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2.  Angled cavity broad area quantum cascade lasers
Y. Bai, S. Slivken, Q.Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, Np. 8, p. 081106-1-- August 20, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
Angled cavity broad area quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are investigated with surface gratingbased distributed feedback (DFB) mechanisms. It is found that an angled cavity incorporating a one dimensional DFB with grating lines parallel to the laser facet offers the simplest solution for single mode and diffraction limited emission in the facet normal direction. A room temperature single mode QCL with the highest output power for wavelengths longer than 10 micron is demonstrated. This structure could be applied to a wide range of laser structures for power scaling along with spectral and spatial beam control. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  EPR Investigations of a Structural Phase Change in Lead Phosphate
M. RAZEGHI: EPR Investigations of a Structural Phase Change, phys. stat. sol. (b) 108, 175 (1981)-- April 10, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
The temperature dependence of the EPR line width of the Mn2+ and Gd3+ in Pb,(PO,), is investigated from -270 to 500 "C. At the first-order ferroelastic transition point (180 "C), an abrupt change in the fine-structure splitting as well as in the resonance line width is observed. Various contributions to fine structure D and E parameters of Mn2+ and Gd3+ are computed, using a point-multipole model. For temperatures near to Tc the correlation time of the fluctuations is estimated to be greater than Die Temperaturabhangigkeit der EPR-Linienbreite von Mn2+,'und Gd3+ in Pb,(PO,), wird zwischen -270 und 500 "C untersucht. Am ferroelastischen vbergangspunkt erster Ordnung (180 "C) wird eine abrupte Anderung der Feinstrukturaufspaltung sowie der Linienbreite der Resonanzlinien beobachtet. Verschiedene Beitrage zu den Feinstrukturparametern D und E von Mn2+ und Gd3+ werden mittels eines Punkt-Multipol-Modells berechnet. Fur Temperaturen in der Nahe von T, wird die Korrelationszeit der Fluktuationen eu groI3er als s. s bestimmt. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Pulsed metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of high quality AlN/GaN superlattices for intersubband transitions
C. Bayram, B. Fain, N. Pere-Laperne, R. McClintock and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7222-12-- January 26, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
A pulsed metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique, specifically designed for high quality AlN/GaN superlattices (SLs) is introduced. Optical quality and precise controllability over layer thicknesses are investigated. Indium is shown to improve interface and surface quality. An AlN/GaN SL designed for intersubband transition at a telecommunication wavelength of ~1.5 µm, is grown, and processed for intersubband (ISB) absorption measurements. Room temperature measurements show intersubband absorption centered at 1.49 µm. Minimal (n-type) silicon doping of the well is shown to be crucial for good ISB absorption characteristics. The potential to extend this technology into the far infrared and even the terahertz (THz) region is also discussed. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Quantum Devices Based on Modern Band Structure Engineering and Epitaxial Technology
M. Razeghi
Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 22, No. 24, p. 2343-2371-- September 20, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
Modern band structure engineering is based both on the important discoveries of the past century and modern epitaxial technology. The general goal is to control the behavior of charge carriers on an atomic scale, which affects how they interact with each other and their environment. Starting from the basic semiconductor heterostructure, band structure engineering has evolved into a powerful discipline, employing lower dimensionality to demonstrate new material properties. Several modern technologies under development are used as examples of how this discipline is enabling new types of devices and new functionality in areas with immediate application.
