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1.  Room temperature continuous wave operation of quantum cascade lasers with watt-level optical power
Y. Bai, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken, W. Zhang, A. Evans, J. Nguyen and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, No. 10, p. 101105-1-- March 10, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate quantum cascade lasers at an emitting wavelength of 4.6 µm, which are capable of room temperature, high power continuous wave (cw) operation. Buried ridge geometry with a width of 9.8 µm was utilized. A device with a 3 mm cavity length that was epilayer-down bonded on a diamond submount exhibited a maximum output power of 1.3 W at room temperature in cw operation. The maximum output power at 80 K was measured to be 4 W, with a wall plug efficiency of 27%. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Solar blind GaN p-i-n photodiodes
D. Walker, A. Saxler, P. Kung, X. Zhang, M. Hamilton, J. Diaz and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 72 (25)-- June 22, 1998 ...[Visit Journal]
We present the growth and characterization of GaN p-i-n photodiodes with a very high degree of visible blindness. The thin films were grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The room-temperature spectral response shows a high responsivity of 0.15 A/W up until 365 nm, above which the response decreases by six orders of magnitude. Current/voltage measurements supply us with a zero bias resistance of 1011  Ω. Lastly, the temporal response shows a rise and fall time of 2.5 μs measured at zero bias. This response time is limited by the measurement circuit. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Electrical Characterization of AlxGa1-xN for UV Photodetector Applications
A. Saxler, M. Ahoujja, W.C. Mitchel, P. Kung, D. Walker, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 27, 1999 ...[Visit Journal]
Ultraviolet photodetectors have many military and commercial applications. However, for many of these applications, the photodetectors must be solar blind. This means that the photodetectors must have a cutoff wavelength of less than about 270 nm. Semiconductor based devices would then need energy gaps of over 4.6 eV. In the AlxGa1-xN system, the aluminum mole fraction, x, required is over 40%. As the energy gap is increased, doping becomes much more difficult, especially p-type doping. This report is a study of the electrical properties of AlxGa1-xN to enable better control of the doping. Magnesium doped p-type AlxGa1-xN has been studied using high-temperature Hall effect measurements. The acceptor ionization energy has been found to increase substantially with the aluminum content. Short-period superlattices consisting of alternating layers of GaN:Mg and AlGaN:Mg were also grown by low-pressure organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. The electrical properties of these superlattices were measured as a function of temperature and compared to conventional AlGaN:Mg layers. It is shown that the optical absorption edge can be shifted to shorter wavelengths while lowering the acceptor ionization energy by using short- period superlattice structures instead of bulk-like AlGaN:Mg. Silicon doped n-type films have also been studied. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High Carrier Lifetime InSb Grown on GaAs Substrates
E. Michel, H. Mohseni, J.D. Kim, J. Wojkowski, J. Sandven, J. Xu, M. Razeghi, R. Bredthauer, P. Vu, W. Mitchel, and M. Ahoujja
Applied Physics Letters 71 (8-- August 25, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
We report on the growth of near bulklike InSb on GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy despite the 14% lattice mismatch between the epilayer and the substrate. Structural, electrical, and optical properties were measured to assess material quality. X-ray full widths at half-maximum were as low as 55 arcsec for a 10 µm epilayer, peak mobilities as high as ~ 125 000 cm2/V s, and carrier lifetimes up to 240 ns at 80 K. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High-performance InAs quantum-dot infrared photodetectors grown on InP substrate operating at room temperature
H. Lim, S. Tsao, W. Zhang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, No. 13, p. 131112-1-- March 26, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors report a room temperature operating InAs quantum-dot infrared photodetector grown on InP substrate. The self-assembled InAs quantum dots and the device structure were grown by low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The detectivity was 2.8×1011 cm·Hz1/2/W at 120 K and a bias of −5 V with a peak detection wavelength around 4.1 μm and a quantum efficiency of 35%. Due to the low dark current and high responsivity, a clear photoresponse has been observed at room temperature, which gives a detectivity of 6.7×107 cm·Hz1/2/W. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Effect of sidewall surface recombination on the quantum efficiency in a Y2O3 passivated gated type-II InAs/GaSb long-infrared photodetector array
