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201.   Plenary Speaker, "High Power Semiconductor Laser Source at Room Temperature for Sensing and Telecommunication"
Conference and Trade Fair in Laser Technology
Florida -- July 20, 2015
[Conference Link]
202.   Invited Speaker, "Applications and Thermal Challenges for Quantum Cascade Lasers"
InterPACK 2015 and ICNMM 2015 Workshop
San Francisco, CA. -- July 6, 2015
[Conference Link]
203.   Invited Speaker, "Atomic Engineeing of III-V Semiconductors for Quantum Devices from Deep UV (200 nm) to Terahertz (300 microns) at CQD/NU: Recent Advances and Future Trends"
Argonne National Labs
Argonne, IL. -- June 24, 2015
204.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum Cascade Lasers"
Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR) 2015 Conference
Busan, South Korea -- June 15, 2015
[Conference Link]
205.   Invited Speaker, "InAs/InAs1-xSbx Type-II Superlattices for High-performance Long-wavelength Infrared Medical Thermography"
ECS Meeting
Chicago, IL. -- May 24, 2015
[Conference Link]
206.   Plenary Speaker, "From Terahertz to Deep UV, Science, Technology, and Applications of Quantum Devices"
WSEAS - World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Conference
Konya, Turkey -- May 20, 2015
[Conference Link]
207.   Invited Speaker, "InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattices for high performance long wavelength infrared detection"
Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015
[Conference Link]
208.   Invited Speaker, "High-Performance Bias-selectable Dual-band Mid-/Long-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors based on InAs/InAs1-xSbxType-II Superlattices"
Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015
[Conference Link]
209.   Keynote Speaker, "Recent advances in room temperature THz emitter based on DFG at CQD/NU"
Baltimore, MD. -- April 20, 2015
[Conference Link]
210.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum Cascade Lasers"
Wurzburg, Germany -- March 5, 2015
[Conference Link]
211.   Invited Speaker, "Atomic Engineering of III-V Semiconductor for Quantum Devices"
ECE Colloquim
Champaign, IL -- February 19, 2015
[Conference Link]
212.   Invited Speaker, "Hetero-Integration of GaN on Si (100)"
SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015
[Conference Link]
213.   Invited Speaker, "MOVPE growth of InGaN alloys with high in content on ZnO template substrates"
SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015
[Conference Link]
214.   Invited Speaker, "Wafer-scale chemical lift-off of GaN thin films from sapphire substrates using ZnO sacrificial layers"
SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015
[Conference Link]
215.   Invited Speaker, "Optical studies of nickel oxide growth on Si (111), c-AI203, and FTO/glass by pulsed laser deposition"
SPIE 2015 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 7, 2015
[Conference Link]
216.   Keynote Speaker, "Atomic and Gap Engineering for Biosensing - Inspiration from Nature"
International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials
Nice, France -- October 15, 2014
[Conference Link]
217.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances in Room Temperature THz emitter based on DFG at CQD/NU
National Meeting at CNRS,
Paris, France -- October 14, 2014
218.   Invited Speaker, "GaN based Optoelectronic Devices: From Ultraviolet Detectors and Visible Emitters Towards THz Intersubband Devices"
Fall 2014 ECS Symposium Q3: GaN and SiC Power Technologies 4
Cancun, Mexico -- October 5, 2014
[Conference Link]
219.   Invited Speaker, "Electrically Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers for Broadband Applicaions"
Montpellier, France -- October 5, 2014
[Conference Link]
220.   Invited Speaker, "Quantum Engineering of Semiconductor Atomic Structures for Quantum Devices from 0.2-300 Microns"
National Science Foundation Wireless and Communications and Sensing Devices, Components and Systems
Dublin, Ireland -- September 28, 2014
221.   Keynote Speaker, "Novel Approaches to Addressing the Challenge of Growing Defect-Free Wide Bandgap Semiconductors"
Workshop on Defects in Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors
College Park, MD. -- September 23, 2014
[Conference Link]
222.   Invited Speaker, "The Quantum Cascade Laser: A Broadband, Tunable Light Source for NASA Applications"
Meeting at NASA
Washington DC -- September 22, 2014
223.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances of Room Temperature Continous Wave High Power Terahertz Sources Based on Difference Frequency Generation in Quantum Cascade Lasers"
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW)
Paris, France -- September 18, 2014
[Conference Link]
224.   Invited Speaker, "Electrically Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers for Broadband Applicaions"
International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics, and Photonics
Philadelphia, PA. -- September 8, 2014
[Conference Link]
225.   Plenary Speaker, "Quantum Cascade Laser: From Tool to Product"
International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop 2014
Policoro, Italy -- September 7, 2014
[Conference Link]
226.   Invited Speaker, "RT,CW operation of 3.5 THz laser diode based on DFG-QCL"
