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1. | Dispersion compensated mid-infrared quantum cascade laser frequency comb with high power output Q. Y. Lu, S. Manna, S. Slivken, D. H. Wu, and M. Razeghi AIP Advances 7, 045313 -- April 26, 2017 ...[Visit Journal] Chromatic dispersion control plays an underlying role in optoelectronics and spectroscopy owing to its enhancement to nonlinear interactions by reducing the phase mismatching. This is particularly important to optical frequency combs based on quantum cascade lasers which require negligible dispersions for efficient mode locking of the dispersed modes into equally spaced comb modes. Here, we demonstrated a dispersion compensated mid-IR quantum cascade laser frequency comb with high power output at room temperature. A low-loss dispersive mirror has been engineered to compensate the device’s dispersion residue for frequency comb generation. Narrow intermode beating linewidths of 40 Hz in the comb-working currents were identified with a high power output of 460 mW and a broad spectral coverage of 80 cm-1. This dispersion compensation technique will enable fast spectroscopy and high-resolution metrology based on QCL combs with controlled dispersion and suppressed noise. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Generalized k·p perturbation theory for atomic-scale superlattices H. Yi and M. Razeghi Physical Review B 56 (7)-- August 15, 1997 ...[Visit Journal] We present a generalized k⋅p perturbation method that is applicable for atomic-scale superlattices. The present model is in good quantitative agreement with full band theories with local-density approximation, and approaches results of the conventional k⋅p perturbation method (i.e., Kane’s Hamiltonian) with the envelope function approximation for superlattices with large periods. The indirect band gap of AlAs/GaAs superlattices with short periods observed in experiments is explained using this method. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Quantum Hall liquid-to-insulator transition in In1-xGaxAs/InP heterostructures W. Pan, D. Shahar, D.C. Tsui, H.P. Wei, and M. Razeghi Physical Review B 55 (23)-- June 15, 1997 ...[Visit Journal] We report a temperature- and current-scaling study of the quantum Hall liquid-to-insulator transition in an In1-xGaxAs/InP heterostructure. When the magnetic field is at the critical field Bc, ρxx=0.86h/e². Furthermore, the transport near Bc scales as |B- Bc|T-κ with κ=0.45±0.05, and as |B- Bc|I-b with b=0.23±0.05. The latter can be due to phonon emission in a dirty piezoelectric medium, or can be the consequence of critical behavior near Bc, within which z=1.0±0.1 and ν=2.1±0.3 are obtained from our data. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Terahertz emitters at Center for Quantum Devices: recent advances and future trends Manijeh Razeghi Proc. SPIE 10177, Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII, 1017705-- August 23, 2018 ...[Visit Journal] This paper reviews the recent advances and future trends of terahertz (THz) emitters at CQD/NU, highlights the high-performance THz sources based on intracavity nonlinear frequency generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Significant performance improvements of our THz sources in the power, wall plug efficiency are achieved by systematic optimizing the device's active region, waveguide, and chip bonding strategy. High THz power up to 1.9 mW and 0.014 mW for pulsed mode and continuous wave operations at room temperature are demonstrated, respectively. Even higher power and efficiency are envisioned based on enhancements in outcoupling efficiency and mid-IR performance. Our compact THz device with high power and wide tuning range is highly suitable for the imaging, sensing, spectroscopy, medical diagnosis, and many other applications. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Persistent photoconductivity in thin undoped GaInP/GaAs quantum wells S. Elhamri, M. Ahoujja, K. Ravindran, D.B. Mast, R.S. Newrock, W.C. Mitchel, G.J. Brown, I. Lo, M. Razeghi and X. He Applied Physics Letters 66 (2)-- January 9, 1995 ...[Visit Journal] Persistent photoconductivity has been observed at low temperatures in thin, unintentionally doped GaInP/GaAs/GaInP quantum wells. The two‐dimensional electron gas was studied by low field Hall and Shubnikov–de Haas effects. After illumination with red light, the electron concentration increased from low 1011 cm−2 to more than 7×1011 cm−2 resulting in an enhancement of both the carrier mobility and the quantum lifetime. The persistent photocarriers cannot be produced by DX-like defects since the shallow dopant concentration in the GaInP layers is too low to produce the observed concentration. We suggest that the persistent carriers are produced by photoionization of deep intrinsic donors in the GaInP barrier layer. We also report observation of a parallel conduction path in GaInP induced by extended illumination. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | High Power, Room Temperature, Continuous-Wave Operation of Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown by GasMBE A. Evans, J. David, L. Doris, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5359, pp. 188-- January 25, 2004 ...[Visit Journal] Very high power continuous-wave quantum cascade lasers are demonstrated in the mid-infrared (3 - 6 µm) wavelength range. λ~6 µm high-reflectivity coated QCLs are demonstrated producing over 370 mW continuous-wave power at room temperature with continuous-wave operation up to 333 K. Advanced heterostructure geometries, including the use of a thick electroplated gold, epilayer-side heat sink and a buried-ridge heterostructure are demonstrated to improve laser performance significantly when combined with narrow laser ridges. Recent significant improvements in CW operation are presented and include the development if narrow (9 µm-wide) ridges for high temperature CW operation. GasMBE growth of the strain-balanced λ~6 µm QCL heterostructure is discussed. X-ray diffraction measurements are presented and compared to computer simulations that indicate excellent layer and compositional uniformity of the structure. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Continuous-wave room-temperature operation of InGaN/GaN multiquantum well lasers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition M. Razeghi, A. Saxler, P. Kung, D. Walker, X. Zhang, A. Rybaltowski, Y. Xiao, H.J. Yi and J. Diaz SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 3284, pp. 113-- January 28, 1998 ...[Visit Journal] Continuous-wave (CW) room temperature operation of InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well (MQW) lasers is reported. Far-field beam divergence as narrow as 13 degrees and 20 degrees for parallel and perpendicular directions to epilayer planes were measured, respectively. The MQW lasers showed strong beam polarization anisotropy as consistent with QW laser gain theory. Dependencies of threshold current on cavity-length and temperature are also consistent with conventional laser theory. No significant degradation in laser characteristics was observed during lifetime testing for over 140 hours of CW room temperature operation. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Study of Au coated ZnO nanoarrays for surface enhanced Raman scattering chemical sensing Gre´gory Barbillon, Vinod E. Sandana,Christophe Humbert, Benoit Be´lier, David J. Rogers, Ferechteh H. Teherani, Philippe Bove Ryan McClintock and Manijeh Razeghid J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 3528-- March 20, 2017 ...[Visit Journal] At present, the simultaneous attainment of good reproducibility and high enhancement factors (EF) are key challenges in the development of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)substrates for improved chemical and biological sensing. SERS
substrates are generally based on distributions of metallic nanoparticles/structures with different shapes and architectures which are prepared by either thermal dewetting, precipitation
from colloidal suspensions1–4 or advanced (e.g. deep UV or electron beam (EBL)) lithographic techniques.5–9 Although such substrates can exhibit large Raman enhancements, the former
two techniques (colloidal and thermal dewetting) give poor SERS reproducibility while deep UV and EBL are too expensive and/or complex for mass production. |
1. | High-speed, low-noise metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photodetectors based on GaN D. Walker, E. Monroy, P. Kung, J. Wu, M. Hamilton, F.J. Sanchez, J. Diaz, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 74 (5)-- February 1, 1999 ...[Visit Journal] We present the fabrication and characterization of nonintentionally doped GaN and GaN:Mg Schottky metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) photodetectors, grown on sapphire by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Low-leakage, Schottky contacts were made with Pt/Au. The devices are visible blind, with an ultraviolet/green contrast of about five orders of magnitude. The response times of the MSM devices were <10 ns and about 200 ns for GaN and GaN:Mg, respectively. The noise power spectral density remains below the background level of the system (10−24 A²/Hz) up to 5 V, for the undoped GaN MSM detector. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Pulsed metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of high quality AlN/GaN superlattices for near-infrared intersubband transitions C. Bayram, N. Pere-Laperne, R. McClintock, B. Fain and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, No. 12, p. 121902-1-- March 23, 2009 ...[Visit Journal] A pulsed metal-organic chemical vapor deposition technique is developed for the growth of high-quality AlN/GaN superlattices (SLs) with intersubband (ISB) transitions at optical communications wavelengths. Tunability of the AlN and GaN layers is demonstrated. Indium is shown to improve SL surface and structural quality. Capping thickness is shown to be crucial for ISB transition characteristics. Effects of barrier- and well-doping on the ISB absorption are reported. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | III-Nitride avalanche photodiodes R. McClintock, J.L. Pau, C. Bayram, B. Fain, P. Giedratis, M. Razeghi and M. Ulmer SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7222-0U-- January 26, 2009 ...[Visit Journal] Research into avalanche photodiodes (APDs) is motivated by the need for high sensitivity ultraviolet (UV) detectors in numerous civilian and military applications. By designing photodetectors to utilize low-noise impact ionization based gain, GaN APDs operating in Geiger mode can deliver gains exceeding 1×107. Thus with careful design, it becomes possible to count photons at the single photon level. In this paper we review the current state of the art in III-Nitride visible-blind APDs, and present our latest results regarding linear and Geiger mode III-Nitride based APDs. This includes novel device designs such as separate absorption and multiplication APDs (SAM-APDs). We also discuss control of the material quality and the critical issue of p-type doping - demonstrating a novel delta-doping technique for improved material quality and enhanced electric field confinement. The spectral response and Geiger-mode photon counting performance of these devices are then analyzed under low photon fluxes, with single photon detection capabilities being demonstrated. Other major technical issues associated with the realization of high-quality visible-blind Geiger mode APDs are also discussed in detail and future prospects for improving upon the performance of these devices are outlined.
