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7.  High Performance InAs/InAsSb Type-II Superlattice Mid-Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors with Double Barrier
Donghai Wu, Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Manijeh Razeghi
Infrared Physics &Technology 103439-- July 18, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
By introducing a double barrier design, a high performance InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice mid-wavelength infrared photodetector has been demonstrated. The photodetector exhibits a cut-off wavelength of ~4.50 µm at 150 K. At 150 K and −120 mV applied bias, the photodetector exhibits a dark current density of 1.21 × 10−5 A/cm2, a quantum efficiency of 45% at peak responsivity (~3.95 µm), and a specific detectivity of 6.9 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2/W. The photodetector shows background-limited operating temperature up to 160 K. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices
M. Razeghi, D. Hoffman, B.M. Nguyen, P.Y. Delaunay, E.K. Huang, M.Z. Tidrow, and V. Nathan
IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 97, No. 6, p. 1056-1066-- June 1, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
In recent years, Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photo-detectors have experienced significant improvements in material quality, structural designs, and imaging applications. They now appear to be a possible alternative to the state-of-the-art HgCdTe (MCT) technology in the long and very long wavelength infrared regimes. At the Center for Quantum Devices, we have successfully realized very high quantum efficiency, very high dynamic differential resistance R0A - product LWIR Type – II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with efficient surface passivation techniques. The demonstration of high quality LWIR Focal Plane Arrays that were 100 % fabricated in - house reaffirms the pioneer position of this university-based laboratory. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Buried heterostructure quantum cascade lasers with high continuous-wave wall plug efficiency
A. Evans, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken, J. Nguyen, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, No. 7, p. 071101-1-- August 13, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors report on the development of ~4.7 µm strain-balanced InP-based quantum cascade lasers with high wall plug efficiency and room temperature continuous-wave operation. The use of narrow-ridge buried heterostructure waveguides and thermally optimized packaging is presented. Over 9.3% wall plug efficiency is reported at room temperature from a single device producing over 0.675 W of continuous-wave output power. Wall plug efficiencies greater than 18% are also reported for devices at a temperature of 150 K, with continuous-wave output powers of more than 1 W. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Demonstration of Planar Type-II Superlattice-Based Photodetectors Using Silicon Ion-Implantation
Arash Dehzangi, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock, Jiakai Li, Alexander Jaud and Manijeh Razeghi
Photonics 2020, 7(3), 68; September 3, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
In this letter, we report the demonstration of a pBn planar mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/InAs1−xSbx superlattices, using silicon ion-implantation to isolate the devices. At 77 K the photodetectors exhibited peak responsivity of 0.76 A/W at 3.8 µm, corresponding to a quantum efficiency, without anti-reflection coating, of 21.5% under an applied bias of +40 mV with a 100% cut-off wavelength of 4.6 µm. With a dark current density of 5.21 × 10−6 A/cm2, under +40 mV applied bias and at 77 K, the photodetector exhibited a specific detectivity of 4.95 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2/W. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Investigation of impurities in type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices via capacitance-voltage measurement
G. Chen, A. M. Hoang, S. Bogdanov, A. Haddadi, P. R. Bijjam, B.-M. Nguyen, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 103, 033512 (2013)-- July 17, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
Capacitance-voltage measurement was utilized to characterize impurities in the non-intentionally doped region of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice p-i-n photodiodes. Ionized carrier concentration versus temperature dependence revealed the presence of a kind of defects with activation energy below 6 meV and a total concentration of low 1015 cm−3. Correlation between defect characteristics and superlattice designs was studied. The defects exhibited a p-type behavior with decreasing activation energy as the InAs thickness increased from 7 to 11 monolayers, while maintaining the GaSb thickness of 7 monolayers. With 13 monolayers of InAs, the superlattice became n-type and the activation energy deviated from the p-type trend. [reprint (PDF)]

-- November 30, 1999
6.  Room temperature quantum cascade lasers with 22% wall plug efficiency in continuous-wave operation
F. Wang, S. Slivken, D. H. Wu, and M. Razeghi
Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 12, pp. 17532-17538-- June 8, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the demonstration of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with improved efficiency emitting at a wavelength of 4.9 µm in pulsed and continuous-wave(CW)operation. Based on an established design and guided by simulation, the number of QCL-emitting stages is increased in order to realize a 29.3% wall plug efficiency (WPE) in pulsed operation at room temperature. With proper fabrication and packaging, a 5-mm-long, 8-µm-wide QCL with a buried ridge waveguide is capable of 22% CW WPE and 5.6 W CW output power at room temperature. This corresponds to an extremely high optical density at the output facet of ∼35 MW/cm², without any damage. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Combined resonant tunneling and rate equation modeling of terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Zhichao Chen , Andong Liu, Dong Chang , Sukhdeep Dhillon , Manijeh Razeghi , Feihu Wang
Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 115703 ...[Visit Journal]
Terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are technologically important laser sources for the THz range but are complex to model. An efficient extended rate equation model is developed here by incorporating the resonant tunneling mechanism from the density matrix formalism, which permits to simulate THz QCLs with thick carrier injection barriers within the semi-classical formalism. A self-consistent solution is obtained by iteratively solving the Schrödinger-Poisson equation with this transport model. Carrier-light coupling is also included to simulate the current behavior arising from stimulated emission. As a quasi-ab initio model, intermediate parameters such as pure dephasing time and optical linewidth are dynamically calculated in the convergence process, and the only fitting parameters are the interface roughness correlation length and height. Good agreement has been achieved by comparing the simulation results of various designs with experiments, and other models such as density matrix Monte Carlo and non-equilibrium Green’s function method that, unlike here, require important computational resources. The accuracy, compatibility, and computational efficiency of our model enables many application scenarios, such as design optimization and quantitative insights into THz QCLs. Finally, the source code of the model is also provided in the supplementary material of this article for readers to repeat the results presented here, investigate and optimize new designs.
6.  Terahertz emitters at Center for Quantum Devices: recent advances and future trends
Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 10177, Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII, 1017705-- August 23, 2018 ...[Visit Journal]
This paper reviews the recent advances and future trends of terahertz (THz) emitters at CQD/NU, highlights the high-performance THz sources based on intracavity nonlinear frequency generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Significant performance improvements of our THz sources in the power, wall plug efficiency are achieved by systematic optimizing the device's active region, waveguide, and chip bonding strategy. High THz power up to 1.9 mW and 0.014 mW for pulsed mode and continuous wave operations at room temperature are demonstrated, respectively. Even higher power and efficiency are envisioned based on enhancements in outcoupling efficiency and mid-IR performance. Our compact THz device with high power and wide tuning range is highly suitable for the imaging, sensing, spectroscopy, medical diagnosis, and many other applications. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Very high quantum efficiency in type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiode with cutoff of 12 µm
B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, Y. Wei, P.Y. Delaunay, A. Hood and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, No. 23, p. 231108-1-- June 4, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors report the dependence of the quantum efficiency on device thickness of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors with a cutoff wavelength around 12 µm. The quantum efficiency and responsivity show a clear delineation in comparison to the device thickness. An external single-pass quantum efficiency of 54% is obtained for a 12 µm cutoff wavelength photodiodes with a -region thickness of 6.0 µm. The R0A value is kept stable for the range of structure thicknesses allowing for a specific detectivity (2.2×1011 cm·Hz½/W). [reprint (PDF)]
6.  III-Nitride/Ga2O3 heterostructure for future power electronics: opportunity and challenges
Nirajman Shrestha, Jun Hee Lee, F. H. Teherani, Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12895, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX, 128950B (28 January - 1 February 2024, San Francisco) ...[Visit Journal]
Ga2O3 has become the new focal point of high-power semiconductor device research due to its superior capability to handle high voltages in smaller dimensions and with higher efficiencies compared to other commercialized semiconductors. However, the low thermal conductivity of the material is expected to limit device performance. To compensate for the low thermal conductivity of Ga2O3 and to achieve a very high density 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), an innovative idea is to combine Ga2O3 with III-Nitrides (which have higher thermal conductivity), such as AlN. However, metal-polar AlN/β-Ga2O3 heterojunction provides type-II heterojunction which are beneficial for optoelectronic application, because of the negative value of specific charge density. On the other hand, N-polar AlN/β- Ga2O3 heterostructures provide higher 2DEG concentration and larger breakdown voltage compared to conventional AlGaN/GaN devices. This advancement would allow the demonstration of RF power transistors with a 10x increase in power density compared to today’s State of the Art (SoA) and provide a solution to size, weight, and power-constrained applications [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Fabrication of 12 µm pixel-pitch 1280 × 1024 extended short wavelength infrared focal plane array using heterojunction type-II superlattice-based photodetector
