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1.  Recent performance records for mid-IR quantum cascade lasers
M. Razeghi; Y. Bai; S. Slivken; S. Kuboya; S.R. Darvish
Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Basic Research and Practical Applications, 2009. TERA-MIR International Workshop [5379656], (2009) -- November 9, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
The wall plug efficiency of the mid-infrared quantum cascade laser in room temperature continuous wave operation is brought to 17%. Peak output power from a broad area (400 μm x 3 mm) device gives 120 W output power in pulsed mode operation at room temperature. Using a single-well-injector design, specifically made for low temperature operation, a record wall plug efficiency of 53% is demonstrated at 40 K. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Infrared detection from GaInAs/InP nanopillar arrays
A. Gin, B. Movaghar, M. Razeghi and G.J. Brown
Nanotechnology 16-- July 1, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
We report on the photoresponse from large arrays of 40 nm radius nanopillars with sensitivity in the long-wavelength infrared regime. Using photoluminescence techniques, a peak wavelength blue shift of approximately 5 meV was observed at 30 K from GaInAs/InP nanopillar structures, indicating carrier confinement effects. Responsivity measurements at 30 K indicated peak wavelength response at about 8 µm with responsivity of 420 mA/W at −2 V bias. We have also measured the noise and estimated the peak detectivity to be 3×108 cm·Hz½·W−1 at 1 V reverse bias and 30 K. A maximum internal quantum efficiency of 4.5% was derived from experiment. Both the photo and the dark transport have been successfully modeled as processes that involve direct and indirect field-assisted tunneling as well as thermionic emission. The best agreement with experiment was obtained when allowances were made for the non-uniformity of barrier widths and electric field heating of carriers above the lattice temperature. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Negative and positive luminescence in mid-wavelength infrared InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes
D. Hoffman, A. Gin, Y. Wei, A. Hood, F. Fuchs, and M. Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 41 (12)-- December 1, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
The quantum efficiency of negative and positive luminescence in binary type-II InAs-GaSb superlattice photodiodes has been investigated in the midinfrared spectral range around the 5-μm wavelength. The negative luminescence efficiency is nearly independent on temperature in the entire range from 220 to 325 K. For infrared diodes with a 2-μm absorbing layer, processed without anti-reflection coating, a negative luminescence efficiency of 45% is found, indicating very efficient minority carrier extraction. The temperature dependent measurements of the quantum efficiency of the positive luminescence enables for the determination of the capture cross section of the Shockley-Read-Hall centers involved in the competing nonradiative recombination. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Background limited performance of long wavelength infrared focal plane arrays fabricated from type-II InAs/GaSb M-structure superlattice
P.Y. Delaunay, B.M. Nguyen and M. Razeghi
SPIE Porceedings, Vol. 7298, Orlando, FL 2009, p. 72981Q-- April 13, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
Recent advances in growth techniques, structure design and processing have lifted the performance of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors. The introduction of a M-structure design improved both the dark current and R0A of Type-II photodiodes. This new structure combined with a thick absorbing region demonstrated background limited performance at 77K for a 300K background and a 2-π field of view. A focal plane array with a 9.6 μm 50% cutoff wavelength was fabricated with this design and characterized at 80K. The dark current of individual pixels was measured around 1.3 nA, 7 times lower than previous superlattice FPAs. This led to a higher dynamic range and longer integration times. The quantum efficiency of detectors without anti-reflective coating was 72%. The noise equivalent temperature difference reached 23 mK. The deposition of an anti-reflective coating improved the NEDT to 20 mK and the quantum efficiency to 89%. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  2.4 W room temperature continuous wave operation of distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers
Q.Y. Lu, Y. Bai, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 18, p. 181106-1-- May 4, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate high power continuous-wave room-temperature operation surface-grating distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers at 4.8 μm. High power single mode operation benefits from a combination of high-reflection and antireflection coatings. Maximum single-facet continuous-wave output power of 2.4 W and peak wall plug efficiency of 10% from one facet is obtained at 298 K. Single mode operation with a side mode suppression ratio of 30 dB and single-lobed far field without beam steering is observed. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Recent advances in high power mid- and far-wavelength infrared lasers for free space communication
S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
