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2.  Recent advances in high power mid- and far-wavelength infrared lasers for free space communication
S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
SPIE Optics East Conference, October 1-4, 2006, Boston, MA Proceedings – Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications VI, Vol. 6389, p. 63890S-1-- October 4, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
Link reliability is a significant issue for free space optical links. Inclement weather, such as fog, can seriously reduce the transmission of light through the atmosphere. However, this effect, for some types of fog, is wavelength-dependent. In order to improve link availability in both metro and hostile environments, mid- and far-wavelength infrared diode lasers can be of use. This paper will discuss some of the recent advances in high-power, uncooled quantum cascade lasers and their potential for use in long range and/or highly reliable free space communication links. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Molecular beam epitaxial growth of InSb p-i-n photodetectors on GaAs and Si
E. Michel, R. Peters, S. Slivken, C. Jelen, P. Bove, J. Xu, I. Ferguson, and M. Razeghi
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Materials, Physics and Devices, SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA; Proceedings, Vol. 2397-- February 6, 1995 ...[Visit Journal]
High quality InSb has been grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and optimized using Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction. A 4.8 micrometers InSb layer grown on GaAs at a growth temperature of 395 degree(s)C and a III/V incorporation ratio of 1:1.2 had an X-ray rocking curve FWHM of 158 arcsec and a Hall mobility of 92300 cm2V-1s-1 at 77 K, the best reported to date for InSb nucleated directly onto GaAs. InSb p-i-n structures of 5.8 micrometers grown under the same conditions demonstrated a X-ray Full Width at Half Maximum of 101 arcsec and 131 arcsec for GaAs and Si substrates, respectively, and exhibited excellent uniformity of +/- 3 arcsec over a 3' substrate. Prototype InSb p-i-n detectors on Si have been fabricated and have demonstrated photovoltaic response at 6.5 micrometers up to 200 K. These p-i-n detectors have also exhibited the highest D* for a device grown onto Si. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Photoconductance measurements on InTlSb/InSb/GaAs grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
P.T. Staveteig, Y.H. Choi, G. Labeyrie, E. Bigan, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 64 (4)-- January 24, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
We report infrared photoconductors based on InTlSb/InSb grown by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. The photoresponse spectrum extends up to 8 μm at 77 K. The absolute magnitude of the photoresponse is measured as a function of bias. The specific detectivity is estimated to be 3×108 Hz½·cm·W-1 at 7 μm wavelength. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High Power 280 nm AlGaN Light Emitting Diodes Based on an Asymmetric Single Quantum Well
K. Mayes, A. Yasan, R. McClintock, D. Shiell, S.R. Darvish, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 84 (7)-- February 16, 2004 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate high-power AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on sapphire with an emission wavelength of 280 nm using an asymmetric single-quantum-well active layer configuration on top of a high-quality AlGaN/AlN template layer. An output power of 1.8 mW at a pulsed current of 400 mA was achieved for a single 300 µm×300 µm diode. This device reached a high peak external quantum efficiency of 0.24% at 40 mA. An array of four diodes produced 6.5 mW at 880 mA of pulsed current. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb Double Heterostructure Detectors for Room Temperature Operation in the 5–8 μm Wavelength Range
J.S. Wojkowski, H. Mohseni, J.D. Kim, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, -- January 27, 1999 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the first demonstration of InAsSb/AlInSb double heterostructure detectors for room temperature operation. The structures were grown in a solid source molecular beam epitaxy reactor on semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The material was processed to 400x400 micrometer mesas using standard photolithography, etching, and metallization techniques. No optical immersion or surface passivation was used. The photovoltaic detectors showed a cutoff wavelength at 8 micrometer at 300 K. The devices showed a high quantum efficiency of 40% at 7 μm at room temperature. A responsivity of 300 mA/W was measured at 7 μm under a reverse bias of 0.25 V at 300 K resulting in a Johnson noise limited detectivity of 2x108 cm·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High Thermal Stability of κ-Ga2O3 Grown by MOCVD
Junhee Lee, Honghyuk Kim, Lakshay Gautam and Manijeh Razeghi
Lee, J.; Kim, H.; Gautam, L.; Razeghi, M. High Thermal Stability of κ-Ga2O3 Grown by MOCVD. Crystals 2021, 11, 446. 10.3390/cryst11040446 ...[Visit Journal]