Arash Dehzangi , Abbas Haddadi, Romain Chevallier, Yiyun Zhang and Manijeh Razegh
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 03LT01-- February 4, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
We present an initial demonstration of a 1280 × 1024 extended short-wavelength infrared focal plane array (FPA) imager with 12μm pixel-pitch based on type–II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattice heterojunction photodetectors, with a novel bandstructure-engineered photo-generated carrier extractor as the window layer in the hetero structure to efficiently extract the photo-generated carriers. This heterostructure with a larger bandgap top window/contact layer leads to the device having lower dark current density compared to conventional pn junction devices. The large format FPA was fabricated with 12 μm pixel-pitch using a developed fabrication process. Test pixels fabricated separately exhibit 100% cut–off wavelengths of ∼2.22, ∼2.34μm, and ∼2.45μm at 150, 200K, and 300K. The test devices achieve saturated quantum efficiency values under zero bias of 54.3% and 68.4% at 150 and 300K, under back-side illumination and without any anti-reflection coating. At 150K, these photodetectors exhibit dark current density of 1.63 × 10−7 A·cm−2 under −20mV applied bias providing a specific detectivity of 1.01 × 1011 cm ·Hz½/W at 1.9μm. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Extended short-wavelength infrared nBn photodetectors based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices with an AlAsSb/GaSb superlattice barrier
A. Haddadi, R. Chevallier, A. Dehzangi, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 110, 101104-- March 8, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Extended short-wavelength infrared nBn photodetectors based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices on GaSb substrate have been demonstrated. An AlAsSb/GaSb H-structure superlattice design was used as the large-bandgap electron-barrier in these photodetectors. The photodetector is designed to have a 100% cut-off wavelength of ∼2.8 μm at 300 K. The photodetector exhibited a room-temperature (300 K) peak responsivity of 0.65 A/W at 1.9 μm, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 41% at zero bias under front-side illumination, without any anti-reflection coating. With an R × A of 78 Ω·cm² and a dark current density of 8 × 10−3 A/cm² under −400 mV applied bias at 300 K, the nBn photodetector exhibited a specific detectivity of 1.51 × 1010 Jones. At 150 K, the photodetector exhibited a dark current density of 9.5 × 10−9 A/cm² and a quantum efficiency of 50%, resulting in a detectivity of 1.12 × 1013 Jones. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  High-Performance Focal Plane Arrays Based on InAs-GaSb Superlattices with a 10-micron Cutoff Wavelegth
P.Y. Delaunay, B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman and M. Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 5, p. 462-467-- May 1, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
We report on the demonstration of a focal plane array based on Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices grown on N-type GaSb substrate with a 50%-cutoff wavelength at 10 μm. The surface leakage occurring after flip-chip bonding and underfill in the Type-II devices was suppressed using a double heterostructure design. The R0A of diodes passivated with SiO2 was 23 Ω·cm2 after underfill. A focal plane array hybridized to an Indigo readout integrated circuit demonstrated a noise equivalent temperature difference of 33 mK at 81 K, with an integration time of 0.23 ms. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers
Feihu Wang, Xiaoqiong Qi, Zhichao Chen, Manijeh Razeghi, and Sukhdeep Dhillon
Wang, F.; Qi, X.; Chen, Z.; Razeghi, M.; Dhillon, S. Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers. Micromachines 2022, 13, 2063. mi13122063 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have broken the spectral barriers of semiconductor lasers and enabled a range of applications in the mid-infrared (MIR) and terahertz (THz) regimes. However, until recently, generating ultrashort and intense pulses from QCLs has been difficult. This would be useful to study ultrafast processes in MIR and THz using the targeted wavelength-by-design properties of QCLs. Since the first demonstration in 2009, mode-locking of QCLs has undergone considerable development in the past decade, which includes revealing the underlying mechanism of pulse formation, the development of an ultrafast THz detection technique, and the invention of novel pulse compression technology, etc. Here, we review the history and recent progress of ultrafast pulse generation from QCLs in both the THz and MIR regimes. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Type-II superlattice-based heterojunction phototransistors for high speed applications
Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock, Manijeh Razeghi
