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2.  Photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers with 12 W output power
Y. Bai, B. Gokden, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 3-- July 20, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate room temperature, high power, and diffraction limited operation of photonic crystal distributed feedback (PCDFB) quantum cascade lasers emitting around 4.7 µm. PCDFB gratings with three distinctive periods are fabricated on the same wafer. Peak output power up to 12 W is demonstrated. Lasers with different periods show expected wavelength shifts according to the design. Dual mode spectra are attributed to a purer index coupling by putting the grating layer 100 nm away from the laser core. Single lobed diffraction limited far field profiles are observed. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  InAsSb/InAsP strained-layer superlattice injection lasers operating at 4.0 μm grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
B. Lane, Z. Wu, A. Stein, J. Diaz, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 74 (23)-- June 7, 1999 ...[Visit Journal]
We report high power mid-infrared electrical injection operation of laser diodes based on InAsSb/InAsP strained-layer superlattices grown on InAs substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The broad-area laser diodes with 100 μm aperture and 1800 μm cavity length demonstrate peak output powers of 546 and 94 mW in pulsed and cw operation respectively at 100 K with a threshold current density as low as 100 A/cm². [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Room temperature continuous wave operation of λ ~ 3-3.2 μm quantum cascade lasers
N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, S. Tsao, S. Nida, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 24, p. 241110-1-- December 10, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate quantum cascade lasers emitting at wavelengths of 3–3.2 μm in the InP-based material system. The laser core consists of GaInAs/AlInAs using strain balancing technique. In room temperature pulsed mode operation, threshold current densities of 1.66 kA∕cm² and 1.97 kA∕cm², and characteristic temperatures (T0) of 108 K and 102 K, are obtained for the devices emitting at 3.2 μm and 3 μm, respectively. Room temperature continuous wave operation is achieved at both wavelengths. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  InAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors on InP by MOCVD
W. Zhang, H. Lim, M. Taguchi, A. Quivy and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 61270M -- January 23, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
We report our recent results of InAs quantum dots grown on InP substrate by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for the application of quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP). We have previously demonstrated the first InP-based QDIP with a peak detection wavelength at 6.4 µm and a detectivity of 1010 cm·Hz½/W at 77K. Here we show our recent work toward shifting the detection wavelength to the 3-5 µm middlewavelength infrared (MWIR) range. The dependence of the quantum dot on the growth conditions is studied by atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Possible ways to increase the quantum efficiency of QDIPs are discussed. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Kinetics of photoconductivity in n-type GaN photodetector
P. Kung, X. Zhang, D. Walker, A. Saxler, J. Piotrowski, A. Rogalski, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 67 (25)-- December 18, 1995 ...[Visit Journal]
High-quality ultraviolet photoconductive detectors have been fabricated using GaN layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on (11⋅0) sapphire substrates. The spectral responsivity remained nearly constant for wavelengths from 200 to 365 nm and dropped sharply by almost three orders of magnitude for wavelengths longer than 365 nm. The kinetics of the photoconductivity have been studied by the measurements of the frequency‐dependent photoresponse and photoconductivity decay. Strongly sublinear response and excitation‐dependent response time have been observed even at relatively low excitation levels. This can be attributed to redistribution of the charge carriers with increased excitation level. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Quantum dot in a well infrared photodetectors for high operating temperature focal plane arrays
S. Tsao, T. Yamanaka, S. Abdollahi Pour, I-K Park, B. Movaghar and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, CA Volume 7234-0V-- January 25, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
