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41.  nBn extended short-wavelength infrared focal plane array
Optics Letters Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 591-594-- February 1, 2018 ...[Visit Journal]
An extended short-wavelength nBn InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice-based infrared focal plane array imager was demonstrated. A newly developed InAs0.10Sb0.90∕GaSb superlattice design was used as the large-bandgap electron barrier in this photodetector. The large band gap electron-barrier design in this nBn photodetector architecture leads to the device having lower dark current densities. A new bi-layer etch-stop scheme using a combination of InAs0.91Sb0.09 bulk and AlAs0.1Sb0.9∕GaSb superlattice layers was introduced to allow complete substrate removal and a shorter wavelength cut-on. Test pixels exhibit 100% cutoff wavelengths of ∼2.30 and ∼2.48 μm at 150 and 300 K, respectively. The devices achieve saturated quantum efficiency values of 59.7% and 63.8% at 150 and 300 K, respectively, under backside illumination and without any antireflection coating.At 150 K, photodetectors exhibit dark current density of 8.75 × 10−8 A∕cm² under −400 mV applied bias, providing specific detectivity of 2.82 × 1012 cm · Hz1∕2∕W at 1.78 μm. At 300 K, the dark current density reaches 4.75 × 10−2 A∕cm² under −200 mV bias, providing a specific detectivity of 8.55 × 109 cm · Hz1∕2∕W 1.78 μm. [reprint (PDF)]
39.  Band-structure-engineered high-gain LWIR photodetector based on a type-II superlattice
Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li and Manijeh Razeghi
Light: Science & Applications volume 10, Article number: 17 (2021) ...[Visit Journal]
The LWIR and longer wavelength regions are of particular interest for new developments and new approaches to realizing long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) photodetectors with high detectivity and high responsivity. These photodetectors are highly desirable for applications such as infrared earth science and astronomy, remote sensing, optical communication, and thermal and medical imaging. Here, we report the design, growth, and characterization of a high-gain band-structure-engineered LWIR heterojunction phototransistor based on type-II superlattices. The 1/e cut-off wavelength of the device is 8.0 µm. At 77 K, unity optical gain occurs at a 90 mV applied bias with a dark current density of 3.2 × 10−7 A/cm2. The optical gain of the device at 77 K saturates at a value of 276 at an applied bias of 220 mV. This saturation corresponds to a responsivity of 1284 A/W and a specific detectivity of 2.34 × 1013 cm Hz1/2/W at a peak detection wavelength of ~6.8 µm. The type-II superlattice-based high-gain LWIR device shows the possibility of designing the high-performance gain-based LWIR photodetectors by implementing the band structure engineering approach. [reprint (PDF)]
28.  Development of high power, InP-based quantum cascade lasers on alternative epitaxial platforms
Steven Slivken, Nirajman Shrestha, Manijeh Razeghi
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12895, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX, 1289503 (28 January - 1 February 2024, San Francisco) doi: 10.1117/12.3009335 ...[Visit Journal]
In this talk, challenges and solutions associated with the monolithic, epitaxial integration of mid- and longwave- infrared, InP-based quantum cascade lasers on GaAs and Si wafers will be discussed. Initial results, including room temperature, high power, and continuous wave operation, will be described. [reprint (PDF)]
20.  High Performance Planar Antimony-Based Superlattice Photodetectors Using Zinc Diffusion Grown by MBE
Jiakai Li, R. K. Saroj, Steven Slivken, V. H. Nguyen, Gail Brown and Manijeh Razeghi
Photonics 2022, 9, 664 ...[Visit Journal]
In this letter, we report a mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) planar photodetector based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices (T2SLs) that has a cut-off wavelength of 4.3 um at 77 K. The superlattice for the device was grown by molecular beam epitaxy while the planar device structure was achieved by Zinc diffusion process in a metal–organic chemical vapor deposition reactor. At 77 K, the peak responsivity and the corresponding quantum efficiency had the value of 1.42 A/W and 48% respectively at 3.7 um under -20 mV for the MWIR planar photodetector. At 77 K, the MWIR planar photodetector exhibits a dark current density of 2.0E5 A/cm^2 and the R0A value of ~3.0E2 Ohm cm^2 under -20 mV, which yielded a specific detectivity of 4.0E11 cm Hz^(1/2)/W at 3.7 um. At 150 K, the planar device showed a dark current density of 6.4E-5 A/cm^2 and a quantum efficiency of 49% at ~3.7 um under -20 mV, which yielded a specific detectivity of 2.0E11 cm Hz^(1/2)/W. [reprint (PDF)]