Infrared Physics and Technology 108, 1033502-- May 2, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
In this study, high speed performance of heterojunction phototransistors (HPTs) based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice with 30 nm base thickness and 50% cut-off wavelength of 2.0 μm at room temperature are demonstrated. We studied the relationship between -3 dB cut-off frequency of these HPT versus mesa size, applied bias, and collector layer thickness. For 8 μm diameter circular mesas HPT devices with a 0.5 μm collector layer, under 20 V applied bias voltage, we achieved a -3 dB cut-off frequency of 2.8 GHz. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  High power, room temperature, Terahertz sources and frequency comb based on Difference frequency generation at CQD
Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. of SPIE 12230, 1223006, September 2022 ...[Visit Journal]
Quantum cascade laser (QCL) is becoming the leading laser source in the mid-infrared and terahertz range due to its rapid development in power, efficiency, and spectral covering range. Owing to its unique intersubband transition and fast carrier lifetime, QCL possesses strong nonlinear susceptibilities that makes it the ideal platform for a variety of nonlinear optical generations. Among this, terahertz (THz) source based on difference-frequency generation (DFG)and frequency comb based on four wave mixing effect are the most exciting phenomena which could potentially revolutionize spectroscopy in mid-infrared (mid-IR) and THz spectral range. In this paper, we will briefly discuss the recent progress of our research. This includes high power high efficiency QCLs, high power room temperature THz sources based on DFG-QCL, room temperature THz frequency comb, and injection locking of high-power QCL frequency combs. The developed QCLs are great candidates as next generation mid-infrared source for spectroscopy and sensing. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  High performance Zn-diffused planar mid-wavelength infrared type-II InAs/InAs1-xSbx superlattice photodetector by MOCVD
Donghai Wu, Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li, and Manijeh Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 161108-- April 21, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
We report a Zn-diffused planar mid-wavelength infrared photodetector based on type-II InAs/InAs1-xSbx superlattices. Both the superlattice growth and Zn diffusion were performed in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system. At 77K, the photodetector exhibits a peak responsivity of 0.70A/W at 3.65λ, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 24% at zero bias without anti-reflection coating, with a 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.28λ. With an R0A value of 3.2x105 Ω·cm2 and a dark current density of 9.6x10-8 A/cm² bias of -20mV at 77K, the photodetector exhibits a specific detectivity of 2.9x1012cm·Hz½/W. At 150K, the photodetector exhibits a dark current density of 9.1x10-6 A/cm² and a quantum efficiency of 25%, resulting in a detectivity of 3.4x1011cm·Hz/W. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  High Power Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown on Si
Steven Slivken, Nirajman Shrestha, and Manijeh Razeghi
Photonics, vol. 9, 626 ...[Visit Journal]
This article details the demonstration of a strain-balanced, InP-based mid-infrared quantum cascade laser structure that is grown directly on a Si substrate. This is facilitated by the creation of a metamorphic buffer layer that is used to convert from the lattice constant of Si (0.543 nm) to that of InP (0.587 nm). The laser geometry utilizes two top contacts in order to be compatible with future large-scale integration. Unlike previous reports, this device is capable of room temperature operation with up to 1.6 W of peak power. The emission wavelength at 293 K is 4.82 um, and the device operates in the fundamental transverse mode. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Very high performance LWIR and VLWIR type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with M-structure barrier
B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, P.Y. Delaunay, E.K. Huang and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 7082, San Diego, CA 2008, p. 708205-- September 3, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
LWIR and VLWIR type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors have for long time suffered from a high dark current level and a low dynamic resistance which hampers the its emergence to the infrared detection and imaging industry. However, with the use of M-structure superlattice, a new Type-II binary InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattice design, as an effective blocking barrier, the dark current in type-II superlattice diode has been significantly reduced. We have obtained comparable differential resistance product to the MCT technology at the cut-off wavelength of 10 and 14μm. Also, this new design is compatible with the optical optimization scheme, leading to high quantum efficiency, high special detectivity devices for photon detectors and focal plane arrays. [reprint (PDF)]
6.  Demonstration of Zn-Diffused Planar Long-Wavelength Infrared Photodetector Based on Type-II Superlattice Grown by MBE
Rajendra K. Saroj, Van Hoang Nguyen, Steven Slivken, Gail J. Brown and Manijeh Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ...[Visit Journal]
