuit demonstrated a noise equivalent temperature difference of 33 mK at 81 K, with an integration time of 0.23 ms. reprint |
455. | Passivation of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors A. Hood, Y. Wei, A. Gin, M. Razeghi, M. Tidrow, and V. Nathan SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 316-- January 22, 2005 Leakage currents limit the operation of high performance Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiode technology. Surface leakage current becomes a dominant limiting factor, especially at the scale of a focal plane array pixel (< 25 µm) and must be addressed. A reduction of the surface state density, unpinning the Fermi level at the surface, and appropriate termination of the semiconductor crystal are all aims of effective passivation. Recent work in the passivation of Type-II InAs\GaSb superlattice photodetectors with aqueous sulfur-based solutions has resulted in increased R0A products and reduced dark current densities by reducing the surface trap density. Additionally, photoluminescence of similarly passivated Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice and InAs GaSb bulk material will be discussed. reprint |
456. | High performance InAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIP) on InP by MOCVD W. Zhang, H. Lim, M. Taguchi, S. Tsao, J. Szafraniec, B. Movaghar, M. Razeghi, and M. Tidrow SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 326-- January 22, 2005 Inter-subband detectors such as quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP) have been widely used in infrared detection. Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) have been predicted to have better performance than QWIPs including higher operation temperature and normal incidence detection. Here we report our recent results of InAs QDIP grown on InP substrate by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The device structures consist of multiple stacks of InAs quantum dots with InP barriers. High detectivities in the range of 1010cm·Hz1/2/W were obtained at 77K. The measurements at higher temperatures show better temperature dependent performance than QWIP. However, the performances of QDIPs are still far from the expected. One of the reasons is the low quantum efficiency due to the low fill factor of quantum dots layer. Resonant cavity enhanced QDIP has been studied to increase the quantum efficiency. Different schemes of mirrors using free carrier plasma and distributed Bragg reflector are discussed. reprint |
457. | High performance InGaAs/InGaP quantum dot infrared photodetector achieved through doping level optimization S. Tsao, K. Mi, J. Szafraniec, W. Zhang, H. Lim, B. Movaghar, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 334-- January 22, 2005 We report an InGaAs/InGaP/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetector grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with detectivity of 1.3x1011 cm·Hz½/W at 77K and 1.2x1010 ccm·Hz½/W at 120K. Modeling of the Quantum dot energy levels showed us that increased photoresponse could be obtained by doping the quantum dots to 4 electrons per dot instead of the usual 2 electrons per dot. This happens because the primary photocurrent transition is from the first excited state to a higher excited state. Increasing the quantum doping in our device yielded significant responsivity improvement and much higher detectivity as a result. This paper discusses the performance of this higher doping device and compares it to our previously reported device with lower doping. reprint |
458. | GaInAs/InP nanopillar arrays for long wavelength infrared detection A. Gin, Y. Wei, A. Hood, D. Hoffman, M. Razeghi and G.J. Brown SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 350-- January 22, 2005 Nanopillar devices have been fabricated from GaInAs/InP QWIP material grown by MOCVD. Using electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching techniques, large, regular arrays of nanopillars with controllable diameters ranging from 150 nm to less than 40 nm have been reproducibly formed. Photoluminescence experiments demonstrate a strong peak wavelength blue shift for nanopillar structures compared to the as-grown quantum well material. Top and bottom metal contacts have been realized using a polyimide planarization and etchback procedure. I-V and noise measurements have been performed. Optical measurements indicate photoconductive response in selected nanopillar arrays. Device peak wavelength response occurs at about 8 µm with peak device responsivity of 420 mA/W. Peak detectivity of 3×108 cm·Hz½/W has been achieved at -1V bias and 30 K. reprint |
459. | ZnO Thin Film Templates for GaN-based Devices D.J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, A. Yasan, R. McClintock, K. Mayes, S.R. Darvish, P. Kung, M. Razeghi and G. Garry SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 412-- January 22, 2005 GaN-based optoelectronic devices are plagued by a tendency to non-radiative transitions linked to defects in the active layers. ZnO is promising as a substrate material for GaN because it has the same wurtzite structure and a relatively small lattice mismatch (~1.8%). In this paper, we discuss use of ZnO thin films as templates for GaN based LED. reprint |
