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2.  A study into the impact of sapphire substrate orientation on the properties of nominally-undoped β-Ga2O3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition
F. H. Teherani; D. J. Rogers; V. E. Sandana; P. Bove; C. Ton-That; L. L. C. Lem; E. Chikoidze; M. Neumann-Spallart; Y. Dumont; T. Huynh; M. R. Phillips; P. Chapon; R. McClintock; M. Razeghi
Proceedings Volume 10105, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII; 101051R-- March 23, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Nominally-undoped Ga2O3 layers were deposited on a-, c- and r-plane sapphire substrates using pulsed laser deposition. Conventional x-ray diffraction analysis for films grown on a- and c-plane sapphire showed the layers to be in the β-Ga2O3 phase with preferential orientation of the (-201) axis along the growth direction. Pole figures revealed the film grown on r-plane sapphire to also be in theβ-Ga2O3 phase but with epitaxial offsets of 29.5°, 38.5° and 64° from the growth direction for the (-201) axis. Optical transmission spectroscopy indicated that the bandgap was ~5.2eV, for all the layers and that the transparency was > 80% in the visible wavelength range. Four point collinear resistivity and Van der Pauw based Hall measurements revealed the β-Ga2O3 layer on r-plane sapphire to be 4 orders of magnitude more conducting than layers grown on a- and c-plane sapphire under similar conditions. The absolute values of conductivity, carrier mobility and carrier concentration for the β-Ga2O3 layer on r-sapphire (at 20Ω, 6 cm2/Vs and 1.7 x 1019 cm-3, respectively) all exceeded values found in the literature for nominally-undoped β-Ga2O3 thin films by at least an order of magnitude. Gas discharge optical emission spectroscopy compositional depth profiling for common shallow donor impurities (Cl, F, Si and Sn) did not indicate any discernable increase in their concentrations compared to background levels in the sapphire substrate. It is proposed that the fundamentally anisotropic conductivity in β-Ga2O3 combined with the epitaxial offset of the (-201) axis observed for the layer grown on r-plane sapphire may explain the much larger carrier concentration, electrical conductivity and mobility compared with layers having the (-201) axis aligned along the growth direction. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Direct growth of thick AlN layers on nanopatterned Si substrates by cantilever epitaxy
Ilkay Demir, Yoann Robin, Ryan McClintock, Sezai Elagoz, Konstantinos Zekentes, and Manijeh Razeghi
Phys. Status Solidi A, pp. 1–6-- September 30, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
AlN layers have been grown on 200 nm period of nanopatterned Si (111) substrates by cantilever epitaxy and compared with AlN layers grown by maskless lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) on micropatterned Si (111) substrates. The material quality of 5–10 µm thick AlN grown by LEO is comparable to that of much thinner layers (2 µm) grown by cantilever epitaxy on the nanopatterned substrates. Indeed, the latter exhibited root mean square (RMS) roughness of 0.65 nm and X-ray diffraction full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 710 arcsec along the (0002) reflection and 930 arcsec along the (10̅15) reflection. The corresponding room temperature photoluminescence spectra was dominated by a sharp band edge peak. Back emission ultra violet light emitting diodes (UV LEDs) were fabricated by flip chip bonding to patterned AlN heat sinks followed by complete Si (111) substrate removal demonstrating a peak pulsed power of ∼0.7 mW at 344 nm peak emission wavelength. The demonstrated UV LEDs were fabricated on a cost effective epitaxial structure grown on the nanopatterned Si substrate with a total thickness of 3.3 µm [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Transport properties in n-type InSb films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
S.N. Song, J.B. Ketterson, Y.H. Choi, R. Sudharsanan, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 63 (7)-- August 16, 1993 ...[Visit Journal]
We have measured the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall mobility and transverse magnetoresistance in n-type InSb films epitaxially grown on GaAs substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The films show a giant magnetoresistance: e.g., at 240 K the resistivity increases over 20 times at a magnetic field of 5 T; the low field coefficient of resistivity at 77 K is as high as 47.5 μ·Ω· cm/G. The Hall mobility decreases with magnetic field and saturates at higher fields. By taking the interface carrier transport into account, the observed field dependence of the Hall mobility and magnetoresistance may be understood based on a two-layer model. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlatticebased heterojunction phototransistors: back to the future