G. Chen, A. M. Hoang, S. Bogdanov, A. Haddadi, S. R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 223501 (2013)-- November 25, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
Y2O3 was applied to passivate a long-wavelength infrared type-II superlattice gated photodetector array with 50% cut-off wavelength at 11 μm, resulting in a saturated gate bias that was 3 times lower than in a SiO2 passivated array. Besides effectively suppressing surface leakage, gating technique exhibited its ability to enhance the quantum efficiency of 100 × 100 μm size mesa from 51% to 57% by suppressing sidewall surface recombination. At 77 K, the gated photodetector showed dark current density and resistance-area product at −300 mV of 2.5 × 10−5 A/cm² and 1.3 × 104 Ω·cm², respectively, and a specific detectivity of 1.4 × 1012 Jones. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Tunability of intersubband absorption from 4.5 to 5.3 µm in a GaN/Al0.2Ga0.8N superlattices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
N. Péré-Laperne, C. Bayram, L. Nguyen-Thê, R. McClintock, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 13, p. 131109-- September 28, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
Intersubband (ISB) absorption at wavelengths as long as 5.3 µm is realized in GaN/Al0.2Ga0.8N superlattices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. By employing low aluminum content Al0.2Ga0.8N barriers and varying the well width from 2.6 to 5.1 nm, ISB absorption has been tuned from 4.5 to 5.3 µm. Theoretical ISB absorption and interband emission models are developed and compared to the experimental results. The effects of band offsets and the piezoelectric fields on these superlattices are investigated. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Gain and recombination dynamics in photodetectors made with quantum nanostructures: The quantum dot in a well and the quantum well
B. Movaghar, S. Tsao, S. Abdollahi Pour, T. Yamanaka, and M. Razeghi
Physical Review B, Vol. 78, No. 11-- September 15, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
We consider the problem of charge transport and recombination in semiconductor quantum well infrared photodetectors and quantum-dot-in-a-well infrared detectors. The photoexcited carrier relaxation is calculated using rigorous random-walk and diffusion methods, which take into account the finiteness of recombination cross sections, and if necessary the memory of the carrier generation point. In the present application, bias fields are high and it is sufficient to consider the drift limited regime. The photoconductive gain is discussed in a quantum-mechanical language, making it more transparent, especially with regard to understanding the bias and temperature dependence. Comparing experiment and theory, we can estimate the respective recombination times. The method developed here applies equally well to nanopillar structures, provided account is taken of changes in mobility and trapping. Finally, we also derive formulas for the photocurrent time decays, which in a clean system at high bias are sums of two exponentials. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High-Average-Power, High-Duty-Cycle (~6 μm) Quantum Cascade Lasers
S. Slivken, A. Evans, J. David, and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscience & Technology 9-- December 9, 2002 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]
1.  Internal Stress Around Micropipes in 6H-SiC Substrates
H. Ohsato, T. Kato, T. Okuda and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 27, 1999 ...[Visit Journal]
6H-SiC single crystals are expected to be suitable substrates for thin film growth of the wide bandgap semiconductor (GaN, because it has a small lattice mismatch with GaN. Moreover, SiC single crystals are also expected for high-power and high- temperature electric applications because of its wide band gap, high breakdown voltage, high thermal conductivity and high temperature stability. Single crystals with large size used for electronic devices can be grown on seed crystals only by the modified Lely method based on sublimation deposition. But, single crystals have serious defects so called micropipes. These micropipes penetrate almost along the [001] direction. The internal strain around micropipes was investigated using the polarizing optical microscope for the purpose of clarifying the formation mechanisms and decreasing the amount of micropipes. A special interference figure was found around a micropipe under the crossed polars on the polarizing microscope. In this work, the special interference figure around micropipes due to internal stress was explained, and the magnitude and distribution of the stress was measured by means of photoelasticity and the mapping of Raman spectra. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Quantum Dot Intersubband Photodetectors