(2)(3).png) | Transport and photodetection in self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots M Razeghi, H Lim, S Tsao, J Szafraniec, W Zhang, K Mi and B Movaghar Nanotechnology 16 219-- January 7, 2005 A great step forward in science and technology was made when it was
discovered that lattice mismatch can be used to grow highly ordered,
artificial atom-like structures called self-assembled quantum dots. Several
groups have in the meantime successfully demonstrated useful infrared
photodetection devices which are based on this technology. The new
physics is fascinating, and there is no doubt that many new applications will
be found when we have developed a better understanding of the underlying
physical processes, and in particular when we have learned how to integrate
the exciting new developments made in nanoscopic addressing and
molecular self-assembly methods with semiconducting dots. In this paper
we examine the scientific and technical questions encountered in current
state of the art infrared detector technology and suggest ways of overcoming
these difficulties. Promoting simple physical pictures, we focus in particular
on the problem of high temperature detector operation and discuss the origin
of dark current, noise, and photoresponse. reprint |
461. | 320x256 Solar-Blind Focal Plane Arrays based on AlxGa1-xN R. McClintock, K. Mayes, A. Yasan, D. Shiell, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 86 (1)-- January 3, 2005 We report AlGaN-based back-illuminated solar-blind ultraviolet focal plane arrays operating at a wavelength of 280 nm. The electrical characteristics of the individual pixels are discussed, and the uniformity of the array is presented. The p–i–n photodiode array was hybridized to a 320×256 read-out integrated circuit entirely within our university research lab, and a working 320×256 camera was demonstrated. Several example solar-blind images from the camera are also provided. reprint |
462. | Advanced Monolithic Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Focal Plane Array Integrated with Silicon Readout Integrated Circuit J. Jiang, S. Tsao, K. Mi, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, C. Jelen and M.Z. Tidrow Infrared Physics and Technology, 46 (3)-- January 1, 2005 Today, most infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) utilize a hybrid scheme. To achieve higher device reliability and lower cost, monolithic FPAs with Si based readout integrated circuits (ROICs) are the trend of the future development. In this paper, two approaches for monolithic FPAs are proposed: double sided integration and selective epitaxy integration. For comparison, the fabrication process for hybrid quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP) FPAs are also described. Many problems, such as the growth of QWIPs on Si substrate and processing incompatibility between Si and III–V semiconductors, need to be solved before monolithic FPAs can be realized. Experimental work on GaInAs/InP QWIP-on-Si is given in this paper. A record high detectivity of 2.3×109 jones was obtained for one QWIP-on-Si detector at 77 K. reprint |
463. | Continuous-wave operation of λ ~ 4.8 µm quantum-cascade lasers at room temperature A. Evans, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 85 (12)-- September 20, 2004 Continuous-wave (cw) operation of quantum-cascade lasers emitting at λ~4.8 µm is reported up to a temperature of 323 K. Accurate control of layer thickness and strain-balanced material composition is demonstrated using x-ray diffraction. cw output power is reported to be in excess of 370 mW per facet at 293 K, and 38 mW per facet at 323 K. Room-temperature average power measurements are demonstrated with over 600 mW per facet at 50% duty cycle with over 300 mW still observed at 100% (cw) duty cycle. reprint |
464. | Review of III-Nitride Optoelectronic Materials for light Emission and Detection M. Razeghi, A. Yasan, R. McClintock, K. Mayes, D. Shiell, S. Darvish, and P. Kung Physica Status Solidi C S141 - S148-- September 10, 2004 We review the significant achievements relating to optoelectronic devices based on III-nitrides at the center for quantum devices (CQD). Based on GaN/InGaN multiple-quantum well structures, we demonstrated blue laser diodes at a wavelength of 405 nm. This achievement was particularly significant at the time, because while no defect reduction technique was used, a fairly low threshold current density was achieved (3.8 kA/cm²). In the past few years, however, the interest has shifted towards shorter wavelength light emitters, i.e. ultraviolet LEDs and LDs. Lower crystalline quality and unsatisfactory doping levels of AlGaN compound semiconductors posed serious challenges en route to the realization of UV light emitters. However, steady progress in the growth of AlGaN and AlN epilayers made it possible to overcome some of the difficulties. To date, we have been able to demonstrate UV LEDs at wavelengths as short as 265 nm (corresponding to 45% Al in AlxGa1-xN) with optical output powers of over 5 mW. We have addressed the n-type AlGaN doping problem by using a Si-In co-doped scheme. We also employed high-quality AlGaN/AlN superlattice