Abbas Haddadi, Arash Dehzangi, Romain Chevallier, Thomas Yang, Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. SPIE 10540, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV- Page-1054004-1-- January 26, 2018 ...[Visit Journal]
Most of reported HPTs in literatures are based on InGaAs compounds that cover NIR spectral region. However, InGaAs compounds provide limited cut-off wavelength tunability. In contrast, type-II superlattices (T2SLs) are a developing new material system with intrinsic advantages such as great flexibility in bandgap engineering, low growth and manufacturing cost, high-uniformity, auger recombination suppression, and high carrier effective mass that are becoming an attractive candidate for infrared detection and imaging from short-wavelength infrared to very long wavelength infrared regime. We present the recent advancements in T2SL-based heterojunction phototransistors in e– SWIR, MWIR and LWIR spectral ranges. A mid-wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistor based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices on GaSb substrate has been demonstrated. Then, we present the effect of vertical scaling on the optical and electrical performance of heterojunction phototransistors, where the performance of devices with different base width was compared as the base was scaled from 60 down to 40 nm. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Toward realization of small-size dual-band long-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattices
Romain Chevallier, Abbas Haddadi, Manijeh Razeghi
Solid-State Electronics 136, pp. 51-54-- June 20, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
In this study, we demonstrate 12 × 12 µm² high-performance, dual-band, long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattices. The structure consists of two back-to-back heterojunction photodiodes with 2 µm-thick p-doped absorption regions. High quality dry etching combined with SiO2 passivation results in a surface resistivity value of 7.9 × 105 Ω·cm for the longer (red) channel and little degradation of the electrical performance. The device reaches dark current density values of 4.5 × 10−4 A/cm² for the longer (red) and 1.3 × 10−4 A/cm² for the shorter (blue) LWIR channels at quantum efficiency saturation. It has 50% cut-off wavelengths of 8.3 and 11.2 µm for the blue and red channel, respectively, at 77 K in back-side illumination configuration and exhibits quantum efficiencies of 37% and 29%, respectively. This results in specific detectivity values of 2.5 × 1011 cm·Hz½/W and 1.3 × 1011 cm·Hz½/W at 77 K. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Gain and recombination dynamics of quantum-dot infrared photodetecto
H. Lim, B. Movaghar, S. Tsao, M. Taguchi, W. Zhang, A.A. Quivy, and M. Razeghi
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology-- December 4, 2006 ...[Visit Journal][reprint (PDF)]
2.  Thermal Conductivity of InAs/GaSb Type II Superlattice
C. Zhou, B.M. Nguyen, M. Razeghi and M. Grayson
Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 41, No. 9, p. 2322-2325-- August 1, 2012 ...[Visit Journal]
The cross-plane thermal conductivity of a type II InAs/GaSb superlattice(T2SL) is measured from 13 K to 300 K using the 3x method. Thermal conductivity is reduced by up to two orders of magnitude relative to the GaSb bulk substrate. The low thermal conductivity of around 1 W/m K to 8 W/m K may serve as an advantage for thermoelectric applications at low temperatures, while presenting a challenge for T2SL interband cascade lasers and highpower photodiodes. We describe a power-law approximation to model nonlinearities in the thermal conductivity, resulting in increased or decreased peak temperature for negative or positive exponents, respectively. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  InSb Infrared Photodetectors on Si Substrates Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
E. Michel, J. Xu, J.D. Kim, I. Ferguson, and M. Razeghi
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 8 (5) pp. 673-- May 1, 1996 ...[Visit Journal]
The InSb infrared photodetectors grown heteroepitaxially on Si substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are reported. Excellent InSb material quality is obtained on 3-in Si substrates (with a GaAs predeposition) as confirmed by structural, optical, and electrical analysis. InSb infrared photodetectors on Si substrates that can operate from 77 K to room temperature have been demonstrated. The peak voltage-responsitivity at 4 μm is about 1.0×103 V/W and the corresponding Johnson-noise-limited detectivity is calculated to be 2.8×1010 cm·Hz½/W. This is the first important stage in developing InSb detector arrays or monolithic focal plane arrays (FPAs) on silicon. The development of this technology could provide a challenge to traditional hybrid FPA's in the future. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Investigations of p-type signal for ZnO thin films grown on (100) GaAs substrates by pulsed laser deposition