C. Jelen, M. Erdtmann, S. Kim, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 22, 2001 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum dots are recognized as very promising candidates for the fabrication of intersubband photodetectors in the infrared spectral range. At present, material quality is making rapid progress and some devices have been demonstrated. Examples of mid-infrared quantum dot intersubband photodetectors are presented along with device design and data analysis. Nonetheless, the performance of these devices remains less than comparable quantum well intersubband photodetectors due to difficulties in controlling the quantum dot size and distribution during epitaxy. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Temperature insensitivity of the Al-free InGaAsP/GaAs lasers for λ = 808 and 908 nm
M. Razeghi, H. Yi, J. Diaz, S. Kim, and M. Erdtmann
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA; Proceedings 3001-- February 12, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
n this work, we present our recent achievements for the reliability of the Al-free lasers at high temperatures and high powers. Laser operations up to 30,000 hours were achieved without any degradation in the lasers characteristics from 7 randomly selected InGaAsP/GaAs diodes for λ = 808 nm. The test were performed for lasers without mirror-coating for optical power of 0.5 to 1 W CW at 50 approximately 60 °C. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first direct demonstration of the extremely high reliability of Al-free diodes operations at high powers and temperatures for periods of time much longer than practical need (approximately 3 years). The characteristics during the tests are discussed in detail. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Free-space optical communication using mid-infrared or solar-blind ultraviolet sources and detectors
R. McClintock, A. Haddadi and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 8268, p. 826810-- January 22, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
Free-space optical communication is a promising solution to the “last mile” bottleneck of data networks. Conventional near infrared-based free-space optical communication systems suffer from atmospheric scattering losses and scintillation effects which limit the performance of the data links. Using mid-infrared, we reduce the scattering and thus can improve the quality of the data links and increase their range. Because of the low scattering, the data link cannot be intercepted without a complete or partial loss in power detected by the receiver. This type of communications provides ultra-high bandwidth and highly secure data transfer for both short and medium range data links. Quantum cascade lasers are one of the most promising sources for mid-wavelength infrared sources and Type-II superlattice photodetectors are strong candidates for detection in this regime. The same way that that low scattering makes mid-wavelength infrared ideal for secure free space communications,high scattering can be used for secure short-range free-space optical communications. In the solar-blind ultraviolet (< 280 nm) light is strongly scattered and absorbed. This scattering makes possible non-line-of-sight free-space optical communications. The scattering and absorption also prevent remote eavesdropping. III-Nitride based LEDs and photodetectors are ideal for non-line-of-sight free-space optical communication. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Recent advances in III-Nitride materials, characterization and device applications
M. Razeghi, X. Zhang, P. Kung, A. Saxler, D. Walker, K.Y. Lim, and K.S. Kim
SPIE Conference: Solid State Crystals in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology; Proceedings 3179-- October 7, 1996 ...[Visit Journal]
High-quality AlN, GaN, AlGaN have been grown on sapphire substrate by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). The x-ray rocking curve of AlN and GaN were 100 arcsecs and 30 arcsecs respectively with Pendelloesung oscillations, which are the best reported to date. GaN with high crystallinity simultaneously exhibited high optical and electrical quality. Photoluminescence linewidth of GaN at 77K was as low as 17 meV, which is the best reported to date. Si-doped GaN had a mobility higher than 300 cm²/V·s. GaN has been also successfully grown on LiGaO2 substrate with LP-MOCVD for the first time. AlGaN for the entire composition range has been grown. These layers exhibited the lowest x-ray FWHM reported to date. The excellent optical quality of these layers have been characterized by room temperature UV transmission and photoluminescence. N-type doping of AlGaN with Si has ben achieved up to 60 percent Al with mobility as high as 78 cm²/V·s. AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN superlattice with atomically sharp interface have been demonstrated. Optically-pumped stimulated emission in GaN:Ge and GaN:Si has been observed with threshold optical power density as low as 0.4 MW/cm². AlGaN photoconductors with cut-off wavelengths from 200 nm to 365 nm have been achieved for the first time. GaN p-n junction photovoltaic detector with very selective photoresponse have been demonstrated and theoretically modeled. Ti/AlN/Si metal-insulator- semiconductor capacitor with high capacitance-voltage performances at both low and high frequencies and low interface trap level density have been demonstrated for the first time in this material system. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Delta-doping optimization for high qualityp-type GaN