SPIE 2014 - Optics & Photonics
San Diego, CA. -- August 17, 2014
[Conference Link]
227.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Progress of Room Temperature THz Sources Based on Nonlinear Frequency Mixing in Quantum Cascade Laser"
SPIE 2014 - Optics & Photonics
San Diego, CA. -- August 17, 2014
[Conference Link]
228.   Invited Speaker, "Recent Advances in Mid-Infrared Laser Diodes for Infrared Countermeasures at Center for Quantum Devices (CQD) at Northwestern University"
NATO Specialist Meeting on "Novel Infrared Laser Technology for Modern Battlefield Requirements"
Salisbury, England -- July 24, 2014
229.   Invited Speaker, "High Performance III-Nitride Based Deep UV Photonic Devices on Silicon Substrates"
CCMR 2014 Conference
Seoul, South Korea -- June 23, 2014
[Conference Link]
230.   Invited Speaker, "III-Nitride based Semiconductor for Optoelectronic Devices From Deep UV (200nm) to THz (300 microns)
Delfi, Greece -- June 15, 2014
[Conference Link]
231.   Keynote Speaker "A Review on Antimonide-based Semiconductors for High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices in Center for Quantum Devices"
SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference
Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014
[Conference Link]
232.   Invited Speaker "Antimonide-based Superlattices for LWIR imaging"
SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference
Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014
[Conference Link]
233.   Invited Speaker "Type-II Superlattices for HOT Infrared Imagers"
SPIE DSS 2014 - Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications Conference
Baltimore, MD. -- May 5, 2014
[Conference Link]
234.   Invited Speaker,
3rd Annual Conference and Expo of AnalytiX 2014
Dalian, China -- April 25, 2014
[Conference Link]
235.   Invited Speaker,
NGC 2014 Conference, 6th NANA & GIGA Forum
Tempe, AZ. -- March 10, 2014
[Conference Link]
236.   Keynote Speaker, "Recent progress in high-power single-mode quantum cascade lasers"
SPIE 2014 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 1, 2014
[Conference Link]
237.   Keynote Speaker, "III-V semiconductor optoelectronic devices from Uv to THz: recent advances and future trends"
SPIE 2014 Photonics West Conference
San Francisco, CA. -- February 1, 2014
[Conference Link]
238.   Invited Speaker, Quantum Cascade Laser Research at the Center for Quantum Devices
20th Anniversary of QCL
Zurich, Switzerland -- January 16, 2014
[Conference Link]
239.   Women in THz Pushing the Frontiers of Monolithic Integration: A Compact THz Revolution
International Conference on THz and Mid Infrared Radiation and Applications to Cancer Detection Using Laser Imaging
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK -- October 10, 2013
[Conference Link]
240.   Quantum Engineering of Semiconductor Atomic Structures for Biosensing and Photonics
The International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics, and Photonics
San Antonio, TX -- October 3, 2013
[Conference Link]
241.   Invited Talk, "III-V Sb Based Type-II Superlattices for Third Generation Infrared Imagers"
Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials
Chicago, IL. -- October 1, 2013
242.   Invited Speaker, "High power THz sources with wide tenability based on intracavity difference frequency generation semiconductor THz sources"
SPIE 2013 Optics + Photonics Conference
San Diego, CA. -- August 25, 2013
243.   Invited Speaker, "High power THz sources with wide tenability based on intracavity difference frequency generation semiconductor THz sources"
Kiev, Ukraine -- May 26, 2013
244.   Invited Speaker, "High-Performance Bias-selectable Dual-band Mid-/Long-wavelength Infrared Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays based on InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattices”
SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (DSS) Conference
Baltimore, MD. -- April 29, 2013
245.   Invited Speaker,"Widely-tuned room-temperature high semiconductor THz sources"
Terahertz Days and GDR‐I Workshop
Cargèse, Corsica, France -- March 25, 2013
246.   "High performance bias-selectable dual-band short-/mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on type-II InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattices"
SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference
San Francisco, CA -- February 5, 2013
247.   "Effect of gating technique on the type-II InAs/GaSb long-wavelength infrared photodetectors"
SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference
San Francisco, CA -- February 5, 2013
248.   Invited talk, "Room-temperature high-performance laser diodes from 3 micron to 300 micron
SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineering Nanostructures Conference
San Francisco, CA -- February 4, 2013
249.   "Ultraviolet light-emitting diode on Si substrate"
SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference
San Francisco, CA -- February 4, 2013
250.   "Widely-tuned room-temperature terahertz quantum cascade lasers sources"
SPIE Photonics West Symposium in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X Conference
San Francisco, CA -- February 3, 2013

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