We report a high thermal stability of kappa gallium oxide grown on c-plane sapphire substrate by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Kappa gallium oxide is widely known as a metastable polymorph transitioning its phase when subjected to a high temperature. Here, we show the kappa gallium oxide whose phase is stable in a high temperature annealing process at 1000 °C. These oxide films were grown at 690 °C under nitrogen carrier gas. The materials showed high electrical resistivity when doped with silicon, whereas the film conductivity was significantly improved when doped with both indium and silicon. This work provides a pathway to overcoming limitations for the advance in utilizing kappa gallium oxide possessing superior electrical characteristics. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  RT-CW: widely tunable semiconductor THz QCL sources
M. Razeghi; Q. Y. Lu
Proceedings Volume 9934, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications, 993406-1-- September 26, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Distinctive position of Terahertz (THz) frequencies (ν~0.3 -10 THz) in the electromagnetic spectrum with their lower quantum energy compared to IR and higher frequency compared to microwave range allows for many potential applications unique to them. Especially in the security side of the THz sensing applications, the distinct absorption spectra of explosives and related compounds in the range of 0.1–5 THz makes THz technology a competitive technique for detecting hidden explosives. A compact, high power, room temperature continuous wave terahertz source emitting in a wide frequency range will greatly boost the THz applications for the diagnosis and detection of explosives. Here we present a new strong-coupled strain-balanced quantum cascade laser design for efficient THz generation based intracavity DFG. Room temperature continuous wave operation with electrical frequency tuning range of 2.06-4.35 THz is demonstrated [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High-performance short-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/InAs1-xSbx/AlAs1-xSbx superlattices
M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, X. V. Suo, S. Adhikary, P. Dianat, R. Chevallier, A. M. Hoang, A. Dehzangi
Proc. SPIE 9819, Infrared Technology and Applications XLII, 98190A -- May 20, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
We present a high-performance short-wavelength infrared n-i-p photodiode, whose structure is based on type-II superlattices with InAs/InAs1-xSbx/AlAs1-xSbx on GaSb substrate. At room temperature (300K) with front-side illumination, the device shows the peak responsivity of 0.47 A/W at 1.6mm, corresponding to 37% quantum efficiency at zero bias. At 300K, the device has a 50% cut-off wavelength of ~1.8mm. For −50mV applied bias at 300 K the photodetector has dark current density of 9.6x10-5 A/cm² and RxA of 285 Ω•cm², and it revealed a detectivity of 6.45x1010 cm•Hz½/W. Dark current density reached to 1.3x10-8 A/cm² at 200 K, with 36% quantum efficiency which leads to the detectivity value of 5.66x1012 cm•Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Nickel oxide growth on Si (111), c-Al2O3 and FTO/glass by pulsed laser deposition
V. E. Sandana ; D. J. Rogers ; F. Hosseini Teherani ; P. Bove ; R. McClintock ; M. Razeghi
03/07/2014-- March 7, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
NiO was grown on Si (111), c-Al2O3 and FTO/glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies revealed that layers grown on c-Al2O3 were fcc NiO with a dense morphology of cubic grains that were strongly (111) oriented along the growth direction. The relatively low ω rocking curve linewidth, of 0.12°suggests that there may have been epitaxial growth on the c-Al2O3 substrate. XRD and SEM indicated that films grown on Si (111) were also fcc NiO, with cubic grains, but that the grain orientation was random. This is consistent with the presence of an amorphous SiO2 layer at the surface of the Si substrate, which precluded epitaxial growth. NiO grown at lower temperature (200°C) on temperature-sensitive FTO/glass substrates showed no evidence of crystallinity in XRD and SEM studies. After flash annealing in air, however, peaks characteristic of randomly oriented fcc NiO appeared in the XRD scans and the surface morphology became more granular in appearance. Such layers appear promising for the development of future dye-sensitised solar cell devices based on NiO grown by PLD. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Near milliwatt power AlGaN-based ultraviolet light emitting diodes based on lateral epitaxial overgrowth of AlN on Si(111)
Y. Zhang, S. Gautier, C. Cho, E. Cicek, Z, Vashaei, R. McClintock, C. Bayram, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 1, p. 011106-1-- January 7, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
We report on the growth, fabrication, and device characterization of AlGaN-based thin-film ultraviolet (UV) (λ ∼ 359 nm) light emitting diodes (LEDs). First, AlN/Si(111) template is patterned. Then, a fully coalesced 7-μm-thick lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) of AlN layer is realized on patterned AlN/Si(111) template followed by UV LED epi-regrowth. Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is employed to optimize LEO AlN and UV LED epitaxy. Back-emission UV LEDs are fabricated and flip-chip bonded to AlN heat sinks followed by Si(111) substrate removal. A peak pulsed power and slope efficiency of ∼0.6 mW and ∼1.3 μW/mA are demonstrated from these thin-film UV LEDs, respectively. For comparison, top-emission UV LEDs are fabricated and back-emission LEDs are shown to extract 50% more light than top-emission ones. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Superlattice sees colder objects in two colors and high resolution