C. Bayram, J.L. Pau, R. McClintock and M. Razeghi
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 104, No. 8-- October 15, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
Delta-doping is studied in order to achieve high quality p-type GaN. Atomic force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and Hall measurements are performed on the samples to optimize the delta-doping characteristics. The effect of annealing on the electrical, optical, and structural quality is also investigated for different delta-doping parameters. Optimized pulsing conditions result in layers with hole concentrations near 1018 cm−3 and superior crystal quality compared to conventional p-GaN. This material improvement is achieved thanks to the reduction in the Mg activation energy and self-compensation effects in delta-doped p-GaN. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Breakthroughs Bring THz Spectroscopy, Sensing Closer to Mainstream
Manijeh Razeghi, Quanyong Lu, Santanu Manna, Donghai Wu & Steven Slivken
Photnics Spectra, December Issue, pp. 48-- December 1, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
The terahertz (THz) electromagnet­ic spectrum (1 to 10 THz), sitting between the infrared wavelengths on the higher fre­quency side and microwaves on the lower frequency side, lies unique and important properties. THz waves can pass through a number of materials, including synthetics, textiles, paper and cardboard. Many bio­molecules, proteins, explosives or narcot­ics feature characteristic absorption I ines - so-called spectral "fingerprints" - at frequencies between 1 and 10 THz.
1.  Quantum Devices Based on Modern Band Structure Engineering and Epitaxial Technology
M. Razeghi
Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 22, No. 24, p. 2343-2371-- September 20, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
Modern band structure engineering is based both on the important discoveries of the past century and modern epitaxial technology. The general goal is to control the behavior of charge carriers on an atomic scale, which affects how they interact with each other and their environment. Starting from the basic semiconductor heterostructure, band structure engineering has evolved into a powerful discipline, employing lower dimensionality to demonstrate new material properties. Several modern technologies under development are used as examples of how this discipline is enabling new types of devices and new functionality in areas with immediate application.
1.  Kinetics of Quantum States in Quantum Cascade Lasers: Device Design Principles and fabrication
M. Razeghi
special issue of Microelectronics Journal 30 (10)-- October 1, 1999[reprint (PDF)]
1.  Intermixing of GaInP/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells
C. Francis, M.A. Bradley, P. Boucaud, F.H. Julien and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 62 (2)-- January 11, 1993 ...[Visit Journal]
The intermixing of GaInP‐GaAs superlattices induced by a heat treatment is investigated as a function of the annealing temperature and duration. Photoluminescence experiments reveal a large red shift of the effective band gap of the annealed quantum wells thus indicating a dominant self‐diffusion of the group III atoms which is confirmed by secondary ion mass spectroscopic measurements. For long enough annealing durations, the red shift saturates and even decreases due to the competing slower self‐diffusion of the group V atoms. Experiments are well understood based on a simple diffusion model. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Gain-length scaling in quantum dot/quantum well infrared photodetectors
T. Yamanaka, B. Movaghar, S. Tsao, S. Kuboya, A. Myzaferi and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology-- September 14, 2009 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]
1.  Nitrides push performance of UV photodiodes
Can Bayram; Manijeh Razeghi
Laser Focus World. 45(9), pp. 47-51 (2009)-- September 1, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
The nitrides are known to be useful for creating the UV single-photon detectors with efficiencies of 20%, with its considerable advantages that could further enable quantum computing and data encryption. Such detectors would be well suited for numerous applications in the defense, commercial, and scientific arenas, including covert space-to-space communications, early missile-threat detection, chemical and biological threat detection and spectroscopy. The use of SAM regions is a common approach to reducing multiplication noise and enhancing gain through impact-ionization engineering that could benefit from the higher ionization coefficient by offering lower noise performance and higher gain. The ADPs also enables the realization of single-photon detection by using Geiger-mode operation, which entails operating the ADPs well above the breakdown voltage and using pulse-quenching circuitry.