We report on a planar long-wavelength infrared photodetector based on InAs/InAs1−xSbx type-II superlattice with zinc diffusion. The superlattice structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy, followed by a post-growth Zinc diffusion process in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition reactor. The planar photodetectors showed a peak responsivity of 2.18 A/W, under an applied bias of −20 mV, with a corresponding quantum efficiency of 44.5%, without any anti-reflection coating, and had a 100% cut-off wavelength of 8.5 μm at 77 K temperature. These photodetectors exhibit a specific peak detectivity of 3.0×10^12 cm.Hz^1/2/W, with a dark current density of 1.5 × 10−5 A/cm2 and the differential-resistance-area product of ∼8.6 × 10−1 Ω.cm2, under an applied bias of −20 mV at 77 K. A comparative study between the planar and conventional mesa isolated photodetectors was also carried out. [reprint (PDF)]
5.  Low Dark Current Deep UV AlGaN Photodetectors on AlN Substrate
Lakshay Gautam, Junhee Lee, Gail Brown, Manijeh Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1-5, June 2022, Art no. 4000205 ...[Visit Journal]
We report high quality, low dark current, deep Ultraviolet AlGaN/AlN Photodetectors on AlN substrate. AlGaN based Photodetectors are grown and fabricated both on AlN and Sapphire substrates with the same epilayer structure. Subsequently, electrical characteristics of both photodetectors on AlN substrate and Sapphire are compared. A reduction of 4 orders of magnitude of dark current density is reported in UV detectors grown on AlN substrate with respect to Sapphire substrate. [reprint (PDF)]
5.  Resonant cavity enhanced heterojunction phototransistors based on type-II superlattices
Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock, Manijeh Razeghi
Infrared Physics & Technology Available online 27 October 2020, 103552 October 27, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
Resonant cavity enhanced heterojunction phototransistor based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice grown by molecular beam epitaxy has been demonstrated. The resonant wavelength was designed to be at near 1.9 μm wavelength range at room temperature. An eleven-pair lattice matched GaSb-AlAsSb quarter-wavelength Bragg reflector was used in the RCE-HPT to enhance the photoresponse. The device showed the wavelength selectivity and a cavity enhancement of the responsivity at 1.9 μm at room temperature. [reprint (PDF)]
5.  Recent advances in high performance antimonide-based superlattice FPAs
E.K. Huang, B.M. Nguyen, S.R. Darvish, S. Abdollahi Pour, G. Chen, A. Haddadi, and M.A. Hoang
SPIE Proceedings, Infrared technology and Applications XXXVII, Orlando, FL, Vol. 8012, p. 80120T-1-- April 25, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
Infrared detection technologies entering the third generation demand performances for higher detectivity, higher operating temperature, higher resolution and multi-color detection, all accomplished with better yield and lower manufacturing/operating costs. Type-II antimonide based superlattices (T2SL) are making firm steps toward the new era of focal plane array imaging as witnessed in the unique advantages and significant progress achieved in recent years. In this talk, we will present the four research themes towards third generation imagers based on T2SL at the Center for Quantum Devices. High performance LWIR megapixel focal plane arrays (FPAs) are demonstrated at 80K with an NEDT of 23.6 mK using f/2 optics, an integration time of 0.13 ms and a 300 K background. MWIR and LWIR FPAs on non-native GaAs substrates are demonstrated as a proof of concept for the cost reduction and mass production of this technology. In the MWIR regime, progress has been made to elevate the operating temperature of the device, in order to avoid the burden of liquid nitrogen cooling. We have demonstrated a quantum efficiency above 50%, and a specific detectivity of 1.05x1012 cm·Hz1/2/W at 150 K for 4.2 μm cut-off single element devices. Progress on LWIR/LWIR dual color FPAs as well as novel approaches for FPA fabrication will also be discussed. [reprint (PDF)]
5.  Room temperature terahertz semiconductor frequency comb
Quanyong Lu, Feihu Wang, Donghai Wu, Steven Slivken & Manijeh Razeghi
Nature Communications 10, 2403-- June 3, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
A terahertz (THz) frequency comb capable of high-resolution measurement will significantly advance THz technology application in spectroscopy, metrology and sensing. The recently developed cryogenic-cooled THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) comb has exhibited great potentials with high power and broadband spectrum. Here, we report a room temperature THz harmonic frequency comb in 2.2 to 3.3 THz based on difference-frequency generation from a mid-IR QCL. The THz comb is intracavity generated via down-converting a mid-IR comb with an integrated mid-IR single mode based on distributed-feedback grating without using external optical elements. The grating Bragg wavelength is largely detuned from the gain peak to suppress the grating dispersion and support the comb operation in the high gain spectral range. Multiheterodyne spectroscopy with multiple equally spaced lines by beating it with a reference Fabry-Pérot comb confirms the THz comb operation. This type of THz comb will find applications to room temperature chip-based THz spectroscopy. [reprint (PDF)]

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