M. Razeghi
SPIE Newsroom-- February 10, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
A special class of semiconductor material can now detect two wavebands of light with energies less than a tenth of an electron volt in high resolution using the same IR camera. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High power 1D and 2D photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers
B. Gokden, Y. Bai, S. Tsao, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Francisco, CA (January 22-27, 2011), Vol. 7945, p. 79450C-- January 23, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
For many practical applications that need bright sources of mid-infrared radiation, single mode operation and good beam quality are also required. Quantum cascade lasers are prominent candidates as compact sources of mid-infrared radiation capable of delivering very high power both CW and under pulsed operation. While 1D photonic crystal distributed feedback structures can be used to get single mode operation from quantum cascade lasers with narrow ridge widths, novel 2D photonic crystal cavity designs can be used to improve spectral and spatial purity of broad area quantum cascade lasers. In this paper, we demonstrate high power, spatially and spectrally pure operation at room temperature from narrow ridge and broad area quantum cascade lasers with buried 1D and 2D photonic crystal structures. Single mode continuous wave emission at λ = 4.8 μm up to 700 mW in epi-up configuration at room temperature was observed from a 11 μm wide 5 mm long distributed feedback quantum cascade laser with buried 1D gratings. High peak powers up to 34 W was obtained from a 3mm long 400 μm wide 2D photonic crystal distributed feedback laser at room temperature under pulsed operation. The far field profile had a single peak normal to the laser facet and the M2 figure of merit was as low as 2.5. Emission spectrum had a dominating single mode at λ = 4.36 μm. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  III-nitride based avalanche photo detectors
R. McClintock, E. Cicek, Z. Vashaei, C. Bayram, M. Razeghi and M. Ulmer
Proceedings, Vol. 7780, p. 77801B, SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium, Conference on Detectors and Imaging Devices: Infrared, Focal Plane and Single Photon, San Diego, CA -- August 4, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
Research into III-Nitride based avalanche photodiodes (APDs) is motivated by the need for high sensitivity ultraviolet (UV) detectors in numerous civilian and military applications. By designing III-Nitride photodetectors that utilize low-noise impact ionization high internal gain can be realized-GaN APDs operating in Geiger mode can achieve gains exceeding 1×107. Thus with careful design, it becomes possible to count photons at the single photon level. In this paper we review the current state of the art in III-Nitride visible-blind APDs and discuss the critical design choices necessary to achieve high performance Geiger mode devices. Other major technical issues associated with the realization of visible-blind Geiger mode APDs are also discussed in detail and future prospects for improving upon the performance of these devices are outlined. The photon detection efficiency, dark count rate, and spectral response of or most recent Geiger-mode GaN APDs on free-standing GaN substrates are studied under low photon fluxes, with single photon detection capabilities being demonstrated. We also present our latest results regarding linear mode gain uniformity: the study of gain uniformity helps reveal the spatial origins of gain so that we can better understand the role of defects. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Current status and potential of high power mid-infrared intersubband lasers
S. Slivken, Y. Bai, B. Gokden, S.R. Darvish and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Francisco, CA (January 22-28, 2010), Vol. 7608, p. 76080B-1-- January 22, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
Some of the recent advances in high power quantum cascade laser development will be reviewed in this paper. Research areas explored include short wavelength (λ <4 µm) lasers, high performance strain-balanced heterostructures, and high power long wavelength (7< λ< 16 µm) lasers. Near λ=4.5 µm, highlights include demonstration of 18% continuous wave wallplug efficiency at room temperature, 53% pulsed wallplug efficiency at 40 K, and 120 W of peak power output from a single device at room temperature. Near λ ~10 µm, up to 0.6 W of continuous output power at room temperature has also been demonstrated, with pulsed efficiencies up to 9%. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Fabrication of nanostructured heterojunction LEDs using self-forming Moth-Eye Arrays of n-ZnO Nanocones Grown on p-Si (111) by PLD
D.J. Rogers; V.E. Sandana; F. Hosseini Teherani; M. Razeghi; H.-J. Drouhin
Proc. SPIE 7217, Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices IV, 721708 (February 17, 2009)-- February 17, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