InAs quantum dots embedded in InGaAs quantum wells with InAlAs barriers on InP substrate grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition are utilized for high operating temperature detectors and focal plane arrays in the middle wavelength infrared. This dot-well combination is unique because the small band offset between the InAs dots and the InGaAs well leads to weak dot confinement of carriers. As a result, the device behavior differs significantly from that in the more common dot systems that have stronger confinement. Here, we present energy level modeling of our QD-QW system and apply these results to interpret the detector behavior. Detectors showed high performance with D* over 1010 cm·Hz1/2W-1 at 150 K operating temperature and with high quantum efficiency over 50%. Focal plane arrays have been demonstrated operating at high temperature due to the low dark current observed in these devices. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Thin-Film Antimonide-Based Photodetectors Integrated on Si
Yiyun Zhang , Member, IEEE, Abbas Haddadi, Member, IEEE, Romain Chevallier, Arash Dehzangi, Member, IEEE, and Manijeh Razeghi , Life Fellow, IEEE
IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2-- April 1, 2018 ...[Visit Journal]
Monolithic integration of antimonide (Sb)-based compound semiconductors on Si is in high demand to enrich silicon photonics by extending the detection range to longer infrared wavelengths. In this paper, we have demonstrated the damage-free transfer of large-area (1×1 cm² ) narrow-bandgap Sb-based type-II superlattice (T2SL)-based thin-film materials onto a Si substrate using a combination of wafer-bonding and chemical epilayer release techniques. An array of Sb-based T2SL-based long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) photodetectors with diameters from 100 to 400 μm has been successfully fabricated using standard "top–down" processing technique. The transferred LWIR photodetectors exhibit a cut-off wavelength of λ 8.6 μm at 77 K. The dark current density of the transferred photodetectors under 200 mV applied bias at 77 K is as low as 5.7×10−4 A/cm² and the R×A reaches 66.3 Ω·cm², exhibiting no electrical degradation compared with reference samples on GaSb native substrate. The quantum efficiency and peak responsivity at 6.75 μm (@77 K, 200 mV) are 46.2% and 2.44 A/W, respectively. The specific detectivity (D*) at 6.75 μm reaches as high as 1.6×1011 cm·Hz1/2/W under 200 mV bias at 77 K. Our method opens a reliable pathway to realize high performance and practical Sb-based optoelectronic devices on a Si platform. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Structural, Optical, Electrical and Morphological Study of Transparent p-NiO/n-ZnO Heterojunctions Grown by PLD
V. E. Sandana, D. J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, P. Bove, N. Ben Sedrine, M. R. Correia, T. Monteiro, R. McClintock, and M. Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 9364, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VI, 93641O-- March 24, 2015 ...[Visit Journal]
NiO/ZnO heterostructures were fabricated on FTO/glass and bulk hydrothermal ZnO substrates by pulsed laser deposition. X-Ray diffraction and Room Temperature (RT) Raman studies were consistent with the formation of (0002) oriented wurtzite ZnO and (111) oriented fcc NiO. RT optical transmission studies revealed bandgap energy values of ~3.70 eV and ~3.30 eV for NiO and ZnO, respectively and more than 80% transmission for the whole ZnO/NiO/FTO/glass stack over the majority of the visible spectrum. Lateral p-n heterojunction mesas (~6mm x 6mm) were fabricated using a shadow mask during PLD growth. n-n and p-p measurements showed that Ti/Au contacting gave an Ohmic reponse for the NiO, ZnO and FTO. Both heterojunctions had rectifying I/V characteristics. The junction on FTO/glass gave forward bias currents (243mA at +10V) that were over 5 orders of magnitude higher than those for the junction formed on bulk ZnO. At ~ 10-7 A (for 10V of reverse bias) the heterojunction leakage current was approximately two orders of magnitude lower on the bulk ZnO substrate than on FTO. Overall, the lateral p-NiO/n-ZnO/FTO/glass device proved far superior to that formed by growing p-NiO directly on the bulk n-ZnO substrate and gave a combination of electrical performance and visible wavelength transparency that could predispose it for use in various third generation transparent electronics applications. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb Double Heterostructure Detectors for Room Temperature Operation in the 5–8 μm Wavelength Range
J.S. Wojkowski, H. Mohseni, J.D. Kim, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 27, 1999 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the first demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb double heterostructure detectors for room temperature operation. The structures were grown in a solid source molecular beam epitaxy reactor on semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The material was processed to 400x400 micrometer mesas using standard photolithography, etching, and metallization techniques. No optical immersion or surface passivation was used. The photovoltaic detectors showed a cutoff wavelength at 8 micrometer at 300 K. The devices showed a high quantum efficiency of 40% at 7 μm at room temperature. A responsivity of 300 mA/W was measured at 7 μm under a reverse bias of 0.25 V at 300 K resulting in a Johnson noise limited detectivity of 2x108 cm·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High power frequency comb based on mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ~9μm