templates for the reduction of defects. We have also demonstrated 280 nm UV LEDs with output powers of over 6 mW and external quantum efficiencies of over 0.25%. Despite all the success in the realization of short-wavelength UV LEDs, UV laser diodes at these short wavelengths are yet to be realized. The main difficulties are the low material quality, high device resistance leading to excessive heating of the device, realization of smooth cavity mirrors, and issues related to the cracking of the material. We have also demonstrated different types of photodetectors in the UV range of the spectrum: photoconductors, MSM photodetector, Schottky barrier photodetectors, and p-i-n photodiodes to name a few. The most promising type of photodetector for realization of UV imaging focal plane arrays is the p-i-n photodiode. Realization of high-efficiency AlGaN-based p-i-n photodiodes becomes more difficult when considering the need for the collection of the light from the backside of the substrate. However, similar to our back-emission UV LED structure, we have demonstrated back-illuminated p-i-n solar-blind photodiodes with external quantum efficiencies as high as 68% under no applied bias and 74% under -5 V of bias. reprint |
465. | Demonstration of a 256x256 Middle-Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Array based on InGaAs/InGaP Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors (QDIPs) J. Jiang, K. Mi, S. Tsao, W. Zhang, H. Lim, T.O'Sullivan, T. Sills, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, and M.Z. Tidrow Applied Physics Letters, 84 (13)-- April 29, 2004 We report a demonstration of an infrared focal plane array based on InGaAs/InGaP quantum dot infrared photodetectors. The middle-wavelength infrared quantum-dot infrared photodetector (QDIP) structure was grown via low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition. A detectivity of 3.6×1010 cm·Hz½/W was achieved at T = 95 K and a bias of –1.4 V. The background limited temperature of our QDIP was 140 K with a 45° field of view. A 256×256 detector array was fabricated with dry etching, and hybridized to a Litton readout chip by indium bumps. Thermal imaging was achieved at temperatures up to 120 K. At T = 77 K, the noise equivalent temperature difference was measured as 0.509 K with a 300 K background and f/2.3 optics. reprint |
466. | High Detectivity InGaAs/InGaP Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors Grown by Low Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition J. Jiang, S. Tsao, T. O'Sullivan, W. Zhang, H. Lim, T. Sills, K. Mi, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, and M.Z. Tidrow Applied Physics Letters, 84 (12)-- April 22, 2004 We report a high detectivity middle-wavelength infrared quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP). The InGaAs quantum dots were grown by self-assembly on an InGaP matrix via low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Photoresponse was observed at temperatures above 200 K with a peak wavelength of 4.7 µm and cutoff wavelength of 5.2 µm. The background limited performance temperature was 140 K, and this was attributed to the super low dark current observed in this QDIP. A detectivity of 3.6×1010 cm·Hz½/W, which is comparable to the state-of-the-art quantum well infrared photodetectors in a similar wavelength range, was obtained for this InGaAs/InGaP QDIP at both T = 77 K and T = 95 K at biases of –1.6 and –1.4 V, reprint |
467. | Demonstration of a 256x256 Middle-Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Array based on InGaAs/InGaP Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors (QDIPs) J. Jiang, K. Mi, S. Tsao, W. Zhang, H. Lim, T.O'Sullivan, T. Sills, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, and M.Z. Tidrow Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 9 (13)-- April 5, 2004reprint |
468. | High Detectivity InGaAs/InGaP Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors Grown by Low Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition J. Jiang, S. Tsao, T. O'Sullivan, W. Zhang, H. Lim, T. Sills, K. Mi, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, and M.Z. Tidrow Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 9 (12)-- March 29, 2004reprint |
469. | Ammonium Sulfide Passivation of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodiodes A. Gin, Y. Wei, A. Hood, A. Bajowala, V. Yazdanpanah, M. Razeghi and M.Z. Tidrow Applied Physics Letters, 84 (12)-- March 22, 2004 We report on the surface passivation of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors using various ammonium sulfide solutions. Compared to unpassivated detectors, zero-bias resistance of treated 400 µm×400 µm devices with 8 µm cutoff wavelength was improved by over an order of magnitude to ~20 kΩ at 80 K. Reverse-bias dark current density was reduced by approximately two orders of magnitude to less than 10 mA/cm2 at –2 V. Dark current modeling, which takes into account trap-assisted tunneling, indicates greater than 70 times reduction in bulk trap density for passivated detectors. reprint |