SPIE Optics East Conference, October 1-4, 2006, Boston, MA Proceedings – Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications VI, Vol. 6389, p. 63890S-1-- October 4, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
Link reliability is a significant issue for free space optical links. Inclement weather, such as fog, can seriously reduce the transmission of light through the atmosphere. However, this effect, for some types of fog, is wavelength-dependent. In order to improve link availability in both metro and hostile environments, mid- and far-wavelength infrared diode lasers can be of use. This paper will discuss some of the recent advances in high-power, uncooled quantum cascade lasers and their potential for use in long range and/or highly reliable free space communication links. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Negative luminescence of long-wavelength InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes
D. Hoffman, A. Hood, Y. Wei, A. Gin, F. Fuchs, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 87 (20)-- November 14, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
The electrically pumped emission behavior of binary type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes has been studied in the spectral range between 8 µm and 13 µm. With a radiometric calibration of the experimental setup, the internal and external quantum efficiency has been determined in the temperature range between 80 K and 300 K for both, the negative and positive luminescence. The negative luminescence efficiency approaches values as high as 35% without antireflection coating. The temperature dependence of the internal quantum efficiency near zero-bias voltage allows for the determination of the electron-hole-electron Auger recombination coefficient of Γn=1×1024 cm6 s–1. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Recent Advances in InAs/GaSb Superlattices for Very Long Wavelength Infrared Detection
G.J. Brown, F. Szmulowicz, K. Mahalingam, S. Houston, Y. Wei, A. Gin and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 4999, pp. 457-- January 27, 2003 ...[Visit Journal]
New infrared (IR) detector materials with high sensitivity, multi-spectral capability, improved uniformity and lower manufacturing costs are required for numerous long and very long wavelength infrared imaging applications. One materials system has shown great theoretical and, more recently, experimental promise for these applications: InAs/InxGa1-xSb type-II superlattices. In the past few years, excellent results have been obtained on photoconductive and photodiode samples designed for infrared detection beyond 15 microns. The infrared properties of various compositions and designs of these type-II superlattices have been studied. The infrared photoresponse spectra are combined with quantum mechanical modeling of predicted absorption spectra to provide insight into the underlying physics behind the quantum sensing in these materials. Results for superlattice photodiodes with cut-off wavelengths as long as 25 microns are presented. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Room temperature terahertz semiconductor frequency comb
Quanyong Lu, Feihu Wang, Donghai Wu, Steven Slivken & Manijeh Razeghi
Nature Communications 10, 2403-- June 3, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
A terahertz (THz) frequency comb capable of high-resolution measurement will significantly advance THz technology application in spectroscopy, metrology and sensing. The recently developed cryogenic-cooled THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) comb has exhibited great potentials with high power and broadband spectrum. Here, we report a room temperature THz harmonic frequency comb in 2.2 to 3.3 THz based on difference-frequency generation from a mid-IR QCL. The THz comb is intracavity generated via down-converting a mid-IR comb with an integrated mid-IR single mode based on distributed-feedback grating without using external optical elements. The grating Bragg wavelength is largely detuned from the gain peak to suppress the grating dispersion and support the comb operation in the high gain spectral range. Multiheterodyne spectroscopy with multiple equally spaced lines by beating it with a reference Fabry-Pérot comb confirms the THz comb operation. This type of THz comb will find applications to room temperature chip-based THz spectroscopy. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Optimizing facet coating of quantum cascade lasers for low power consumption
Y. Bai, S.R. Darvish, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, No. 5, p. 053103-1-- March 1, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
Typical high power consumption (∼10 W) of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) has been a serious limitation for applications in battery powered systems. A partial high-reflection (PHR) coating technique is introduced for power downscaling with shorter cavity lengths. The PHR coating consists of a double layer dielectric of SiO2 and Ge. With this technique, a 4.6 μm QCL with an ultra low threshold power consumption of less than a watt (0.83 W) is demonstrated in room temperature continuous wave operation. At 25°C, the maximum output power and wall plug efficiency are 192 mW and 8.6%, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]

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