Q. Y. Lu, M. Razeghi, S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, W. J. Zhou, M. Chen, D. Heydari, A. Haddadi, R. McClintock, M. Amanti, and C. Sirtori
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 051105-- February 2, 2015 ...[Visit Journal]
We investigate a frequency comb source based on a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at λ ∼9 μm with high power output. A broad flat-top gain with near-zero group velocity dispersion has been engineered using a dual-core active region structure. This favors the locking of the dispersed Fabry-Pérot modes into equally spaced frequency lines via four wave mixing. A current range with a narrow intermode beating linewidth of 3 kHz is identified with a fast detector and spectrum analyzer. This range corresponds to a broad spectral coverage of 65 cm−1 and a high power output of 180 mW for ∼176 comb modes. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  8-13 μm InAsSb heterojunction photodiode operating at near room temperature
J.D. Kim, S. Kim, D. Wu, J. Wojkowski, J. Xu, J. Piotrowski, E. Bigan, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 67 (18)-- October 30, 1995 ...[Visit Journal]
p+-InSb/π-InAs1−xSbx/n+-InSb heterojunction photodiodes operating at near room temperature in the 8–13 μm region of infrared (IR) spectrum are reported. A room‐temperature photovoltaic response of up to 13 μm has been observed at 300 K with an x≊0.85 sample. The voltage responsivity‐area product of 3×10−5 V· cm²/W has been obtained at 300 K for the λ=10.6 μm optimized device. This was close to the theoretical limit set by the Auger mechanism, with a detectivity at room temperature of ≊1.5×108 cm ·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-power continuous-wave operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers at λ ~ 7.8 µm
S.R. Darvish, W. Zhang, A. Evans, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 89 (25)-- December 18, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors present high-power continuous-wave (cw) operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers. Continuous-wave output powers of 56 mW at 25 °C and 15 mW at 40 °C are obtained. Single-mode emission near 7.8 μm with a side-mode suppression ratio of >=30 dB and a tuning range of 2.83 cm−1 was obtained between 15 and 40 °C. The device exhibits no beam steering with a full width at half maximum of 27.4° at 25 °C in cw mode. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Electrical Transport Properties of Highly Doped N-type GaN Epilayers
H.J. Lee, M.G. Cheong, E.K. Suh, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 28, 1998 ...[Visit Journal]
Temperature-dependent Hall-effects in MOCVD-grown Si-doped GaN epilayers were measured as a function of temperature in the range 10-800 K. The results were satisfactorily analyzed in terms of a two-band model including the (Gamma) and impurity bands at lower temperatures than room. The (Gamma) band electrons are dominant only high temperatures. The ionized impurity scattering is the most important in the (Gamma) band except at very high temperatures. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  A lifetime of contributions to the world of semiconductors using the Czochralski invention
Manijeh Razeghi
Journal of Vacuum Volume 146, Pages 308-328-- December 1, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Over the course of my career, I have made numerous contributions related to semiconductor crystal growth and high performance optoelectronics over a vast region of the electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet to terahertz). In 2016 this cumulated in my receiving the Jan Czochralski Gold Medal award from the European Materials Research Society. This article is designed to provide a historical perspective and general overview of these scientific achievements, on the occasion of being honored by this award. These achievements would not have been possible without high quality crystalline substrates, and this article is written in honor of Jan Czochralski on the 100th anniversary of his important discovery. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  High-Power (~9 μm) Quantum Cascade Lasers
S. Slivken, Z. Huang, A. Evans, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 80 (22)-- June 3, 2002 ...[Visit Journal]
