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(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29).png) | Recent advances in high power mid- and far-wavelength infrared lasers for free space communication S. Slivken and M. Razeghi SPIE Optics East Conference, October 1-4, 2006, Boston, MA Proceedings – Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications VI, Vol. 6389, p. 63890S-1-- October 4, 2006 Link reliability is a significant issue for free space optical links. Inclement weather, such as fog, can seriously reduce the transmission of light through the atmosphere. However, this effect, for some types of fog, is wavelength-dependent. In order to improve link availability in both metro and hostile environments, mid- and far-wavelength infrared diode lasers can be of use. This paper will discuss some of the recent advances in high-power, uncooled quantum cascade lasers and their potential for use in long range and/or highly reliable free space communication links. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30).png) | First Demonstration of ~ 10 microns FPAs in InAs/GaSb SLS M. Razeghi, P.Y. Delaunay, B.M. Nguyen, A. Hood, D. Hoffman, R. McClintock, Y. Wei, E. Michel, V. Nathan and M. Tidrow IEEE LEOS Newsletter 20 (5)-- October 1, 2006 The concept of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice was first brought by Nobel Laureate L. Esaki, et al. in the 1970s. There had been few studies on this material system until two decades later when reasonable quality material growth was made possible using molecular beam epitaxy. With the addition of cracker cells for the group V sources and optimizations of material growth conditions, the superlattice quality become significantly improved and the detectors made of these superlattice materials can meet the demand in some practical field applications. Especially in the LWIR regime, it provides a very promising alternative to HgCdTe for better material stability and uniformity, etc. We have developed the empirical tight binding model (ETBM) for precise determination of the superlattice bandgap. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31).png) | Optical Coatings by ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared quantum cascade lasers J. Nguyen, J.S. Yu, A. Evans, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 89 (11)-- September 11, 2006 The authors report on the development of high-reflection and multilayer antireflection coatings using ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared (λ~9.4 μm) quantum cascade lasers. A metallic high-reflection coating structure using Y2O3 and Au is demonstrated to achieve a high reflectance of 96.70%, and the use of a multilayer anti-reflection coating structure using PbTe and ZnO is demonstrated to achieve a very low reflectance of 1.64%. reprint |
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(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33).png) | High performance mid-wavelength quantum dot infrared photodetectors for focal plane arrays M. Razeghi, H. Lim, S. Tsao, M. Taguchi, W. Zhang and A.A. Quivy SPIE Conference, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6297, pp. 62970C-- August 13, 2006 Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) have recently emerged as promising candidates for detection in the middle wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long wavelength infrared (LWIR) ranges. Here, we report our recent results for mid-wavelength QDIPs grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Three monolayer of In0.68Ga0.32As self-assembled via the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode and formed lens-shaped InGaAs quantum dots with a density around 3×1010 cm-2. The peak responsivity at 77 K was measured to be 3.4 A/W at a bias of -1.9 V with 4.7 µm peak detection wavelength. Focal plane arrays (FPAs) based on these devices have been developed. The preliminary result of FPA imaging is presented. reprint |
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408. | Quantum Dots in GaInP/GaInAs/GaAs for Infrared Sensing M. Razeghi, H. Lim, S. Tsao, M. Taguchi, W. Zhang, and A.A. Quivy Advances in Science and Technology 51-- June 4, 2006 Quantum dots grown by epitaxial self-assembly via Stranski- Krastanov growth mode have many favorable properties for infrared sensing. Because of their very small size and three-dimensional confinement, the electronic energy levels are quantized and discrete. These quantum effects lead to a unique property, “phonon bottleneck”, which might enable the high operating temperature of infrared sensing which usually requires cryogenic cooling. Here we report a focal plane array (FPA) based on an epitaxial self-assembled quantum dot infrared detector (QDIP). The device structure containing self-assembled In0.68Ga0.32As quantum dots with a density around 3×1010 cm-2 was grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). Using different structures, we successfully developed QDIPs with a peak photoresponse around 5 μm and 9 μm. High peak detectivities were achieved at 77 K from both QDIPs. By stacking both device structures, we demonstrated a two-color QDIP whose peak detection wavelength could be tuned from 5 μm to 9 μm by changing the bias. 256×256 detector arrays based on 5 μm and 9 μm-QDIPs were fabricated with standard photolithography, dry etching and hybridization to a read-out integrated circuit (ROIC). We demonstrated thermal imaging from our FPAs based on QDIPs. |
