201. | Plenary Speaker, "High Power Semiconductor Laser Source at Room Temperature for Sensing and Telecommunication" Conference and Trade Fair in Laser Technology Florida -- July 20, 2015 [Conference Link] |
202. | Invited Speaker, "Applications and Thermal Challenges for Quantum Cascade Lasers" InterPACK 2015 and ICNMM 2015 Workshop San Francisco, CA. -- July 6, 2015 [Conference Link] |
203. | Invited Speaker, "Atomic Engineeing of III-V Semiconductors for Quantum Devices from Deep UV (200 nm) to Terahertz (300 microns) at CQD/NU: Recent Advances and Future Trends" Argonne National Labs Argonne, IL. -- June 24, 2015 |
204. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum Cascade Lasers" Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR) 2015 Conference Busan, South Korea -- June 15, 2015 [Conference Link] |
205. | Invited Speaker, "InAs/InAs1-xSbx Type-II Superlattices for High-performance Long-wavelength Infrared Medical Thermography" ECS Meeting Chicago, IL. -- May 24, 2015 [Conference Link] |
206. | Plenary Speaker, "From Terahertz to Deep UV, Science, Technology, and Applications of Quantum Devices" WSEAS - World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Conference Konya, Turkey -- May 20, 2015 [Conference Link] |
207. | Invited Speaker, "InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattices for high performance long wavelength infrared detection" SPIE DSS 2015 Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015 [Conference Link] |
208. | Invited Speaker, "High-Performance Bias-selectable Dual-band Mid-/Long-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors based on InAs/InAs1-xSbxType-II Superlattices" SPIE DSS 2015 Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015 [Conference Link] |
209. | Keynote Speaker, "Recent advances in room temperature THz emitter based on DFG at CQD/NU" SPIE DSS 2015 Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015 [Conference Link] |
210. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum Cascade Lasers" MIRSENS III Wurzburg, Germany -- March 5, 2015 [Conference Link] |
211. | Invited Speaker, "Atomic Engineering of III-V Semiconductor for Quantum Devices" ECE Colloquim Champaign, IL -- February 19, 2015 [Conference Link] |
212. | Invited Speaker, "Hetero-Integration of GaN on Si (100)" SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015 [Conference Link] |
213. | Invited Speaker, "MOVPE growth of InGaN alloys with high in content on ZnO template substrates" SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015 [Conference Link] |
214. | Invited Speaker, "Wafer-scale chemical lift-off of GaN thin films from sapphire substrates using ZnO sacrificial layers" SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015 [Conference Link] |
215. | Invited Speaker, "Optical studies of nickel oxide growth on Si (111), c-AI203, and FTO/glass by pulsed laser deposition" SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015 [Conference Link] |
216. | Keynote Speaker, "Atomic and Gap Engineering for Biosensing - Inspiration from Nature" International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials Nice, France -- October 15, 2014 [Conference Link] |
217. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances in Room Temperature THz emitter based on DFG at CQD/NU National Meeting at CNRS, Paris, France -- October 14, 2014 |
218. | Invited Speaker, "GaN based Optoelectronic Devices: From Ultraviolet Detectors and Visible Emitters Towards THz Intersubband Devices" Fall 2014 ECS Symposium Q3: GaN and SiC Power Technologies 4 Cancun, Mexico -- October 5, 2014 [Conference Link] |
219. | Invited Speaker, "Electrically Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers for Broadband Applicaions" MIOMD XII Montpellier, France -- October 5, 2014 [Conference Link] |
220. | Invited Speaker, "Quantum Engineering of Semiconductor Atomic Structures for Quantum Devices from 0.2-300 Microns" National Science Foundation Wireless and Communications and Sensing Devices, Components and Systems Dublin, Ireland -- September 28, 2014 |
221. | Keynote Speaker, "Novel Approaches to Addressing the Challenge of Growing Defect-Free Wide Bandgap Semiconductors" Workshop on Defects in Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors College Park, MD. -- September 23, 2014 [Conference Link] |
222. | Invited Speaker, "The Quantum Cascade Laser: A Broadband, Tunable Light Source for NASA Applications" Meeting at NASA Washington DC -- September 22, 2014 |
223. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances of Room Temperature Continous Wave High Power Terahertz Sources Based on Difference Frequency Generation in Quantum Cascade Lasers" European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW) Paris, France -- September 18, 2014 [Conference Link] |
224. | Invited Speaker, "Electrically Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers for Broadband Applicaions" International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics, and Photonics Philadelphia, PA. -- September 8, 2014 [Conference Link] |