D.J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, T. Monteiro, M. Soares, A. Neves, M. Carmo, S. Periera, M.R. Correia, A. Lusson, E. Alves, N.P. Barradas, J.K. Morrod, K.A. Prior, P. Kung, A. Yasan, and M. Razeghi
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 3 (4)-- March 1, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
n this work we investigated ZnO films grown on semi-insulating (100) GaAs substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Samples were studied using techniques including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, temperature dependent photoluminescence, C-V profiling and temperature dependent Hall measurements. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Fabrication of GaN Nanotubular Material using MOCVD with an Aluminium Oxide Membrane
W.G. Jung, S.H. Jung, P. Kung, and M. Razeghi
Nanotechnology 17-- January 1, 2006 ...[Visit Journal]
GaN nanotubular material is fabricated with an aluminium oxide membrane in MOCVD. SEM, XRD, TEM and PL are employed to characterize the fabricated GaN nanotubular material. An aluminium oxide membrane with ordered nanoholes is used as a template. Gallium nitride is deposited at the inner wall of the nanoholes in the aluminium oxide template, and the nanotubular material with high aspect ratio is synthesized using the precursors of TMG and ammonia gas. Optimal synthesis conditions in MOCVD are obtained successfully for the gallium nitride nanotubular material in this research. The diameter of the GaN nanotube fabricated is approximately 200–250 nm and the wall thickness is about 40–50 nm. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Effect of contact doping on superlattice-based minority carrier unipolar detectors
B.M. Nguyen, G. Chen, A.M. Hoang, S. Abdollahi Pour, S. Bogdanov, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, No. 3, p. 033501-1-- July 18, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the influence of the contact doping profile on the performance of superlattice-based minority carrier unipolar devices for mid-wave infrared detection. Unlike in a photodiode, the space charge in the p-contact of a pMp unipolar device is formed with accumulated mobile carriers, resulting in higher dark current in the device with highly doped p-contact. By reducing the doping concentration in the contact layer, the dark current is decreased by one order of magnitude. At 150 K, 4.9 μm cut-off devices exhibit a dark current of 2 × 10−5A/cm² and a quantum efficiency of 44%. The resulting specific detectivity is 6.2 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2/W at 150 K and exceeds 1.9 × 1014 cm·Hz1/2/W at 77 K. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Gallium nitride on silicon for consumer & scalable photonics
C. Bayram, K.T. Shiu, Y. Zhu, C.W. Cheng, D.K. Sadana, Z. Vashaei, E. Cicek, R. McClintock and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 8631, p. 863112-1, Photonics West, San Francisco, CA-- February 4, 2013 ...[Visit Journal]
Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a unique material system that has been heavily exploited for photonic devices thanks to ultraviolet-to-terahertz spectral tunability. However, without a cost effective approach, GaN technology is limited to laboratory demonstrations and niche applications. In this investigation, integration of GaN on Silicon (100) substrates is attempted to enable widespread application of GaN based optoelectronics. Controlled local epitaxy of wurtzite phase GaN on on-axis Si(100) substrates is demonstrated via metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). CMOS-compatible fabrication scheme is used to realize [SiO2-Si{111}-Si{100}] groove structures on conventional 200-mm Si(100) substrates. MOCVD growth (surface treatment, nucleation, initiation) conditions are studied to achieve controlled GaN epitaxy on such grooved Si(100) substrates. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to determine uniformity and defectivity of the GaN. Our results show that aforementioned groove structures along with optimized MOCVD growth conditions can be used to achieve controlled local epitaxy of wurtzite phase GaN on on-axis Si(100) substrates. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Very high wall plug efficiency of quantum cascade lasers
Y. Bai, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Proceedings, San Francisco, CA (January 22-28, 2010), Vol. 7608, p. 76080F-1-- January 22, 2010 ...[Visit Journal]