-- November 30, 1999
14.  High operating temperature midwave infrared photodiodes and focal plane arrays based on type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices
S. Abdollahi Pour, E.K. Huang, G. Chen, A. Haddadi, B.M. Nguyen and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 14, p. 143501-1-- April 4, 2011 ...[Visit Journal]
The dominant dark current mechanisms are identified and suppressed to improve the performance of midwave infrared InAs/GaSb Type-II superlattice photodiodes at high temperatures. The optimized heterojunction photodiode exhibits a quantum efficiency of 50% for 2 μm thick active region without any bias dependence. At 150 K, R0A of 5100 Ω·cm² and specific detectivity of 1.05×1012 cm·Hz0.5·W-1 are demonstrated for a 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.2 μm. Assuming 300 K background temperature and 2π field of view, the performance of the detector is background limited up to 180 K, which is improved by 25 °C compared to the homojunction photodiode. Infrared imaging using f/2.3 optics and an integration time of 10.02 ms demonstrates a noise equivalent temperature difference of 11 mK at operating temperatures below 120 K. [reprint (PDF)]
12.  Avalanche Photodetector Based on InAs/InSb Superlattice
Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li, Lakshay Gautam and Manijeh Razeghi
Quantum rep. 2020, 2(4), 591-599; (registering DOI)-- December 4, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
This work demonstrates a mid-wavelength infrared InAs/InSb superlattice avalanche photodiode (APD). The superlattice APD structure was grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb substrate. The device exhibits a 100 % cut-off wavelength of 4.6 µm at 150 K and 4.30 µm at 77 K. At 150 and 77 K, the device responsivity reaches peak values of 2.49 and 2.32 A/W at 3.75 µm under −1.0 V applied bias, respectively. The device reveals an electron dominated avalanching mechanism with a gain value of 6 at 150 K and 7.4 at 77 K which was observed under −6.5 V bias voltage. The gain value was measured at different temperatures and different diode sizes. The electron and hole impact ionization coefficients were calculated and compared to give a better prospect of the performance of the device. [reprint (PDF)]
11.  High power continuous wave operation of single mode quantum cascade lasers up to 5 W spanning λ∼3.8-8.3 µm
Quanyong Lu, Steven Slivken, Donghai Wu, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 10, pp. 15181-15188-- May 4, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
In this work, we report high power continuous wave room-temperature operation single mode quantum cascade lasers in the mid-infrared spectral range from 3.8 to 8.3 µm. Single mode robustness and dynamic range are enhanced by optimizing the distributed feedback grating coupling design and the facet coatings. High power single mode operation is secured by circumventing the over-coupling issue and spatial hole burning effect. Maximum single-facet continuous-wave output power of 5.1 W and wall plug efficiency of 16.6% is achieved at room temperature. Single mode operation with a side mode suppression ratio of 30 dB and single-lobed far field with negligible beam steering is observed. The significantly increased power for single mode emission will boost the QCL applications in long-range free-space communication and remote sensing of hazardous chemicals. [reprint (PDF)]
10.  Type-II superlattice-based extended short-wavelength infrared focal plane array with an AlAsSb/GaSb superlattice etch-stop layer to allow near-visible light detection
Romain Chevallier, Arash Dehzangi, Abbas Haddadi, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Letters Vol. 42, Iss. 21, pp. 4299-4302-- October 17, 2017 ...[Visit Journal]