[reprint (PDF)] |
1. | ZnO 3D flower-like nanostructure synthesized on GaN epitaxial layer by simple route hydrothermal process J.M. Jung, C.R. Kim, H. Ryu, M. Razeghi and W.G. Jung Journal of Alloys and Compounds-- September 15, 2007 ...[Visit Journal] The 3D type, flower-like ZnO nanostructures from particle to flower-like or chestnut bur are fabricated on the GaN epitaxial layer substrate through the simple-route hydrothermal process. Structural characterization was made for the ZnO 3D nanostructures synthesized in different pH ranging from 9.5 to 11.0. The growth model was proposed and discussed regarding the fabrication mechanism and morphology of ZnO 3D flower-like nanostructure. The flower-like ZnO is composed of many thin single crystals ZnO nanorods. Bigger and thicker ZnO structure is fabricated with the increase of pH in solution. The enhanced UV emission in the PL measurement and the spectra in the Raman spectroscopy for ZnO–GaN heterojunction material were discussed. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Advanced Monolithic Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Focal Plane Array Integrated with Silicon Readout Integrated Circuit J. Jiang, S. Tsao, K. Mi, M. Razeghi, G.J. Brown, C. Jelen and M.Z. Tidrow Infrared Physics and Technology, 46 (3)-- January 1, 2005 ...[Visit Journal] Today, most infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) utilize a hybrid scheme. To achieve higher device reliability and lower cost, monolithic FPAs with Si based readout integrated circuits (ROICs) are the trend of the future development. In this paper, two approaches for monolithic FPAs are proposed: double sided integration and selective epitaxy integration. For comparison, the fabrication process for hybrid quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP) FPAs are also described. Many problems, such as the growth of QWIPs on Si substrate and processing incompatibility between Si and III–V semiconductors, need to be solved before monolithic FPAs can be realized. Experimental work on GaInAs/InP QWIP-on-Si is given in this paper. A record high detectivity of 2.3×109 jones was obtained for one QWIP-on-Si detector at 77 K. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Room temperature compact THz sources based on quantum cascade laser technology M. Razeghi; Q.Y. Lu; N. Bandyopadhyay; S. Slivken; Y. Bai Proc. SPIE 8846, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications IV, 884602 (September 24, 2013)-- November 24, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] We present the high performance THz sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Room temperature single-mode operation in a wide THz spectral range of 1-4.6 THz is demonstrated from our Čerenkov phase-matched THz sources with dual-period DFB gratings. High THz power up to 215 μW at 3.5 THz is demonstrated via epi-down mounting of our THz device. The rapid development renders this type of THz sources promising local oscillators for many astronomical and medical applications. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Optical Coatings by ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared quantum cascade lasers J. Nguyen, J.S. Yu, A. Evans, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 89 (11)-- September 11, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] The authors report on the development of high-reflection and multilayer antireflection coatings using ion-beam sputtering deposition for long-wave infrared (λ~9.4 μm) quantum cascade lasers. A metallic high-reflection coating structure using Y2O3 and Au is demonstrated to achieve a high reflectance of 96.70%, and the use of a multilayer anti-reflection coating structure using PbTe and ZnO is demonstrated to achieve a very low reflectance of 1.64%. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Shortwave quantum cascade laser frequency comb for multi-heterodyne spectroscopy Q. Y. Lu, S. Manna, D. H. Wu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 112, 141104-- April 3, 2018 ...[Visit Journal] Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are versatile light sources with tailorable emitting wavelengths covering the mid-infrared and terahertz spectral ranges. When the dispersion is minimized, frequency combs can be directly emitted from quantum cascade lasers via four-wave mixing. To date, most of the mid-infrared quantum cascade laser combs are operational in a narrow wavelength range wherein the QCL dispersion is minimal. In this work, we address the issue of very high dispersion for shortwave QCLs and demonstrate 1-W dispersion compensated shortwave QCL frequency combs at λ~5.0 μm, spanning a spectral range of 100 cm−1. The multi-heterodyne spectrum exhibits 95 equally spaced frequency comb lines, indicating that the shortwave QCL combs are ideal candidates for high-speed high-resolution spectroscopy [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Graphene versus oxides for transparent electrode applications Sandana, V. E.; Rogers, D. J.; Teherani, F. Hosseini; Bove, P.; Razeghi, M. Proc. SPIE 8626, Oxide-based Materials and Devices IV, 862603 (March 18, 2013)-- March 18, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] Due to their combination of good electrical conductivity and optical transparency, Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCOs) are the most common choice as transparent electrodes for optoelectronics applications. In particular, devices, such as LEDs, LCDs, touch screens and solar cells typically employ indium tin oxide. However, indium has some significant drawbacks, including toxicity issues (which are hampering manufacturing), an increasing rarefication (due to a combination of relative scarcity and increasing demand [1]) and resulting price increases. Moreover, there is no satisfactory option at the moment for use as a p-type transparent contact. Thus alternative materials solutions are actively being sought. This review will compare the performance and perspectives of graphene with respect to TCOs for use in transparent conductor applications. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | High Power Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) Grown by GasMBE M. Razeghi and S. Slivken SPIE Proceedings, International Conference on Solid State Crystals (ICSSC), Zakopane, Poland, -- October 14, 2002 ...[Visit Journal] This paper is a brief summary of the technological development and state-of-the-art performance of quantum cascade lasers produced at the Centre for Quantum Devices. Laser design will be discussed, as well as experimental details of device fabrication. Recent work has focused on the development of high peak and average power QCLs emitting at room temperature and above. Scaling of the output is demonstrated by increasing the number of emitting regions in the waveguide core. At λ = 9 µm, over 7 W of peak power has been demonstrated at room temperature for a single diode, with an average power of 300 mW at 6% duty cycle. At shorter wavelengths, laser development includes the use of highly strain-balanced heterostructures in order to maintain a high conduction band offset and minimize leakage current. At λ = 6 µm, utilizing a high reflective coating and epilayer-down mounting of the laser, we have demonstrated 225 mW of average power from a single facet at room temperature. Lastly, these results are put in perspective of other reported results and possible future directions are discussed.