ZnO nanostructures were grown on Si (111) substrates using Pulsed Laser Deposition. The impact of growth temperature (Ts) and Ar pressure (PAr) on the morphology, crystal structure and photoluminescence was investigated. Various types of ZnO nanostructures were obtained. Self-forming arrays of vertically-aligned nanorods and nanocones with strong c-axis crystallographic orientation and good optical response were obtained at higher Ts. The nanocone, or "moth-eye" type structures were selected for LED development because of their graded effective refractive index, which could facilitate improved light extraction at the LED/air interface. Such moth-eye arrays were grown on p-type Si (111) substrates to form heteroj unction LEDs with the n-type ZnO nanocones acting as an active component of the device. These nanostructured LEDs gave rectifying I/V characteristics with a threshold voltage of about 6V and a blueish-white electroluminescence, which was clearly visible to the naked eye. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High quantum efficiency back-illuminated GaN avalanche photodiodes
C. Bayram, J.L. Pau, R. McClintock, M. Razeghi, M.P. Ulmer, and D. Silversmith
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 21, p. 211107-1-- November 24, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
Back-illuminated avalanche photodiodes (APDs) composed of heterojunctions of either p-GaN/i-GaN/n-AlGaN or p-GaN/i-GaN/n-GaN/n-AlGaN were fabricated on AlN templates. At low voltage, an external quantum efficiency of 57% at 352 nm with a bandpass response was achieved by using AlGaN in the n-layer. Dependency of gain and leakage current on mesa area for these heterojunction APDs were studied. Back-illumination via different wavelength sources was used to demonstrate the advantages of hole-initiated multiplication in GaN APDs. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Performance enhancement of GaN ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes with p-type delta-doping
C. Bayram, J.L. Pau, R. McClintock and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, No. 24, p. 241103-1-- June 16, 2008 ...[Visit Journal]
High quality delta-doped p-GaN is used as a means of improving the performance of back-illuminated GaN avalanche photodiodes (APDs). Devices with delta-doped p-GaN show consistently lower leakage current and lower breakdown voltage than those with bulk p-GaN. APDs with delta-doped p-GaN also achieve a maximum multiplication gain of 5.1×104, more than 50 times higher than that obtained in devices with bulk p-GaN. The better device performance of APDs with delta-doped p-GaN is attributed to the higher structural quality of the p-GaN layer achieved via delta-doping. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Advances in APDs for UV astronomy
Melville P. Ulmer; Ryan M. McClintock; Jose L. Pau; Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 6686, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, 668605 (September 13, 2007)-- November 13, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the most recent work of our group of the development of avalanche photo diodes based on (Al)GaN. The goal of this group is to achieve single photon counting. In this paper we first give the scientific motivation for making such a device in the context of UV astronomy and then describe current work and plans for future development. The development includes improving the sensitivity to be able to carry out single photon detection and the fabrication of arrays. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High operating temperature 320 x 256 middle-wavelength infrared focal plane array imaging based on an InAs/InGaAs/InAlAs/InP quantum dot infrared photodetector
S. Tsao, H. Lim, W. Zhang, and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology-- May 28, 2007 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]
2.  High Power 3-12 μm Infrared Lasers: Recent Improvements and Future Trends
M. Razeghi, S. Slivken, A. Tahraoui, A. Matlis, and Y.S. Park
Advanced Research Workshop on Semiconductor Nanostructures, Queenstown, New Zealand; Proceedings -- February 5, 2003 ...[Visit Journal]
In this paper, we discuss the progress of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. Room temperature QCL operation has been reported for lasers emitting between 5-11 μm, with 9-11 μm lasers operating up to 425 K. Laser technology for the 3-5 μm range takes advantage of a strain-balanced active layer design. We also demonstrate record room temperature peak output powers at 9 and 11 μm (2.5 and 1 W, respectively) as well as record low 80K threshold current densities (250 A/cm²) for some laser designs. Preliminary distributed feedback (DFB) results are also presented and exhibit single mode operation for 9 μm lasers at room temperature. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Uncooled operation of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes in the mid- wavelength infrared range
Y. Wei, A. Hood, H. Yau, A. Gin, M. Razeghi, M.Z. Tidrow, V. Natha
Applied Physics Letters, 86 (23)-- June 6, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
We report high performance uncooled midwavelength infrared photodiodes based on interface-engineered InAs/GaSb superlattice. Two distinct superlattices were designed with a cutoff wavelength around 5 µm for room temperature and 77 K. The device quantum efficiency reached more than 25% with responsivity around 1 A/W. Detectivity was measured around 109 cm·Hz½/W at room temperature and 1.5×1013 cm·Hz½/W at 77 K under zero bias. The devices were without antireflective coating. The device quantum efficiency stays at nearly the same level within this temperature range. Additionally, Wannier–Stark oscillations in the Zener tunneling current were observed up to room temperature. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  p-Type thin film field effect transistors based on lithium-doped nickel oxide channels grown by pulsed laser deposition
