651. | InTlSb and InAsSb for 8-12 µm near room temperature operation SPIE Photonics West '97, Photodetectors: Materials and Devices II San Jose, CA -- February 8, 1997 |
652. | Very long wavelength GaAs/GaInP quantum Weiol infrared photodetectors SPIE Photonics West '97, Photodetectors: Materials and Devices II San Jose, CA -- February 8, 1997 |
653. | AlGaN ultraviolet detectors SPIE Photonics West '97, Photodetectors: Materials and Devices II San Jose, CA -- February 8, 1997 |
654. | Intrinsic AlGaN photoconductors for the entire compositional range SPIE Photonics West '97, Photodetectors: Materials and Devices II San Jose, CA -- February 8, 1997 |
655. | Infrared Imaging Arrays Using Advanced III-V Materials Advanced Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics (WOFE) Canary Islands, Spain -- January 6, 1997 |
656. | High Power InAsSb/InAsSbP Laser Diodes Emitting at 3-5 µm Range Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- December 2, 1996 |
657. | GaInAsP/GaAs Quantum Well Intrasubband Photodetectors (QWIPs) for 8-12 µm Focal Plane Array Infrared Imaging Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- December 2, 1996 |
658. | Very Low Dislocation Densities in GaN-AlGaN Heterostructures, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- December 2, 1996 |
659. | High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction of GaN Grown on Sapphire Substrates Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- December 2, 1996 |
660. | Growth of InSb on GaAs and Si for Infrared Imaging Focal Plane Arrays Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- December 2, 1996 |
661. | Recent Advances in III-Nitride Materials, Characterization and Device Applications 8th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA-96) Seoul, Korea -- October 21, 1996 |
662. | Sb-based Infrared FPA on GaAs and Si DARPA/ETO Optoelectronics Program Review Orlando, FL -- October 7, 1996 |
663. | Recent Advances in III-Nitride Materials, Characterization and Device Applications XII Conference on Solid State Crystals, Materials Science and Applications Zakopane, Poland -- October 7, 1996 |
664. | III-V Interband and Intraband Far-Infrared Detectors 23rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors St. Petersburg, Russia -- September 23, 1996 |
665. | GaAs-GaInP(As) p-type and n-type QWIPs Air Force Office of Scientific Research Semiconductor and Electromagnetic Materials Review Wright-Patterson AFB, OH -- August 22, 1996 |
666. | Epitaxial Growth of III-V Nitride Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Air Force Wright Laboratory Wright-Patterson AFB, OH -- June 17, 1996 |
667. | Sb-based Infrared Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays for Operation in the 3-14 µm Range CLEO/QELS '96 Anaheim, CA -- June 2, 1996 |
668. | MOCVD Growth of High Quality GaN-AlGaN Based Structures on Al2O3 Substrates with Dislocation Density Less than 10^7 cm^-2 International Symposium on Nitrides St. Malo, France -- May 29, 1996 |
669. | Development of III-Nitride Technology for Optoelectronic Devices DARPA/ETO GaN Workshop Reston, VA -- May 9, 1996 |
670. | MOCVD Growth of InAsSb(P)-InAs Based Alloys for Long Wavelength Lasers IEEE 9th International Conference on Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Toulouse, France -- April 29, 1996 |
671. | Wide Bandgap III-Nitride Semiconductors and Their Applications Electrical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN -- March 28, 1996 |
672. | The Advantages of Aluminum-free InGaAsP/GaAs Lasers for Applications in WDM Systems SPIE Photonics West '96, "WDM Components" San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
673. | Semiconductor Ultraviolet Detectors SPIE Photonics West '96, "WDM Components" San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
674. | Sb-based Infrared Materials and Photodetectors for the 3-5 and 8-12 µm Range SPIE Photonics West '96 San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
675. | UV Photodetectors Based on AlGaN Grown by MOCVD SPIE Photonics West '96 San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
676. | GaN, GaAlN, and AlN for Use in UV Detectors for Astrophysics: An Update SPIE Photonics West '96 San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
677. | Optical Absorption and Photoresponse in Fully Quaternary p-type Quantum Well Detectors SPIE Photonics West '96 San Jose, CA -- January 27, 1996 |
678. | Photoconductivity in N-type GaN Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- November 27, 1995 |
679. | Spectral Response of GaN p-n-Junction Photovoltaic Structure Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- November 27, 1995 |
680. | Characterization of InGaP Regrown on Patterned Wafers by MBE Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- November 27, 1995 |
681. | Growth of GaN Without Yellow Luminescence Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, MA -- November 27, 1995 |
682. | MOCVD Growth of Quantum Devices Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices (HEAD '95) Smolenice, Slovakia -- October 15, 1995 |
683. | Background Limited Performance in p-doped GaAs/GaInAsP QWIPs 188th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Chicago, IL -- October 8, 1995 |
684. | Characterization of a Normal Incidence p-doped GaAs/GaInP QWIP 188th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Chicago, IL -- October 8, 1995 |
685. | Long Wavelength InAsSb-based Heterostructure Infrared Photodetectors 188th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Chicago, IL -- October 8, 1995 |
686. | High Power Semiconductor Diode Lasers Center for Nonlinear Optical Materials (CNOM) Annual Affiliates Meeting Stanford University -- September 19, 1995 |
687. | Sb-based Materials for Long Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Arrays International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS-22) Cheju Island, Korea -- August 29, 1995 |
688. | (Ga, In)(As, P) Superlattices for Optoelectronic Applications 8th International Conference on Superlattices, Microstructures, Microdevices (ICSMM-8) Cincinnati, OH -- August 20, 1995 |
689. | III-Nitride Semiconductor Materials for Future Optoelectronics Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec, Poland -- May 29, 1995 |
690. | High Power Laser Diodes International Symposium on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD '95) Singapore -- May 8, 1995 |
691. | Future Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronics International Symposium on Heterostructures in Science and Technology Wurzburg, Germany -- March 13, 1995 |
692. | Theoretical investigation of Jth and hd vs. Cavity Length for InGaAsP/GaAs High Power Lasers Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) '94 7th Annual Meeting Boston, MA -- November 1, 1994 |
693. | Optimization of InGaAsP/GaAs Laser Diode Processing for High-Power Operation Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) '94 7th Annual Meeting Boston, MA -- November 1, 1994 |
694. | Exploration in the Whole Spectrum of III-V Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Device Applications Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at Davis Davis, CA -- October 28, 1994 |
695. | Exploration in the Whole Spectrum of III-V Semiconductors 1st International Conference on Materials for Microelectronic Barcelona, Spain -- October 17, 1994 |
696. | Development of InTlSb Infrared Photodetectors Grown by LP-MOCVD The Electrochemical Society Meeting on 2-20µm Wavelength Infrared Detectors: Physics and Applications Miami Beach, FL -- October 11, 1994 |
697. | Peculiarities of Operation Characteristics of High-Power InGaAsP/GaAs 0.8 µm Laser Diodes IEEE 14th International Semiconductor Laser Conference Maui, Hawaii -- September 19, 1994 |
698. | Novel Devices Advanced Research Projects Agency/Microelectronics Technology Office (DARPA/MTO) Program Reviews Alexandria, VA -- June 9, 1994 |
699. | InGaAsP/GaAs High-Power Lasers for Nd:YAG Pumping Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO '94) Anaheim, CA -- May 8, 1994 |
700. | Physics and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Technology and Future Trends Physics Department, University of Western Ontario London, Canada -- March 9, 1994 |