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(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37).png) | Type-II superlattice photodetectors for MWIR to VLWIR focal plane arrays M. Razeghi, Y. Wei, A. Hood, D. Hoffman, B.M. Nguyen, P.Y. Delaunay, E. Michel and R. McClintock SPIE Infrared Technology and Applications Conference, April 17-21, 2006, Orlando, FL Proceedings – Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII, Vol. 6206, p. 62060N-1-- April 21, 2006 Results obtained on GaSb/InAs Type-II superlattices have shown performance comparable to HgCdTe detectors, with the promise of higher performance due to reduced Auger recombination and dark current through improvements in device design and material quality. In this paper, we discuss advancements in Type-II IR sensors that cover the 3 to > 30 µm wavelength range. Specific topics covered will be device design and modeling using the Empirical Tight Binding Method (ETBM), material growth and characterization, device fabrication and testing, as well as focal plane array processing and imaging. Imaging has been demonstrated at room temperature for the first time with a 5 µm cutoff wavelength 256×256 focal plane array. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38).png) | Quantum-dot infrared photodetectors and focal plane arrays M. Razeghi, H. Lim, S. Tsao, M. Taguchi, W. Zhang, and A.A. Quivy SPIE Infrared Technology and Applications Conference, April 17-21, 2006, Orlando, FL Proceedings – Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII, Vol. 6206, p. 62060I-1-- April 21, 2006 We report our recent results about mid-wavelength infrared quantum-dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A very high responsivity and a very low dark current were obtained. A high peak detectivity of the order of 3×1012 Jones was achieved at 77 K. The temperature dependent device performance was also investigated. The improved temperature insensitivity compared to QWIPs was attributed to the properties of quantum dots. The device showed a background limited performance temperature of 220 K with a 45° field of view and 300K background. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39).png) | Electroluminescence at 375 nm from a Zn0/GaN:Mg/c-Al2O3 heterojunction light emitting diodes D.J. Rogers, F.Hosseini Teherani, A. Yasan, K. Minder, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 88 (14)-- April 13, 2006 n-ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunction light emitting diode (LED) mesas were fabricated on c-Al2O3 substrates using pulsed laser deposition for the ZnO and metal organic chemical vapor deposition for the GaN:Mg. Room temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) showed an intense main peak at 375 nm and a negligibly low green emission indicative of a near band edge excitonic emission from a ZnO layer with low dislocation/defect density. The LEDs showed I-V characteristics confirming a rectifying diode behavior and a RT electroluminescence (EL) peaked at about 375 nm. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40).png) | Improved performance of quantum cascade lasers through a scalable, manufacturable epitaxial-side-down mounting process A. Tsekoun, R. Go, M. Pushkarsky, M. Razeghi, and C. Kumar N. Patel Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (13)-- March 26, 2006 We report substantially improved performance of high-power quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) by using epitaxial-side-down mounting that provides superior heat dissipation properties. We used aluminum nitride as the heatsink material and gold–tin eutectic solder. We have obtained continuous wave power output of 450 mW at 20°C from mid-IR QCLs. The improved thermal management achieved with epitaxial-side-down mounting combined with a highly manufacturable and scalable assembly process should permit incorporation of mid-IR QCLs in reliable instrumentation. |
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and deposited on a GaAs substrate was demonstrated. Its photoresponse at T=77 K was measured
to be around 4.7 μm with a cutoff at 5.5 μm. Due to the high peak responsivity of 1.2 A/W and low
dark-current noise of the device, a specific peak detectivity of 1.1 x 1012 cm·Hz½·W−1 was
achieved at −0.9 V bias reprint |
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(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44).png) | Negative luminescence of InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes F. Fuchs, D. Hoffman, A. Gin, A. Hood, Y. Wei, and M. Razeghi Phys. Stat. Sol. C 3 (3)-- February 22, 2006 The emission behaviour of InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes has been studied in the spectral range between 8 µm and 13 μm. With a radiometric calibration of the experimental set-up the internal quantum efficiency has been determined in the temperature range between 80 K and 300 K for both, the negative and positive luminescence. The quantitative analysis of the internal quantum efficiency of the non-equilibrium radiation enables the determination of the Auger coefficient. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45).png) | Non-equilibrium radiation of long wavelength InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes D. Hoffman, A. Hood, F. Fuchs and M. Razeghi Journal of Applied Physics 99-- February 15, 2006 The emission behavior of binary-binary type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes has been studied in the spectral range between 8 and 13 μm. With a radiometric calibration of the experimental setup the internal and external quantum efficiencies have been determined in the temperature range between 80 and 300 K for both the negative and positive luminescences. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46).png) | Capacitance-voltage investigation of high purity InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes A. Hood, D. Hoffman, Y. Wei, F. Fuchs, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 88 (6)-- February 6, 2006 The residual carrier backgrounds of binary type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with cutoff wavelengths around 5 μm have been studied in the temperature range between 20 and 200 K. By applying a capacitance-voltage measurement technique, a residual background concentration below 1015 cm–3 has been found. reprint |
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47).png) | Electroluminescence of InAs/GaSb heterodiodes D. Hoffman, A. Hood, E. Michel, F. Fuchs, and M. Razeghi IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 42 (2)-- February 1, 2006 The electroluminescence of a Type-II InAs-GaSb superlattice heterodiode has been studied as a function of injection current and temperature in the spectral range between 3 and 13 μm. The heterodiode comprises a Be-doped midwavelength infrared (MWIR) superlattice with an effective bandgap around 270 meV and an undoped long wavelength infrared (LWIR) superlattice with an effective bandgap of 115 meV. reprint |
421. | Quantum-Cascade Lasers Operating in Continuous-Wave Mode Above 90°C at λ ~5.25 µm A. Evans, J. Nguyen, S. Slivken, J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 88 (5)-- January 30, 2006 We report on the design and fabrication of λ~5.25 μm quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) for very high temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation. CW operation is reported up to a maximum temperature of 90 °C (363 K). CW output power is reported in excess of 500 mW near room temperature with a low threshold current density. A finite element thermal model is used to investigate the Gth and maximum CW operating temperature of the QCLs. reprint |
422. | Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of quantum-cascade lasers at λ ~ 4 µm J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish, A. Evans, J. Nguyen, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 88 (4)-- January 23, 2006 High-power cw λ~4 μm quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) are demonstrated. The effect of different cavity length and laser die bonding is also investigated. For a high-reflectivity-coated 11-μm-wide and 4-mm-long epilayer-down bonded QCL, cw output powers as high as 1.6 W at 80 K and 160 mW at 298 K are obtained, and the cw operation is achieved up to 313 K with 12 mW. reprint |
423. | Positive and negative luminescence in binary Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes D. Hoffman and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 61271H-- January 23, 2006 In the present work, we show measurements of both positive and negative luminescence of binary Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes in the 3 to 13 μm spectral range. Through a radiometric calibration technique, we demonstrate temperature independent negative luminescence efficiencies of 45 % in the midwavelength (MWIR) sample from 220 K to 320 K without anti-reflective coating and values reaching 35 % in the long wavelength infrared (LWIR) spectrum sample. reprint |
424. | Solar-blind avalanche photodiodes R. McClintock, K. Minder, A. Yasan, C. Bayram, F. Fuchs, P. Kung and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 61271D-- January 23, 2006 There is a need for semiconductor based UV photodetectors to support avalanche gain in order to realize better performance and more effectively compete with existing photomultiplier tubes. However, there are numerous technical issues associated with the realization of high-quality solar-blind avalanche photodiodes (APDs). In this paper, APDs operating at 280 nm, within the solar-blind region of the ultraviolet spectrum, are investigated. reprint |
425. | Performance characteristics of high-purity mid-wave and long-wave infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared photodiodes A. Hood, M. Razeghi, V. Nathan and M.Z. Tidrow SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 61270U-- January 23, 2006 The authors report on recent advances in the development of mid-, long-, and very long-wavelength infrared (MWIR, LWIR, and VLWIR) Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared photodiodes. The residual carrier background of binary Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes of cut-off wavelengths around 5 µm has been studied in the temperature range between 10 and 200 K. A four-point, capacitance-voltage technique on mid-wavelength and long-wavelength Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared photodiodes reveal residual background concentrations around 5×1014 cm-3. Additionally, recent progress towards LWIR photodiodes for focal plane array imaging applications is presented. reprint |
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