V. E. Sandana; D. J. Rogers; F. H. Teherani; P. Bove; R. McClintock; M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings Volume 10919, Oxide-based Materials and Devices X; 109191H -- March 12, 2019 ...[Visit Journal]
Staggered back-gated Field Effect Transistor (FET) structures were made by growing Li-doped NiO on Si3N4/SiO2/Si (111) using room temperature pulsed laser deposition. Optical studies showed over 80% transmission for the NiO:Li channel at wavelengths > 500nm. The MISFET revealed rectifying transfer characteristics, with a VON close to zero, a channel mobility of ~ 1 cm²/V·s, a gate leakage current (at +5V) of 0.8 mA and an ION/IOFF ratio (at a Vgs of −15V) of ~ 103. The transistors showed enhancement-mode output characteristics indicative of a p-type channel with sharp pinchoff, hard saturation, a comparatively high (milliampere range) Id and a relatively low on-resistance of ~11 kΩ. Hence the adoption of Li doping in NiO channels would appear to be a promising approach to obtain p-type TFTs with superior transparency, speed and energy efficiency. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Study of Au coated ZnO nanoarrays for surface enhanced Raman scattering chemical sensing
Gre´gory Barbillon, Vinod E. Sandana,Christophe Humbert, Benoit Be´lier, David J. Rogers, Ferechteh H. Teherani, Philippe Bove Ryan McClintock and Manijeh Razeghid
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 3528-- March 20, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
At present, the simultaneous attainment of good reproducibility and high enhancement factors (EF) are key challenges in the development of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)substrates for improved chemical and biological sensing. SERS substrates are generally based on distributions of metallic nanoparticles/structures with different shapes and architectures which are prepared by either thermal dewetting, precipitation from colloidal suspensions1–4 or advanced (e.g. deep UV or electron beam (EBL)) lithographic techniques.5–9 Although such substrates can exhibit large Raman enhancements, the former two techniques (colloidal and thermal dewetting) give poor SERS reproducibility while deep UV and EBL are too expensive and/or complex for mass production.
2.  Structural and compositional characterization of MOVPE GaN thin films transferred from sapphire to glass substrates using chemical lift-off and room temperature direct wafer bonding and GaN wafer scale MOVPE growth on ZnO-buffered sapphire
S. Gautier, T. Moudakir, G. Patriarche, D.J. Rogers, V.E. Sandana, F. Hosseini Teherani, P. Bove, Y. El Gmili, K. Pantzas, Suresh Sundaram, D. Troadec, P.L. Voss, M. Razeghi, A. Ougazzaden
Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 370, Pages 63-67 (2013)-- May 1, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN thin films were grown on ZnO/c-Al2O3 with excellent uniformity over 2 in. diameter wafers using a low temperature/pressure MOVPE process with N2 as a carrier and dimethylhydrazine as an N source. 5 mm×5 mm sections of similar GaN layers were direct-fusion-bonded onto soda lime glass substrates after chemical lift-off from the sapphire substrates. X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy confirmed the bonding of crack-free wurtzite GaN films onto a glass substrate with a very good quality of interface, i.e. continuous/uniform adherence and absence of voids or particle inclusions. Using this approach, (In) GaN based devices can be lifted-off expensive single crystal substrates and bonded onto supports with a better cost-performance profile. Moreover, the approach offers the possibility of reclaiming the expensive sapphire substrate so it can be utilized again for growth. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Active and passive infrared imager based on short-wave and mid-wave type-II superlattice dual-band detectors
E.K. Huang, A. Haddadi, G. Chen, A.M. Hoang, and M. Razeghi
Optics Letters, Vol. 38, no. 1, p. 22-24-- January 1, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
A versatile dual-band detector capable of active and passive use is demonstrated using short-wave (SW) and midwave(MW) IR type-II superlattice photodiodes. A bilayer etch-stop scheme is introduced for back-side-illuminated detectors, which enhanced the external quantum efficiency both in the SWIR and MWIR spectral regions. Temperature-dependent dark current measurements of pixel-sized 27 μm detectors found the dark current density to be ~1 × 10-5 A/cm² for the ∼4.2 μm cutoff MWIR channel at 140 K. This corresponded to a reasonable imager noise equivalent difference in temperature of ∼49 mK using F∕2.3 optics and a 10 ms integration time (tint), which lowered to ∼13 mK at 110 K using tint  30 ms, illustrating the potential for high-temperature operation. The SWIR channel was found to be limited by readout noise below 150 K. Excellent imagery from the dual-band imager exemplifying pixel coincidence is shown. [reprint (PDF)]

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