2.  ZnO 3D flower-like nanostructure synthesized on GaN epitaxial layer by simple route hydrothermal process
J.M. Jung, C.R. Kim, H. Ryu, M. Razeghi and W.G. Jung
Journal of Alloys and Compounds-- September 15, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
The 3D type, flower-like ZnO nanostructures from particle to flower-like or chestnut bur are fabricated on the GaN epitaxial layer substrate through the simple-route hydrothermal process. Structural characterization was made for the ZnO 3D nanostructures synthesized in different pH ranging from 9.5 to 11.0. The growth model was proposed and discussed regarding the fabrication mechanism and morphology of ZnO 3D flower-like nanostructure. The flower-like ZnO is composed of many thin single crystals ZnO nanorods. Bigger and thicker ZnO structure is fabricated with the increase of pH in solution. The enhanced UV emission in the PL measurement and the spectra in the Raman spectroscopy for ZnO–GaN heterojunction material were discussed. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-power, continuous-operation intersubband laser for wavelengths greater than 10 micron
S. Slivken, A. Evans, W. Zhang and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, No. 15, p. 151115-1-- April 9, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
In this letter, high-power continuous-wave emission (>100 mW) and high temperature operation (358 K) at a wavelength of 10.6 µm is demonstrated using an individual diode laser. This wavelength is advantageous for many medium-power applications previously reserved for the carbon dioxide laser. Improved performance was accomplished using industry-standard InP-based materials and by careful attention to design, growth, and fabrication limitations specific to long-wave infrared semiconductor lasers. The main problem areas are explored with regard to laser performance, and general steps are outlined to minimize their impact. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Reliability of strain-balanced Ga0.331In0.669As/Al0.659In0.341As/InP quantum-cascade lasers under continuous-wave room-temperature operation
A. Evans and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 88 (26)-- June 26, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
Constant current aging is reported for two randomly selected high-reflectivity-coated QCLs with an output power over 100 mW. QCLs are tested under continuous-wave operation at a heat sink temperature of 298 K(25 °C) corresponding to an internal temperature of 378 K (105 °C). Over 4000 h of continuous testing is reported without any decrease in output power. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Fabrication of GaN Nanotubular Material using MOCVD with an Aluminium Oxide Membrane
W.G. Jung, S.H. Jung, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi
Nanotechnology 17-- January 1, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN nanotubular material is fabricated with an aluminium oxide membrane in MOCVD. SEM, XRD, TEM and PL are employed to characterize the fabricated GaN nanotubular material. An aluminium oxide membrane with ordered nanoholes is used as a template. Gallium nitride is deposited at the inner wall of the nanoholes in the aluminium oxide template, and the nanotubular material with high aspect ratio is synthesized using the precursors of TMG and ammonia gas. Optimal synthesis conditions in MOCVD are obtained successfully for the gallium nitride nanotubular material in this research. The diameter of the GaN nanotube fabricated is approximately 200–250 nm and the wall thickness is about 40–50 nm. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-Performance Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodiodes with Cutoff Wavelength Around 7 µm
Y. Wei, A. Hood, H. Yau, V. Yazdanpanah, M. Razeghi, M.Z. Tidrow and V. Nathan
Applied Physics Letters, 86 (9)-- February 28, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the most recent result in the area of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes that have a cutoff wavelength around 7 µm at 77 K. Superlattice with a period of 40 Å lattice matched to GaSb was realized using GaxIn1–x type interface engineering technique. Compared with significantly longer period superlattices, we have reduced the dark current density under reverse bias dramatically. For a 3 µm thick structure, using sulfide-based passivation, the dark current density reached 2.6×10–5 A/cm2 at –3 V reverse bias at 77 K. At this temperature the photodiodes have R0A of 9300 Ω·cm2 and a thermally limited zero bias detectivity of 1×1012 cm·Hz½/W. The 90%–10% cutoff energy width was only 16.5 meV. The devices did not show significant dark current change at 77 K after three months storage in the atmosphere. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Characterization of high quality GaInP/GaAs superlattices grown on GaAs and Si substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy
C. Jelen, S. Slivken, X.G. He, and M. Razeghi and S. Shastry
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 12 (2)-- March 1, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