[reprint (PDF)] |
1. | High-Power Continuous-Wave Operation of a 6 µm Quantum-Cascade Laser at Room Temperature J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, A. Evans, L. Doris, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 83 (13)-- September 29, 2003 ...[Visit Journal] We report continuous-wave (cw) operation of quantum-cascade lasers (λ= 6 µm) using a thick electroplated Au top contact layer and epilayer-up bonding on a copper heat sink up to a temperature of 308 K (35 °C). The high cw optical output powers of 132 mW at 293 K and 21 mW at 308 K are achieved with threshold current densities of 2.29 and 2.91 kA/cm², respectively, for a high-reflectivity-coated 15 µm wide and 2 mm long laser. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | EPR Investigations of a Structural Phase Change in Lead Phosphate M. RAZEGHI M. RAZEGHI: EPR Investigations of a Structural Phase Change phys. stat. sol. (b) 108, 175 (1981)-- November 1, 1981 ...[Visit Journal] The temperature dependence of the EPR line width of the Mn2+ and Gd3+ in Pb3(PO4)2 is investigated from -270 to 500 °C. At the first-order ferroelastic transition point (180 °C), an abrupt change in the fine-structure splitting as well as in the resonance line width is observed. Various contributions to fine structure D and E parameters of Mn2+ and Gd3+ are computed, using a point-multipole model. For temperatures near to Tc the correlation time of the fluctuations is estimated to be greater than 10−9. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Comparison of type-II superlattice and HgCdTe infrared detector technologies Jagmohan Bajaj; Gerry Sullivan; Don Lee; Ed Aifer; Manijeh Razeghi Proc. SPIE 6542, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIII, 65420B (May 14, 2007)-- May 14, 2007 ...[Visit Journal] Performance of HgCdTe detector technology surpasses all others in the mid-wave and long-wave infrared spectrum. This technology is relatively mature with current effort focused on improving uniformity, and demonstrating increased focal plane array (FPA) functionality. Type-II superlattice (InAs-GaSb and related alloys) detector technology has seen rapid progress over the past few years. The merits of the superlattice material system rest on predictions of even higher performance than HgCdTe and of engineering advantages. While no one has demonstrated Type-II superlattice detectors with performance superior to HgCdTe detectors, the difference in performance between these two technologies is decreasing. In this paper, we review the status and highlight relative merits of both HgCdTe and Type-II superlattice based detector technologies. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Investigation of the Heteroepitaxial Interfaces in the GaInP/GaAs Superlattices by High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Dynamical Solutions Xiaoguang He and Manijeh Razeghi Journal of Applied Physics 73 (7)-- April 1, 1993 ...[Visit Journal] Two GaAs/GaInP superlattices grown on GaAs substrates by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition have been studied using high resolution x‐ray diffraction measurements and simulations by solving Tagaki–Taupin equations. The strained layers at both interfaces of the GaAs well are identified from the simulations of the measured diffraction patterns. The purging of indium at the interface of GaInP/GaAs accounts for the strained layer at the GaInP/GaAs interface while the pressure difference in the gas lines, which results in the different traveling time to the sample surface, is attributed to the indium‐poor strained layer at the GaAs/GaInP interface. It is shown that high‐resolution x‐ray diffraction measurements combined with a dynamical simulation, are sensitive tools to study the heteroepitaxial interfaces on an atomic layer scale. In addition, the influence of a miscut of the substrate on the measurement is discussed in the article. It is shown that even though the miscut is small, the diffraction geometry is already an asymmetric one. More than 10% error in the superlattice period for a 2° miscut substrate can result when the miscut substrate is considered a symmetric geometry. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Long-Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors Based on InSbBi Grown on GaAs Substrates J.J. Lee, J.D. Kim, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 71 (16)-- October 20, 1997 ...[Visit Journal] We demonstrate the operation of InSbBi infrared photoconductive detectors grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. The fabricated photodetector showed a cutoff wavelength of 7.7 μm at 77 K. The responsivity of the InSbBi photodetector at 7 μm was about 3.2 V/W at 77 K. The corresponding Johnson-noise limited detectivity was 4.7×108 cm· Hz½/W. The carrier lifetime was estimated to be about 86 ns from the voltage-dependent responsivity measurements. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Demonstration of high performance bias-selectable dual-band short-/mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattices A.M. Hoang, G. Chen, A. Haddadi and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 1, p. 011108-1-- January 7, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] High performance bias-selectable dual-band short-/mid-wavelength infrared photodetector based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice with designed cut-off wavelengths of 2 μm and 4 μm was demonstrated. At 150 K, the short-wave channel exhibited a quantum efficiency of 55%, a dark current density of 1.0 × 10−9 A/cm² at −50 mV bias voltage, providing an associated shot noise detectivity of 3.0 × 1013 Jones. The mid-wavelength channel exhibited a quantum efficiency of 33% and a dark current density of 2.6 × 10−5 A/cm² at 300 mV bias voltage, resulting in a detectivity of 4.0 × 1011 Jones. The spectral cross-talk between the two channels was also discussed for further optimization. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Back-illuminated solar-blind photodetectors for imaging applications R. McClintock, A. Yasan, K. Mayes, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, Jose, CA, Vol. 5732, pp.175-- January 22, 2005 ...[Visit Journal] Back-illuminated solar-blind ultraviolet p-i-n photodetectors and focal plane arrays are investigated. We initially study single-pixel devices and then discuss the hybridization to a read-out integrated circuit to form focal plane arrays for solar-blind UV imaging. [reprint (PDF)] |
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