We demonstrate very high wall plug efficiency (WPE) of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) in low temperature pulsed mode operation (53%), room temperature pulsed mode operation (23%), and room temperature continuous wave operation (18%). All of these values are the highest to date for any QCLs. The optimization of WPE takes the route of understanding the limiting factors of each sub-efficiency, exploring new designs to overcome the limiting factor, and constantly improving the material quality. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Stability of far fields in double heterostructure and multiple quantum well InAsSb/InPAsSb/InAs midinfrared lasers
H. Yi, A. Rybaltowski, J. Diaz, D. Wu, B. Lane, Y. Xiao, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 70 (24)-- June 16, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
Far fields in perpendicular direction to the junction are investigated in double heterostructure (DH) and multiple quantum well (MQW) midwave-infrared InAsSb/InPAsSb/InAs lasers (λ = 3.2–3.6 μm). Strong broadening of the far fields in the DH lasers was observed with increases in temperature and/or current. On the contrary, MQW lasers with otherwise identical structure exhibit very stable far fields as narrow as 23° for all the operating conditions investigated. Our experiment and theoretical modeling suggest that these different behaviors of far fields in DH and MQW lasers are attributed to the refractive index fluctuation in the InAsSb laser active region. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  320x256 infrared focal plane array based on type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice with a 12 μm cutoff wavelength
P.Y. Delaunay, B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, and M. Razeghi
SPIE Porceedings, Vol. 6542, Orlando, FL 2007, p. 654204-- April 9, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
In the past few years, significant progress has been made in the structure design, growth and processing of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors. Type-II superlattice demonstrated its ability to perform imaging in the middle and long infra-red range, becoming a potential competitor for technologies such as QWIP and HgCdTe. Using an empirical tight-binding model, we developed a superlattice design that matches the lattice parameter of GaSb substrates and presents a cutoff wavelength of 12 μm. Electrical and optical measurements performed on single element detectors at 77 K showed an R0A averaging 13 Ω·cm² and a quantum efficiency as high as 54%. We demonstrated high quality material growth with x-ray FWHM below 30 arcsec and an AFM rms roughness of 1.5 Å over an area of 20x20 μm². A 320x256 array of 25x25μm² pixels, hybridized to an Indigo Read Out Integrated Circuit, performed thermal imaging up to 185 K with an operability close to 97%. The noise equivalent temperature difference at 81 K presented a peak at 270 mK, corresponding to a mean value of 340 mK. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High Detectivity InAs Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors Grown on InP by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
W. Zhang, H. Lim, M. Taguchi, S. Tsao, B. Movaghar, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 86 (19)-- May 9, 2005 ...[Visit Journal]
We report a high-detectivity InAs quantum-dot infrared photodetector. The InAs quantum dots were grown by self-assembly on InP substrates via low-pressure metal–organic chemical–vapor deposition. Highly uniform quantum dots with a density of 4×1010 cm2 were grown on a GaAs/InP matrix. Photoresponse was observed at temperatures up to 160 K with a peak of 6.4 µm and cutoff of 6.6 µm. Very low dark currents and noise currents were obtained by inserting Al0.48In0.52As current blocking layers. The background-limited performance temperature was 100 K. A detectivity of 1.0×1010 cm·Hz½/W was obtained at 77 K with a bias of –1.1 V. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Temperature dependence of threshold current density Jth and differential efficiency of High Power InGaAsP/GaAs ( λ = 0.8 μm) lasers
H. Yi, J. Diaz, I. Eliashevich, M. Stanton, M. Erdtmann, X. He, L. Wang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 66 (3)-- January 16, 1995 ...[Visit Journal]
An experimental and theoretical study on temperature dependence of the threshold current density Jth and differential efficiency ηd for the InGaAsP/GaAs laser diodes emitting at λ=0.8 μm was performed. Threshold current density Jth increases and differential efficiency ηd decreases as temperature is increased mainly because of thermal broadening of the gain spectrum. However, the measured temperature dependence of Jth and ηd could not be explained when only this effect was considered. In this letter, the temperature dependence of momentum relaxation rate ℏ/τ of carriers was investigated by performing the photoluminescence study. At high temperature, increase of the momentum relaxation rate ℏ/τ leads to reduction of the gain and mobility and increase of the optical loss, causing higher Jth and lower ηd as experimentally observed. The resulting theoretical model provides a good explanation for the mechanism of the increase of Jth and decrease of ηd. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Nanoselective area growth of defect-free thick indium-rich InGaN nanostructures on sacrificial ZnO templates