High-power quantum cascade lasers emitting at λ > 9 μm are demonstrated. Accurate control of layer thickness and interfaces is evidenced by x-ray diffraction. Excellent peak power for uncoated lasers, up to 3.5 W per facet for a 25 μm emitter width, is obtained at 300 K for 75 period structures. The threshold current density at 300 K is only 1.4 kA/cm². From 300 to 425 K, the laser exhibits a characteristic temperature, T0, of 167 K. Over 150 mW of average power is measured per facet for a duty cycle of 6%. Simulation of the average power output reveals a thermal resistance of 12 K/W for epilayer-up mounted ridges. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Material and design engineering of (Al)GaN for high-performance avalanche photodiodes and intersubband applications
M. Razeghi and C. Bayram
SPIE Proceedings, Dresden, Germany (May 4-6, 2009), Vol. 7366, p. 73661F-1-- May 20, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
Numerous applications in scientific, medical, and military areas demand robust, compact, sensitive, and fast ultraviolet (UV) detection. Our (Al)GaN photodiodes pose high avalanche gain and single-photon detection efficiency that can measure up to these requirements. Inherit advantage of back-illumination in our devices offers an easier integration and layout packaging via flip-chip hybridization for UV focal plane arrays that may find uses from space applications to hostile-agent detection. Thanks to the recent (Al)GaN material optimization, III-Nitrides, known to have fast carrier dynamics and short relaxation times, are employed in (Al)GaN based superlattices that absorb in near-infrared regime. In this work, we explain the origins of our high performance UV APDs, and employ our (Al)GaN material knowledge for intersubband applications. We also discuss the extension of this material engineering into the far infrared, and even the terahertz (THz) region. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Tl incorporation in InSb and lattice contraction of In1-xTlxSb
J.J. Lee and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 76 (3)-- January 17, 2000 ...[Visit Journal]
Ternary In1−xTlxSb thin films are grown by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition in the high In composition region. Infrared photoresponse spectra of the In1−xTlxSb epilayers show a clear shift toward a longer wavelength compared to that of InSb. Tl incorporation is confirmed by Auger electron spectroscopy. In contrast to the theoretical expectation, high resolution x-ray diffraction study reveals that the lattice of the In1−xTlxSb epilayers is contracted by the incorporation of Tl. As more Tl is incorporated, the lattice contraction is observed to increase gradually in the experimental range. A possible origin of this phenomenon is discussed. Our experimental results suggest that the Tl incorporation behavior in In1−xTlxSb differs from that of other group III impurities in III antimonides. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Optoelectronic Devices Based on III-V Compound Semiconductors Which Have Made a Major Scientific and Technological Impact in the Past 20 Years
M. Razeghi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 6 (6), pp.1344 - 1354 -- November 1, 2000 ...[Visit Journal]
This paper reviews some of our pioneering contributions to the field of III–V compound semiconductor materials and low-dimensional optoelectronic devices. These contributions span from the ultraviolet (200 nm) up to the far-infrared (25 μm) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and have had a major scientific and technological impact on the semiconductor world in the past 20 years. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Neutron Activation Analysis of an Iranian Cigarette and its Smoke
Z. Abedinzadeh, M. Razeghi and B. Parsa
Z. Abedinzadeh, M. Razeghi and B. Parsa, Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, VoL 35 [1977) 373-376-- September 1, 1977 ...[Visit Journal]
Non-destructive neutron activation analysis, employing a high-resolution Ge(Li) detector, was applied to determine the concentration of 24 trace elements in the tobacco of the Zarrin cigarette which is commercially made in Iran. These elements are: Na, K, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, Se, Br, Rb, Ag, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Hf, Au, Hg and Th. The smokes from the combustion of this tobacco and of the cigarette paper were also analysed for these elements and the percentage transference values were calculated. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Observation of Room Temperature Surface-Emitting Stimulated Emission from GaN:Ge by Optical pumping
X. Zhang, P. Kung, A. Saxler, D. Walker, and M. Razeghi
Journal of Applied Physics 80 (11)-- December 1, 1996 ...[Visit Journal]
Optically pumped surface-emitting stimulated emission at room temperature was observed from GaN:Ge grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The sample was optically pumped perpendicularly on the top surface while the stimulated emission was collected from the back colinearly with the pump beam. The cavity was formed by the GaN/air and GaN/sapphire interfaces without any other structure. The stimulated emission was gain guided by the pump beam. The threshold optical pump density for stimulated emission was approximately 2.8 MW/cm² and the linewidth was 2.5 nm. The emission from GaN:Ge showed a redshift as the pump density increased. The comparison between theoretical calculations and experimental results suggested that many-body interactions can account well for the redshift. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  GaInN/GaN Multi-Quantum Well Laser Diodes Grown by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