225. | Plenary Speaker, "Quantum Cascade Laser: From Tool to Product" International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop 2014 Policoro, Italy -- September 7, 2014 [Conference Link] |
226. | Invited Speaker, "RT,CW operation of 3.5 THz laser diode based on DFG-QCL" SPIE 2014 - Optics & Photonics San Diego, CA. -- August 17, 2014 [Conference Link] |
227. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Progress of Room Temperature THz Sources Based on Nonlinear Frequency Mixing in Quantum Cascade Laser" SPIE 2014 - Optics & Photonics San Diego, CA. -- August 17, 2014 [Conference Link] |
228. | Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances in Mid-Infrared Laser Diodes for Infrared Countermeasures at Center for Quantum Devices (CQD) at Northwestern University" NATO Specialist Meeting on "Novel Infrared Laser Technology for Modern Battlefield Requirements" Salisbury, England -- July 24, 2014 |
229. | Invited Speaker, "High Performance III-Nitride Based Deep UV Photonic Devices on Silicon Substrates" CCMR 2014 Conference Seoul, South Korea -- June 23, 2014 [Conference Link] |
230. | Invited Speaker, "III-Nitride based Semiconductor for Optoelectronic Devices From Deep UV (200nm) to THz (300 microns) WOCSDICE/EXMATWC 2014 Delfi, Greece -- June 15, 2014 [Conference Link] |
231. | Keynote Speaker "A Review on Antimonide-based Semiconductors for High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices in Center for Quantum Devices" SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014 [Conference Link] |
232. | Invited Speaker "Antimonide-based Superlattices for LWIR imaging" SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014 [Conference Link] |
233. | Invited Speaker "Type-II Superlattices for HOT Infrared Imagers" SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014 [Conference Link] |
234. | Invited Speaker, 3rd Annual Conference and Expo of AnalytiX 2014 Dalian, China -- April 25, 2014 [Conference Link] |
235. | Invited Speaker, NGC 2014 Conference, 6th NANA & GIGA Forum Tempe, AZ. -- March 10, 2014 [Conference Link] |
236. | Keynote Speaker, "Recent progress in high-power single-mode quantum cascade lasers" SPIE 2014 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 1, 2014 [Conference Link] |
237. | Keynote Speaker, "III-V semiconductor optoelectronic devices from Uv to THz: recent advances and future trends" SPIE 2014 Photonics West Conference San Francisco, CA. -- February 1, 2014 [Conference Link] |
238. | Invited Speaker, Quantum Cascade Laser Research at the Center for Quantum Devices 20th Anniversary of QCL Zurich, Switzerland -- January 16, 2014 [Conference Link] |
239. | Women in THz Pushing the Frontiers of Monolithic Integration: A Compact THz Revolution International Conference on THz and Mid Infrared Radiation and Applications to Cancer Detection Using Laser Imaging Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK -- October 10, 2013 [Conference Link] |
240. | Quantum Engineering of Semiconductor Atomic Structures for Biosensing and Photonics The International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics, and Photonics San Antonio, TX -- October 3, 2013 [Conference Link] |
241. | Invited Talk, "III-V Sb Based Type-II Superlattices for Third Generation Infrared Imagers" Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials Chicago, IL. -- October 1, 2013 |
242. | Invited Speaker, "High power THz sources with wide tenability based on intracavity difference frequency generation semiconductor THz sources" SPIE 2013 Optics + Photonics Conference San Diego, CA. -- August 25, 2013 |
243. | Invited Speaker, "High power THz sources with wide tenability based on intracavity difference frequency generation semiconductor THz sources" ARW NARO WORKSHOP Kiev, Ukraine -- May 26, 2013 |
244. | Invited Speaker, "High-Performance Bias-selectable Dual-band Mid-/Long-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays based on InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattices” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (DSS) Conference Baltimore, MD. -- April 29, 2013 |
245. | Invited Speaker,"Widely-tuned room-temperature high semiconductor THz sources" Terahertz Days and GDR‐I Workshop Cargèse, Corsica, France -- March 25, 2013 |
246. | "High performance bias-selectable dual-band short-/mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattices" SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference San Francisco, CA -- February 5, 2013 |
247. | "Effect of gating technique on the type-II InAs/GaSb long-wavelength infrared photodetectors" SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference San Francisco, CA -- February 5, 2013 |
248. | Invited talk, "Room-temperature high-performance laser diodes from 3 micron to 300 micron SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineering Nanostructures Conference San Francisco, CA -- February 4, 2013 |
249. | "Ultraviolet light-emitting diode on Si substrate" SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference San Francisco, CA -- February 4, 2013 |
250. | "Widely-tuned room-temperature terahertz quantum cascade lasers sources" SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference San Francisco, CA -- February 3, 2013 |