Renaud Puybaret, David J Rogers, Youssef El Gmili, Suresh Sundaram, Matthew B Jordan, Xin Li, Gilles Patriarche, Ferechteh H Teherani, Eric V Sandana, Philippe Bove, Paul L Voss, Ryan McClintock, Manijeh Razeghi, Ian Ferguson, Jean-Paul Salvestrini, and Abdallah Ougazzade
Nanotechnology 28 195304-- April 29, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
Nanoselective area growth (NSAG) by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of high-quality InGaN nanopyramids on GaN-coated ZnO/c-sapphire is reported. Nanopyramids grown on epitaxial low-temperature GaN-on-ZnO are uniform and appear to be single crystalline, as well as free of dislocations and V-pits. They are also indium-rich (with homogeneous 22% indium incorporation) and relatively thick (100 nm). These properties make them comparable to nanostructures grown on GaN and AlN/Si templates, in terms of crystallinity, quality, morphology, chemical composition and thickness. Moreover, the ability to selectively etch away the ZnO allows for the potential lift-off and transfer of the InGaN/GaN nanopyramids onto alternative substrates, e.g. cheaper and/or flexible. This technology offers an attractive alternative to NSAG on AlN/Si as a platform for the fabrication of high quality, thick and indium-rich InGaN monocrystals suitable for cheap, flexible and tunable light-emitting diodes. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Direct growth of thick AlN layers on nanopatterned Si substrates by cantilever epitaxy
Ilkay Demir, Yoann Robin, Ryan McClintock, Sezai Elagoz, Konstantinos Zekentes, and Manijeh Razeghi
Physica Status Solidi 214 (4), pp. 1770120-- April 4, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
The growth of thick, high quality, and low stress AlN films on Si substrates is highly desired for a number of applications like the development of micro and nano electromechanical system (MEMS and NEMS) technologies [1] and particularly for fabricating AlGaNbased UV LEDs [2–5]. UV LEDs are attractive as they are applied in many areas, such as biomedical instrumentations and dermatology, curing of industrial resins and inks, air purification, water sterilization, and many others [2, 3]. UV LEDs have been generally fabricated on AlN, GaN, Al2O3, or SiC substrates because of better lattice mismatching to AlGaN material systems. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Wafer-scale epitaxial lift-off of optoelectronic grade GaN from a GaN substrate using a sacrificial ZnO interlayer
Akhil Rajan, David J Rogers, Cuong Ton-That, Liangchen Zhu, Matthew R Phillips, Suresh Sundaram, Simon Gautier, Tarik Moudakir, Youssef El-Gmili, Abdallah Ougazzaden, Vinod E Sandana, Ferechteh H Teherani, Philippe Bove, Kevin A Prior, Zakaria Djebbour, Ryan McClintock and Manijeh Razeghi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 49, Number 31 -- July 15, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
Full 2 inch GaN epilayers were lifted off GaN and c-sapphire substrates by preferential chemical dissolution of sacrificial ZnO underlayers. Modification of the standard epitaxial lift-off (ELO) process by supporting the wax host with a glass substrate proved key in enabling full wafer scale-up. Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction confirmed that intact epitaxial GaN had been transferred to the glass host. Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis of the bottom surface of the lifted-off GaN layer revealed strong near-band-edge (3.33 eV) emission indicating a superior optical quality for the GaN which was lifted off the GaN substrate. This modified ELO approach demonstrates that previous theories proposing that wax host curling was necessary to keep the ELO etch channel open do not apply to the GaN/ZnO system. The unprecedented full wafer transfer of epitaxial GaN to an alternative support by ELO offers the perspective of accelerating industrial adoption of the expensive GaN substrate through cost-reducing recycling. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  Advanced InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photovoltaic Detectors for Very-Long Wavelength Infrared Applications
Y. Wei, A. Gin, M. Razeghi, and G.J. Brown
Applied Physics Letters 80 (18)-- May 6, 2002 ...[Visit Journal]