A versatile infrared imager capable of imaging the near-visible to the extended short-wavelength infrared (e-SWIR) is demonstrated using e-SWIR InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattice-based photodiodes. A bi-layer etch-stop scheme consisting of bulk InAs0.91Sb0.09 and AlAs0.1Sb0.9/GaSb superlattice layers is introduced for substrate removal from the hybridized back-side illuminated photodetectors. The implementation of this new technique on an e-SWIR focal plane array results in a significant enhancement in the external quantum efficiency (QE) in the 1.8–0.8μm spectral region, while maintaining a high QE at wavelengths longer than 1.8μm. Test pixels exhibit 100% cutoff wavelengths of ∼2.1 and ∼2.25μm at 150 and 300K, respectively. They achieve saturated QE values of 56% and 68% at 150 and 300K, respectively, under back-side illumination and without any anti-reflection coating. At 150K, the photodetectors (27μm×27μm area) exhibit a dark current density of 4.7×10−7  A/cm2 under a −50  mV applied bias providing a specific detectivity of 1.77×1012  cm·Hz1/2/W. At 300K, the dark current density reaches 6.6×10−2  A/cm2 under −50 mV bias, providing a specific detectivity of 5.17×109  cm·Hz1/2/W. [reprint (PDF)]
10.  Multi-band SWIR-MWIR-LWIR Type-II superlattice based infrared photodetector
Manijeh Razeghi, Arash Dehzangi, Jiakai Li
Results in Optics Volume 2, January 2021, 100054 ...[Visit Journal]
Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices (T2SLs) has drawn a lot of attention since it was introduced in 1970, especially for infrared detection as a system of multi-interacting quantum wells. In recent years, T2SL material system has experienced incredible improvements in material quality, device structure designs and device fabrication process, which elevated the performances of T2SL-based photo-detectors to a comparable level to the state-of-the-art material systems for infrared detection such as Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT). As a pioneer in the field, center for quantum devices (CQD) has been involved in growth, design, characterization, and introduction of T2SL material system for infrared photodetection. In this review paper, we will present the latest development of bias-selectable multi-band infrared photodetectors at the CQD, based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb and InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattice. [reprint (PDF)]
10.  Generalized k·p perturbation theory for atomic-scale superlattices
H. Yi and M. Razeghi
Physical Review B 56 (7)-- August 15, 1997 ...[Visit Journal]
We present a generalized k⋅p perturbation method that is applicable for atomic-scale superlattices. The present model is in good quantitative agreement with full band theories with local-density approximation, and approaches results of the conventional k⋅p perturbation method (i.e., Kane’s Hamiltonian) with the envelope function approximation for superlattices with large periods. The indirect band gap of AlAs/GaAs superlattices with short periods observed in experiments is explained using this method. [reprint (PDF)]
10.  Sb-based third generation at Center for Quantum Devices
Razeghi, Manijeh
SPIE Proceedings Volume 11407, Infrared Technology and Applications XLVI; 114070T-- April 23, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
Sb-based III-V semiconductors are a promising alternative to HgCdTe. They can be produced with a similar bandgap to HgCdTe, but take advantage of the strong bonding between group III and group V elements which leads to very stable materials, good radiation hardness, and high uniformity. In this paper, we will discuss the recent progress of our research and present the main contributions of the Center for Quantum Devices to the Sb-based 3th generation imagers. [reprint (PDF)]
9.  Harmonic injection locking of high-power mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Feihu Wang, Steven Slivken, and Manijeh Razeghi
OSA Photonics Research • ...[Visit Journal]
High-power, high-speed quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with stable emission in the mid-infrared regime are of great importance for applications in metrology, telecommunication, and fundamental tests of physics. Owing to the inter-sub-band transition, the unique ultrafast gain recovery time of the QCL with picosecond dynamics is expected to overcome the modulation limit of classical semiconductor lasers and bring a revolution for the next generation of ultrahigh-speed optical communication. Therefore, harmonic injection locking, offering the possibility to fast modulate and greatly stabilize the laser emission beyond the rate limited by cavity length, is inherently adapted to QCLs. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time the harmonic injection locking of a mid-infrared QCL with an output power over 1 watt in continuous-wave operation at 288 K. Compared with an unlocked laser, the inter-mode spacing fluctuation of an injection locked QCL can be considerably reduced by a factor above 1×10 E3, which permits the realization of an ultra-stable mid-infrared semiconductor laser with high phase coherence and frequency purity. Despite temperature change, this fluctuation can be still stabilized to hertz level by a microwave modulation up to ∼18 GHz. These results open up the prospect of the applications of mid-infrared QCL technology for frequency comb engineering, metrology and the next generation ultrahigh-speed telecommunication. It may also stimulate new schemes for exploring ultrafast mid-infrared pulse generation in QCLs. [reprint (PDF)]
9.  Mid‑wavelength infrared avalanche photodetector with AlAsSb/GaSb superlattice
Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Gail Brown, Manijeh Razeghi
Scientifc Reports | (2021) 11:7104 | ...[Visit Journal]
In this work, a mid-wavelength infrared separate absorption and multiplication avalanche photodiode (SAM-APD) with 100% cut-of wavelength of ~ 5.0 µm at 200 K grown by molecular beam epitaxy was demonstrated. The InAsSb-based SAM-APD device was designed to have electron dominated avalanche mechanism via the band structure engineered multi-quantum well structure based on AlAsSb/GaSb H-structure superlattice and InAsSb material in the multiplication region. The device exhibits a maximum multiplication gain of 29 at 200 K under -14.7 bias voltage. The maximum multiplication gain value for the MWIR SAM-APD increases from 29 at 200 K to 121 at 150 K. The electron and hole impact ionization coefficients were derived and the large difference between their value was observed. The carrier ionization ratio for the MWIR SAM-APD device was calculated to be ~ 0.097 at 200 K. [reprint (PDF)]
8.  Mid-wavelength infrared high operating temperature pBn photodetectors based on type-II InAs/InAsSb superlattice
Donghai Wu, Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, and Manijeh Razeghi
AIP Advances 10, 025018-- February 11, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
A high operating temperature mid-wavelength infrared pBn photodetector based on the type-II InAs/InAsSb superlattice on a GaSb substrate has been demonstrated. At 150 K, the photodetector exhibits a peak responsivity of 1.48 A/W, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 47% at −50 mV applied bias under front-side illumination, with a 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.4 μm. With an R×A of 12,783 Ω·cm² and a dark current density of 1.16×10−5A/cm² under −50 mV applied bias, the photodetector exhibits a specific detectivity of 7.1×1011 cm·Hz½/W. At 300 K, the photodetector exhibits a dark current density of 0.44 A/cm²and a quantum efficiency of 39%, resultingin a specific detectivity of 2.5×109 cm·Hz½/W. [reprint (PDF)]
8.  Demonstration of type-II superlattice MWIR minority carrier unipolar imager for high operation temperature application
Guanxi Chen, Abbas Haddadi, Anh-Minh Hoang, Romain Chevallier, and Manijeh Razeghi
Optics Letters Vol. 40, Iss. 1, pp. 29–32-- December 18, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
An InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice-based mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) 320×256 unipolar focal plane array (FPA) using pMp architecture exhibited excellent infrared image from 81 to 150 K and ∼98% operability, which illustrated the possibility for high operation temperature application. At 150 K and −50  mV operation bias, the 27 μm pixels exhibited dark current density to be 1.2×10−5  A/cm², with 50% cutoff wavelength of 4.9 μm, quantum efficiency of 67% at peak responsivity (4.6 μm), and specific detectivity of 1.2×1012 Jones. At 90 K and below, the 27 μm pixels exhibited system limited dark current density, which is below 1×10−9  A/cm², and specific detectivity of 1.5×1014 Jones. From 81 to 100 K, the FPA showed ∼11  mK NEDT by using F/2.3 optics and a 9.69 ms integration time. [reprint (PDF)]
8.  Room Temperature, Continuous Wave Quantum Cascade Laser Grown Directly on a Si Wafer
Steven Slivken and Manijeh Razeghi
S. Slivken and M. Razeghi,, Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 4, doi: 10.1109/JQE.2023.3282710 ...[Visit Journal]