1.  Demonstration of high performance long wavelength infrared Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodidoe grown on GaAs substrate
S. Abdollahi Pour, B.M. Nguyen, S. Bogdanov, E.K. Huang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 17, p. 173505-- October 26, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the growth and characterization of long wavelength infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with a 50% cut-off wavelength at 11 µm, on GaAs substrate. Despite a 7.3% lattice mismatch to the substrate, photodiodes passivated with polyimide exhibit an R0A value of 35 Ω·cm² at 77 K, which is in the same order of magnitude as reference devices grown on native GaSb substrate. With a reverse applied bias less than 500 mV, the dark current density and differential resistance-area product are close to that of devices on GaSb substrate, within the tolerance of the processing and measurement. The quantum efficiency attains the expected value of 20% at zero bias, resulting in a Johnson limited detectivity of 1.1×1011 Jones. Although some difference in performances is observed, devices grown on GaAs substrate already attained the background limit performance at 77 K with a 300 K background and a 2-π field of view. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High-Average-Power, High-Duty-Cycle (~6 μm) Quantum Cascade Lasers
S. Slivken, A. Evans, J. David, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 81 (23)-- December 2, 2002 ...[Visit Journal]
High-power quantum cascade lasers emitting at λ = 6.1  μm are demonstrated. Accurate control of growth parameters and strain balancing results in a near-perfect lattice match, which leads to excellent material quality. Excellent peak power for uncoated lasers, up to 1.5 W per facet for a 21 μm emitter width, is obtained at 300 K for 30 period structures. The threshold current density at 300 K is only 2.4 kA/cm². From 300 to 425 K, the laser exhibits a characteristic temperature T0 of 167 K. Next, Y2O3/Ti/Au mirror coatings were deposited on 1.5 mm cavities and mounted epilayer down. These lasers show an average output power of up to 225 mW at 17% duty cycle, and still show 8 mW average power at 45% duty cycle. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High performance InGaAs/InGaP quantum dot infrared photodetector achieved through doping level optimization
S. Tsao, K. Mi, J. Szafraniec, W. Zhang, H. Lim, B. Movaghar, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp. 334-- January 22, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
We report an InGaAs/InGaP/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetector grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with detectivity of 1.3x1011 cm·Hz½/W at 77K and 1.2x1010 ccm·Hz½/W at 120K. Modeling of the Quantum dot energy levels showed us that increased photoresponse could be obtained by doping the quantum dots to 4 electrons per dot instead of the usual 2 electrons per dot. This happens because the primary photocurrent transition is from the first excited state to a higher excited state. Increasing the quantum doping in our device yielded significant responsivity improvement and much higher detectivity as a result. This paper discusses the performance of this higher doping device and compares it to our previously reported device with lower doping. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Monolithic terahertz source
Q. Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Nature Photonics | Research Highlights -- July 31, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
To date, the production of continuous-wave terahertz (THz) sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers operating at room temperature has proved elusive. A critical problem is that, to achieve a large nonlinear susceptibility for frequency conversion, the active region of the quantum cascade laser requires high doping, which elevates the lasing threshold current density. Now, Quan-Yong Lu and colleagues from Northwestern University in the USA have overcome this problem and demonstrated a room-temperature continuous-wave THz source based on difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers. They designed quantum-well structures based on In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As material system for two mid-infrared wavelengths. The average doping in the active region was about 2.5 × 1016 cm−3. A buried ridge, buried composite distributed-feedback waveguide with the Čerenkov phase-matching scheme was used to reduce the waveguide loss and enhance heat dissipation. As a result, single-mode emission at 3.6 THz was observed at 293 K. The continuous-wave THz power reached 3 μW with a conversion efficiency of 0.44 mW W−2 from mid-infrared to THz waves. Using a similar device design, a THz peak power of 1.4 mW was achieved in pulse mode. [reprint (PDF)]

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