We report on the temperature dependence of the photoresponse of very long wavelength infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice based photovoltaic detectors grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. The detectors had a 50% cutoff wavelength of 18.8 μm and a peak current responsivity of 4 A·W-1 at 80 K. A peak detectivity of 4.5×1010 cm· Hz½·W-1 was achieved at 80 K at a reverse bias of 110 mV. The generation–recombination lifetime was 0.4 ns at 80 K. The cutoff wavelength increased very slowly with increasing temperature with a net shift from 20 to 80 K of only 1.2 μm [reprint (PDF)]
2.  High power broad area quantum cascade lasers
Y. Bai, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish, A. Haddadi, B. Gokden and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 22, p. 221104-1-- November 30, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
Broad area quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are studied with ridge widths up to 400 µm, in room temperature pulsed mode operation at an emission wavelength around 4.45 µm. The peak output power scales linearly with the ridge width. A maximum total peak output power of 120 W is obtained from a single 400-µm-wide device with a cavity length of 3 mm. A stable far field emission characteristic is observed with dual lobes at ±38° for all tested devices, which suggests that these broad area QCLs are highly resistant to filamentation. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  AlxGa1-xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Ultraviolet Photodetectors Grown on Sapphire by Metal-organic Chemical-vapor Deposition
D. Walker, X. Zhang, A. Saxler, P. Kung, J. Xu, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters 70 (8)-- February 24, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
AlxGa1–xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ultraviolet photoconductors with cutoff wavelengths from 365 to 200 nm have been fabricated and characterized. The maximum detectivity reached 5.5 × 108 cm·Hz1/2/W at a modulating frequency of 14 Hz. The effective majority carrier lifetime in AlxGa1–xN materials, derived from frequency-dependent photoconductivity measurements, has been estimated to be from 6 to 35 ms. The frequency-dependent noise spectrum shows that it is dominated by Johnson noise at high frequencies for low-Al-composition samples. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  A detailed analysis of carrier transport in InAs0.3Sb0.7 layers grown on GaAs substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
C. Besikci, Y.H. Choi, G. Labeyrie, E. Bigan and M. Razeghi with J.B. Cohen, J. Carsello, and V.P. Dravid
Journal of Applied Physics 76 (10)-- November 15, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
InAs0.3Sb0.7 layers with mirrorlike morphology have been grown on GaAs substrates by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A room‐temperature electron Hall mobility of 2×104 cm²/V· s has been obtained for a 2 μm thick layer. Low‐temperature resistivity of the layers depended on TMIn flow rate and layer thickness. Hall mobility decreased monotonically with decreasing temperature below 300 K. A 77 K conductivity profile has shown an anomalous increase in the sample conductivity with decreasing thickness except in the near vicinity of the heterointerface. In order to interpret the experimental data, the effects of different scattering mechanisms on carrier mobility have been calculated, and the influences of the lattice mismatch and surface conduction on the Hall measurements have been investigated by applying a three‐layer Hall‐effect model. Experimental and theoretical results suggest that the combined effects of the dislocations generated by the large lattice mismatch and strong surface inversion may lead to deceptive Hall measurements by reflecting typical n‐type behavior for a p‐type sample, and the measured carrier concentration may considerably be affected by the surface conduction up to near room temperature. A quantitative analysis of dislocation scattering has shown significant degradation in electron mobility for dislocation densities above 107 cm−2. The effects of dislocation scattering on hole mobility have been found to be less severe. It has also been observed that there is a critical epilayer thickness (∼1 μm) below which the surface electron mobility is limited by dislocation scattering. [reprint (PDF)]
2.  InTlSb alloys for infrared detection
E. Bigan, Y.H. Choi, G. Labeyrie, and M. Razeghi
Proceedings, SPIE Nonlinear Optics for High-Speed Electronics and Optical Frequency Conversion, Vol. 2145-- January 24, 1994 ...[Visit Journal]
InTISb alloys have been grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, and characterized. Photoconductors exhibit a cutoff wavelength that can be tailored from 5.5 μm up to 9 μm by varying the thallium content. Experimental observations suggest that this can be further extended by increasing the thallium content. An InTISb photoconductor having a 9 μm cutoff wavelength exhibited a D* of 109 cm·Hz½·W-1 at 7 μm operating wavelength. [reprint (PDF)]

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