We report the room temperature demonstration of a high power, continuous wave, LWIR quantum cascade laser grown directly on a Si substrate. A new wafer, based on a high efficiency, strain-balanced laser core was processed into a lateral injection buried heterostructure laser geometry. A pulsed efficiency of 11.1% was demonstrated at room temperature, with an emission wavelength of 8.35 μm. With low fidelity, epilayer-up packaging, CW emission up to 343 K was also demonstrated, with a maximum output power of >0.7 W near room temperature. [reprint (PDF)]
8.  Planar nBn type-II superlattice mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors using zinc ion-implantation
Arash Dehzangi, Donghai Wu, Ryan McClintock, Jiakai Li, and Manijeh Razeghi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 221103 June 2, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
In this Letter, we report the demonstration of zinc ion-implantation to realize planar mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/InAs1−xSbx superlattices. At 77 K, the photodetectors exhibit a peak responsivity of 0.68 A/W at 3.35 μm, corresponding to a quantum efficiency of 23.5% under Vb = −80 mV, without anti-reflection coating; these photodetectors have a 100% cutoff wavelength of 4.28 μm. With an R0 × A value of 1.53 × 104 Ω cm2 and a dark current density of 1.23 × 10−6 A/cm2 under an applied bias of −80 mV at 77 K, the photodetectors exhibit a specific detectivity of 9.12 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2/W. [reprint (PDF)]
8.  High-brightness LWIR quantum cascade lasers
F. Wang, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi
Optics Letters, vol. 46, No. 20, 5193 ...[Visit Journal]
Long-wave infrared (LWIR, lambda~8-12 um) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are drawing increasing interest, as they provide the possibility of long-distance transmission of light through the atmosphere owing to the reduced water absorption. However, their development has been lagging behind the shorter wavelength QCLs due to much bigger technological challenges. In this Letter, through band structure engineering based on a highly localized diagonal laser transition strategy and out-coupler design using an electrically isolated taper structure, we demonstrate high beam quality single-mode LWIR QCLs with high-brightness (2.0 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~10 um, 2.2 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~9 um, 5.0 MW cm-2 sr-1 for lambda~8 um) light extraction from a single facet in continuous-wave operation at 15 oC. These results mark an important milestone in exploring the lighting capability of inter-sub-band semiconductor lasers in the LWIR spectral range. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Generation-recombination and trap-assisted tunneling in long wavelength infrared minority electron unipolar photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb superlattice
F. Callewaert, A.M. Hoang, and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, 104, 053508 (2014)-- February 6, 2014 ...[Visit Journal]
A long wavelength infrared minority electron unipolar photodetector based on InAs/GaSb type-II superlattices is demonstrated. At 77 K, a dark current of 3 × 10−5 A/cm² and a differential resistance-area of 3 700 Ω·cm² are achieved at the turn-on bias, with a 50%-cutoff of 10.0 μm and a specific detectivity of 6.2 × 1011 Jones. The dark current is fitted as a function of bias and temperature using a model combining generation-recombination and trap-assisted tunneling. Good agreement was observed between the theory and the experimental dark current. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  High performance bias-selectable three-color Short-wave/Mid-wave/Long-wave Infrared Photodetectors based on Type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattices
Anh Minh Hoang, Arash Dehzangi, Sourav Adhikary, & Manijeh Razeghi
Nature Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 24144-- April 7, 2016 ...[Visit Journal]