P. Kung, A. Saxler, D. Walker, A. Rybaltowski, X. Zhang, J. Diaz, and M. Razeghi
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 3 (1)-- January 1, 1998 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the growth, fabrication and characterization of GaInN/GaN multi-quantum well lasers grown on (00·1) sapphire substrates by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The threshold current density of a 1800 µm long cavity length laser was 1.4 kA/cm² with a threshold voltage of 25 V. These lasers exhibited series resistances of 13 and 14 Ω at 300 and 79 K, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Comparison of Trimethylgallium and Triethylgallium for the Growth of GaN
A. Saxler, D. Walker, P. Kung, X. Zhang, M. Razeghi, J. Solomon, W. Mitchel, and H.R. Vydyanath
Applied Physics Letters 71 (22)-- December 1, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN films grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using trimethylgallium and triethylgallium as gallium precursors are compared. The films were characterized by x-ray diffraction, Hall effect, photoluminescence, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and etch pit density measurements. GaN layers grown using triethylgallium exhibited superior electrical and optical properties and a lower carbon impurity concentration. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Electrically pumped photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers
Y. Bai, P. Sung, S.R. Darvish, W. Zhang, A. Evans, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, January 20-25, 2008, San Jose, CA Proceedings – Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices V, Vol. 6900, p. 69000A-1-8.-- February 1, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate electrically pumped, room temperature, single mode operation of photonic crystal distributed feedback (PCDFB) quantum cascade lasers emitting at ~ 4.75 µm. Ridge waveguides of 50 µm and 100 µm width were fabricated with both PCDFB and Fabry-Perot feedback mechanisms. The Fabry-Perot device has a broad emitting spectrum and a broad far-field character. The PCDFB devices have primarily a single spectral mode and a diffraction limited far field characteristic with a full angular width at half-maximum of 4.8 degrees and 2.4 degrees for the 50 µm and 100 µm ridge widths, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Advances in antimonide-based Type-II superlattices for infrared detection and imaging at center for quantum devices
M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, A.M. Hoang, E.K. Huang, G. Chen, S. Bogdanov, S.R. Darvish, F. Callewaert, R. McClintock
Infrared Physics & Technology, Volume 59, Pages 41-52 (2013)-- July 1, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices (T2SLs), a system of multi-interacting quantum wells, was introduced by Nobel Laureate L. Esaki in the 1970s. Since then, this material system has drawn a lot of attention especially for infrared detection. In recent years, T2SL material system has experienced incredible improvements in material quality, device structure designs and device fabrication process which elevated the performances of T2SL-based photo-detectors to a comparable level to the state-of-the-art material systems for infrared detection such as Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT). In this paper, we will present the current status of T2SL-based photo-detectors and focal plane arrays for imaging in different infrared regions, from SWIR to VLWIR, and the future outlook of this material system. [reprint (PDF)]
1.  Demonstration of shortwavelength infrared photodiodes based on type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattices
A.M. Hoang, G. Chen, A. Haddadi, S. Abdollahi Pour, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, No. 21, p. 211101-1-- May 21, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate the feasibility of the InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice photodiodes operating at the short wavelength infrared regime below 3  μm. An n-i-p type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb photodiode was grown with a designed cut-off wavelength of 2 μm on a GaSb substrate. At 150  K, the photodiode exhibited a dark current density of 5.6 × 10−8 A/cm² and a front-side-illuminated quantum efficiency of 40.3%, providing an associated shot noise detectivity of 1.0 × 1013 Jones. The uncooled photodiode showed a dark current density of 2.2 × 10−3 A/cm² and a quantum efficiency of 41.5%, resulting in a detectivity of 1.7 × 1010 Jones [reprint (PDF)]

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