We report an analysis of the heteroepitaxial interfaces in high quality GaInP–GaAs superlattices grown simultaneously on GaAs and Si substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy. These two superlattices have been studied using high resolution x-ray diffraction measurements. Sharp superlattice satellites, with very little broadening, are observed within a 6° range for the sample on GaAs. Photoluminescence peaks with full widths at half-maximums of 5 and 7 meV are obtained at 4 K for samples with 58 Å wells on GaAs and Si, respectively. Room temperature exciton absorption is observed in the photovoltage measurements for a superlattice grown on Si substrate. The thicknesses determined by x-ray analysis are consistent with those obtained by a Kronig–Penny model fitting of the photovoltage spectroscopy. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  MOCVD grown β-Ga2O3 metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors on sapphire
Ji-Hyeon Park , Ryan McClintock, Alexandre Jaud, Arash Dehzangi , Manijeh Razeghi
Applied Physics Express 12, 095503-- August 28, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
We fabricated β-Ga2O3:Si metal-oxide field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) on c-plane sapphire substrates which typically showed maximum drain current of 100 mA·mm−1. β-Ga2O3:Si thin films were realized on c-plane sapphire substrates through a combination of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and post-annealing. The MOSFET device presented excellent on/off drain current ratio of ∼1011 with very low gate leakage current, sharp pinch off behavior, and a breakdown voltage of 400 V at VG = −40 V. The growth and fabrication of β-Ga2O3:Si MOSFETs on c-plane sapphire is valuable to its demonstration of the great potential for future high-power electronic devices. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Sandwich method to grow high quality AlN by MOCVD
Demir , H Li, Y Robin, R McClintock, S Elagoz and M Razeghi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, pp. 085104-- February 7, 2018 ...[Visit Journal]
We report pulsed atomic layer epitaxy growth of a very high crystalline quality, thick (~2 µm) and crack-free AlN material on c-plane sapphire substrates via a sandwich method using metal organic chemical vapor deposition. This sandwich method involves the introduction of a relatively low temperature (1050 °C) 1500 nm thick AlN layer between two 250 nm thick AlN layers which are grown at higher temperature (1170 °C). The surface morphology and crystalline quality remarkably improve using this sandwich method. A 2 µm thick AlN layer was realized with 33 arcsec and 136 arcsec full width at half maximum values for symmetric and asymmetric reflections of ω-scan, respectively, and it has an atomic force microscopy root-mean-square surface roughness of ~0.71 nm for a 5  ×  5 µm² surface area. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Breakthroughs Bring THz Spectroscopy, Sensing Closer to Mainstream
Manijeh Razeghi, Quanyong Lu, Santanu Manna, Donghai Wu & Steven Slivken
Photnics Spectra, December Issue, pp. 48-- December 1, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
The terahertz (THz) electromagnet­ic spectrum (1 to 10 THz), sitting between the infrared wavelengths on the higher fre­quency side and microwaves on the lower frequency side, lies unique and important properties. THz waves can pass through a number of materials, including synthetics, textiles, paper and cardboard. Many bio­molecules, proteins, explosives or narcot­ics feature characteristic absorption I ines - so-called spectral "fingerprints" - at frequencies between 1 and 10 THz.
2.  Temperature dependence of the dark current and activation energy at avalanche onset of GaN Avalanche Photodiodes
M.P. Ulmer, E. Cicek, R. McClintock, Z. Vashaei and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 8460, p. 84601G-1-- August 15, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
We report a study of the performance of an avalanche photodiode (APD) as a function of temperature from 564 K to 74 K. The dark current at avalanche onset decreases from 564 K to 74 K by approximately a factor of 125 and from 300 K to 74K the dark current at avalanche offset is reduced by a factor of about 10. The drop would have been considerably larger if the activation energy at avalanche onset (Ea) did not also decrease with decreasing temperature. These data give us insights into how to improve the single-photon counting performance of a GaN based ADP. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Injector doping level dependent continuous-wave operation of InP-based QCLs at λ~ 7.3 µm above room temperature
J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Semiconductor Science and Technology (SST), Vol. 25, No. 12, p. 125015-- December 1, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the continuous-wave (CW) operation of InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) operating at λ ~ 7.3 µm above room temperature. The injector doping level–dependent CW characteristics above room temperature are investigated for doping densities between 7 × 1016 cm−3 and 2 × 1017 cm−3. The device performance, i.e. threshold current density, output power, operating temperature and characteristic temperature, depends strongly on the injector doping density. For a relatively low injector doping density of 7 × 1016 cm−3, a high-reflectivity-coated 10 µm wide and 4 mm long laser exhibits an improved device performance with an output power of 152 mW and a threshold current density of 1.37 kA cm−2 at 298 K under CW mode, operating up to 343 K. The thermal characteristics are also analyzed by the estimation from the experimentally measured data for the QCLs with different injector doping densities. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Spatial Noise and Correctability of Type-II InAs/GaSb Focal Plane Arrays