We propose a new approach in device architecture to realize bias-selectable three-color shortwave-midwave-longwave infrared photodetectors based on InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II superlattices. The effect of conduction band off-set and different doping levels between two absorption layers are employed to control the turn-on voltage for individual channels. The optimization of these parameters leads to a successful separation of operation regimes; we demonstrate experimentally three-color photodiodes without using additional terminal contacts. As the applied bias voltage varies, the photodiodes exhibit sequentially the behavior of three different colors, corresponding to the bandgap of three absorbers. Well defined cut-offs and high quantum efficiency in each channel are achieved. Such all-in-one devices also provide the versatility of working as single or dual-band photodetectors at high operating temperature. With this design, by retaining the simplicity in device fabrication, this demonstration opens the prospect for three-color infrared imaging. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Performance analysis of infrared heterojunction phototransistors based on Type-II superlattices
Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Manijeh Razeghi
Infrared Physics & Technology Volume 113, March 2021, 103641 ...[Visit Journal]
In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the n-p-n infrared heterojunction phototransistors (HPTs)based on Type-II superlattices has been demonstrated. Different kinds of Type-II superlattices were carefully chosen for the emitter, base, and collector to improve the optical performance. The effects of different device parameters include emitter doping concentration, base doping concentration, base thickness and energy bandgap difference between emitter and base on the optical gain of the HPTs have been investigated. By scaling the base thickness to 20 nm, the HPT exhibits an optical gain of 345.3 at 1.6 μm at room temperature. For a 10 μm diameter HPT device, a −3 dB cut-off frequency of 5.1 GHz was achieved under 20 V at 150 K. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  High Performance InAs/InAsSb Type-II Superlattice Mid-Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors with Double Barrier
Donghai Wu, Jiakai Li, Arash Dehzangi, Manijeh Razeghi
Infrared Physics &Technology 103439-- July 18, 2020 ...[Visit Journal]
By introducing a double barrier design, a high performance InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice mid-wavelength infrared photodetector has been demonstrated. The photodetector exhibits a cut-off wavelength of ~4.50 µm at 150 K. At 150 K and −120 mV applied bias, the photodetector exhibits a dark current density of 1.21 × 10−5 A/cm2, a quantum efficiency of 45% at peak responsivity (~3.95 µm), and a specific detectivity of 6.9 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2/W. The photodetector shows background-limited operating temperature up to 160 K. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices
M. Razeghi, D. Hoffman, B.M. Nguyen, P.Y. Delaunay, E.K. Huang, M.Z. Tidrow, and V. Nathan
IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 97, No. 6, p. 1056-1066-- June 1, 2009 ...[Visit Journal]
In recent years, Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photo-detectors have experienced significant improvements in material quality, structural designs, and imaging applications. They now appear to be a possible alternative to the state-of-the-art HgCdTe (MCT) technology in the long and very long wavelength infrared regimes. At the Center for Quantum Devices, we have successfully realized very high quantum efficiency, very high dynamic differential resistance R0A - product LWIR Type – II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes with efficient surface passivation techniques. The demonstration of high quality LWIR Focal Plane Arrays that were 100 % fabricated in - house reaffirms the pioneer position of this university-based laboratory. [reprint (PDF)]
7.  Buried heterostructure quantum cascade lasers with high continuous-wave wall plug efficiency
A. Evans, S.R. Darvish, S. Slivken, J. Nguyen, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, No. 7, p. 071101-1-- August 13, 2007 ...[Visit Journal]
The authors report on the development of ~4.7 µm strain-balanced InP-based quantum cascade lasers with high wall plug efficiency and room temperature continuous-wave operation. The use of narrow-ridge buried heterostructure waveguides and thermally optimized packaging is presented. Over 9.3% wall plug efficiency is reported at room temperature from a single device producing over 0.675 W of continuous-wave output power. Wall plug efficiencies greater than 18% are also reported for devices at a temperature of 150 K, with continuous-wave output powers of more than 1 W. [reprint (PDF)]

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