470. | Fabrication of Indium Bumps for Hybrid Infrared Focal Plane Array Applications J. Jiang, S. Tsao, T. O'Sullivan, M. Razeghi, and G.J. Brown Infrared Physics and Technology, 45 (2)-- March 1, 2004 Hybrid infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) have found many applications. In hybrid IR FPAs, FPA and Si read out integrated circuits (ROICs) are bonded together with indium bumps by flip-chip bonding. Taller and higher uniformity indium bumps are always being pursued in FPA fabrication. In this paper, two indium bump fabrication processes based on evaporation and electroplating techniques are developed. Issues related to each fabrication technique are addressed in detail. The evaporation technique is based on a unique positive lithography process. The electroplating method achieves taller indium bumps with a high aspect ratio by a unique “multi-stack” technique. This technique could potentially benefit the fabrication of multi-color FPAs. Finally, a proposed low-cost indium bump fabrication technique, the “bump transfer”, is given as a future technology for hybrid IR FPA fabrication. reprint |
471. | High-Power Continuous-Wave Operation of Quantum-Cascade Lasers Up to 60 °C J.S. Yu, A. Evans, J. David, L. Doris, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16 (3)-- March 1, 2004 High-temperature high-power continuous-wave (CW) operation of high-reflectivity-coated 12 μm wide quantum-cascade lasers emitting at λ = 6 μm with a thick electroplated Au top contact layer is reported for different cavity lengths. For a 3 mm long laser, the CW optical output powers of 381 mW at 293 K and 22 mW at maximum operating temperature of 333 K (60°C) are achieved with threshold current densities of 1.93 and 3.09 kA/cm2, respectively. At 298 K, the same cavity gives a maximum wall plug efficiency of 3.17% at 1.07 A. An even higher CW optical output power of 424 mW at 293 K is obtained for a 4-mm-long laser and the device also operates up to 332 K with an output power of 14 mW. Thermal resistance is also analyzed at threshold as a function of cavity length. reprint |
472. | Ridge-Width Dependence on High-Temperature Continuous-Wave Quantum-Cascade Laser Operation S. Slivken, J.S. Yu, A. Evans, L. Doris, J. David, and M. Razeghi IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16 (3)-- March 1, 2004 We report continuous-wave (CW) operation of quantum-cascade lasers (λ=6 μm) up to a temperature of 313 K (40°C). The maximum CW optical output powers range from 212 mW at 288 K to 22 mW at 313 K and are achieved with threshold current densities of 2.21 and 3.11 kA/cm2, respectively, for a high-reflectivity-coated 12-μm-wide and 2-mm-long laser. At room temperature (298 K), the power output is 145 mW at 0.87 A, corresponding to a power conversion efficiency of 1.68%. The maximum CW operating temperature of double-channel ridge waveguide lasers mounted epilayer-up on copper heatsinks is analyzed in terms of the ridge width, which is varied between 12 and 40 μm. A clear trend of improved performance is observed as the ridge narrows. reprint |
473. | High Quantum Efficiency AlGaN Solar-Blind Photodetectors R. McClintock, A. Yasan, K. Mayes, D. Shiell, S.R. Darvish, P. Kung and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 84 (8)-- February 23, 2004 We report AlGaN-based back-illuminated solar-blind ultraviolet p-i-n photodetectors with a peak responsivity of 136 mA/W at 282 nm without bias. This corresponds to a high external quantum efficiency of 60%, which improves to a value as high as 72% under 5 V reverse bias. We attribute the high performance of these devices to the use of a very-high quality AlN and Al0.87Ga0.13N/AlN superlattice material and a highly conductive Si–In co-doped Al0.5Ga0.5N layer reprint |
474. | High Power 280 nm AlGaN Light Emitting Diodes Based on an Asymmetric Single Quantum Well K. Mayes, A. Yasan, R. McClintock, D. Shiell, S.R. Darvish, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 84 (7)-- February 16, 2004 We demonstrate high-power AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on sapphire with an emission wavelength of 280 nm using an asymmetric single-quantum-well active layer configuration on top of a high-quality AlGaN/AlN template layer. An output power of 1.8 mW at a pulsed current of 400 mA was achieved for a single 300 µm×300 µm diode. This device reached a high peak external quantum efficiency of 0.24% at 40 mA. An array of four diodes produced 6.5 mW at 880 mA of pulsed current. reprint |
475. | Modeling of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices Using Empirical Tight-Binding Method and Interface Engineering Y. Wei and M. Razeghi Physical Review B, 69 (8)-- February 15, 2004 We report the most recent work on the modeling of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices using the empirical tight binding method in an sp3s* basis. After taking into account the antimony segregation in the InAs layers, the modeling accuracy of the band gap has been improved. Our calculations agree with our experimental results within a certain growth uncertainty. In addition, we introduce the concept of GaxIn1-x type interface engineering in order to reduce the lattice mismatch between the superlattice and the GaSb (001) substrate to improve the overall superlattice material quality. reprint |
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