P.Y. Delaunay and M. Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Quanutm Electronics, April 2010, Vol. 46, No. 4, p. 584-588-- April 1, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
A long wavelength infrared focal plane array based on Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices was fabricated and characterized at 80 K. The noise equivalent temperature difference of the array was measured as low as 23 mK (f# = 2), for an integration time of 0.129 ms. The spatial noise of the array was dominated by the nonuniformity of the illumination through the circular aperture. A standard two-point nonuniformity correction improved the inhomogeneity equivalent temperature difference to 16 mK. The correctability just after calibration was 0.6. The long-term stability time was superior to 25 hours. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Comparison of ZnO nanostructures grown using pulsed laser deposition, metal organic chemical vapor deposition, and physical vapor transport
V.E. Sandana, D.J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, R. McClintock, C. Bayram, M. Razeghi, H-J Drouhin, M.C. Clochard, V. Sallett, G. Garry, and F. Falyouni
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June, p. 1678-1683-- May 29, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
This article compares the forms and properties of ZnO nanostructures grown on Si (111) and c-plane sapphire (c-Al2O3) substrates using three different growth processes: metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), and physical vapor transport (PVT). A very wide range of ZnO nanostructures was observed, including nanorods, nanoneedles, nanocombs, and some novel structures resembelling “bevelled” nanowires. PVT gave the widest family of nanostructures. PLD gave dense regular arrays of nanorods with a preferred orientation perpendicular to the substrate plane on both Si and c-Al2O3 substrates, without the use of a catalyst. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirmed that nanostructures grown by PLD were better crystallized and more highly oriented than those grown by PVT and MOCVD. Samples grown on Si showed relatively poor XRD response but lower wavelength emission and narrower linewidths in PL studies. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  GaN-based nanostructured photodetectors
J.L. Pau, C. Bayram, P. Giedraitis, R. McClintock, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7222-14-- January 26, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
The use of nanostructures in semiconductor technology leads to the observation of new phenomena in device physics. Further quantum and non-quantum effects arise from the reduction of device dimension to a nanometric scale. In nanopillars, quantum confinement regime is only revealed when the lateral dimensions are lower than 50 nm. For larger mesoscopic systems, quantum effects are not observable but surface states play a key role and make the properties of nanostructured devices depart from those found in conventional devices. In this work, we present the fabrication of GaN nanostructured metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) and p-i-n photodiodes (PIN PDs) by e-beam lithography, as well as the investigation of their photoelectrical properties at room temperature. The nanopillar height and diameter are about 520 nm and 200 nm, respectively. MSMs present dark currents densities of 0.4 A/cm2 at ±100 V. A strong increase of the optical response with bias is observed, resulting in responsivities higher than 1 A/W. The relationship between this gain mechanism and surface states is discussed. PIN PDs yield peak responsivities (Rpeak) of 35 mA/W at -4 V and show an abnormal increase of the response (Rpeak > 100 A/W) under forward biases. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Gain and recombination dynamics in photodetectors made with quantum nanostructures: The quantum dot in a well and the quantum well
B. Movaghar, S. Tsao, S. Abdollahi Pour, T. Yamanaka, and M. Razeghi
Physical Review B, Vol. 78, No. 11-- September 15, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
We consider the problem of charge transport and recombination in semiconductor quantum well infrared photodetectors and quantum-dot-in-a-well infrared detectors. The photoexcited carrier relaxation is calculated using rigorous random-walk and diffusion methods, which take into account the finiteness of recombination cross sections, and if necessary the memory of the carrier generation point. In the present application, bias fields are high and it is sufficient to consider the drift limited regime. The photoconductive gain is discussed in a quantum-mechanical language, making it more transparent, especially with regard to understanding the bias and temperature dependence. Comparing experiment and theory, we can estimate the respective recombination times. The method developed here applies equally well to nanopillar structures, provided account is taken of changes in mobility and trapping. Finally, we also derive formulas for the photocurrent time decays, which in a clean system at high bias are sums of two exponentials. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Optical Absorption and Photoresponse in fully Quaternary p-type Quantum Well Detectors
J. Hoff, C. Jelen, S. Slivken, G.J. Brown, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Photonics West '96 Photodetectors: Materials and Devices; Proceedings 2685-- January 27, 1996 ...[Visit Journal]
Acceptor doped, non-strained aluminum-free Quantum Well Intersubband Photodetectors lattice matched to GaAs with Ga0.79In0.21As0.59P0.41 wells and Ga0.62In0.38As0.22P0.78 barriers have been demonstrated on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. These devices which operate at normal incidence demonstrate a unique spectral response which extends from approximately 2 μm up to 10 μm. To explain such a broad spectral shape, a detailed theoretical analysis based on the 8 x 8 Kane Hamiltonian was necessary to probe all aspect of optical absorption. The results of this analysis revealed that spectral shape results from the influence of the Spin Split-off band on the band structure and the optical matrix. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Temperature dependent characteristics of λ ~ 3.8 µm room-temperature continuous-wave quantum-cascade lasers
J.S. Yu, A. Evans, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 88 (25)-- June 19, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
The highest-performance device displays pulsed laser action at wavelengths between 3.4 and 3.6 μm, for temperatures up to 300 K, with a low temperature (80 K) threshold current density of approximately 2.6 kA/cm2, and a characteristic temperature of T0~130 K. The shortest wavelength QCL (λ ~ 3.05 μm) has a higher threshold current density (~12 kA/cm2 at T=20 K) and operates in pulsed mode at temperatures up to 110 K. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-responsivity GaInAs/InP Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors Grown by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
M. Erdtmann, A. Matlis, C. Jelen, M. Razeghi, and G. Brown
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 26, 2000 ...[Visit Journal]
We have studied the dependence of the well doping density in n-type GaInAs/InP quantum well IR photodetectors (QWIPs) grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Three identical GaInAs/InP QWIP structures were grown with well sheet carrier densities of 1x1011 cm-2, 3x1011 cm-2, and 10x1011 cm-2; all three samples had very sharp spectral response at λ equals 9.0 μm. We find that there is a large sensitivity of responsivity, dark current, noise current, and detectivity with the well doping density. Measurements revealed that the lowest-doped samples had an extremely low responsivity relative to the doping concentration while the highest-doped sample had an excessively high dark current relative to doping. The middle-doped sample yielded the optimal results. This QWIP had a responsivity of 33.2 A/W and operated with a detectivity of 3.5x1010 cm·Hz½·W-1 at a bias of 0.75 V and temperature of 80 K. This responsivity is the highest value reported for any QWIP in the (lambda) equals 8-9 &mus;m range. Analysis is also presented explaining the dependence of the measured QWIP parameters to well doping density. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Very Long Wavelength GaAs/GaInP Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors
C. Jelen, S. Slivken, G.J. Brown, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- February 12, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate long wavelength quantum well infrared photodetectors with GaAs quantum wells and GaInP barriers grown using gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. Wafers were grown with varying well widths. The optimum well width was 75 angstrom, which resulted in a detection peak at 13 μm and a cutoff wavelength of 15 μm. Dark current measurements of the samples with 15 μm cutoff wavelength show low dark current densities. The dark current characteristics have been investigated as a function of temperature and electron density in the well and compared to a model which takes into account thermionic emission and thermally assisted tunneling. The model is used to extract a saturation velocity of 1.5 x 105 cm/s for electrons. The photoelectron lifetime before recapture has been deduced from this carrier velocity and photoconductive gain measurements. The lifetime is found to be approximately 5 ps. Preliminary focal plane array imaging is demonstrated. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-power, room-temperature and continuous-wave operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers at λ = 4.8 µm
J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish, A. Evans, B. Gokden and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 12 (5)-- August 1, 2005 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-Power (~9 μm) Quantum Cascade Lasers
S. Slivken, Z. Huang, A. Evans, and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 5 (22)-- June 3, 2002 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]

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