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71. | Certificate of Appointment from Light Science & Applications Light: Science & Applications - June 30, 2020 Dr. Manijeh Razeghi received a Certificate of Appointment from Light: Science & Applications for her service as an editor for (ISSN (online): 2047-7538 a Springer Nature Journal, from July 2020 to June 2022. ... [read more] ... [read more] |
72. | "Room temperature quantum cascade lasers with 22% wall plug efficiency in continuous-wave operation", has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick. - June 8, 2020 We report the demonstration of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with improved efficiency emitting at a wavelength of 4.9 µm in pulsed and continuous-wave (CW) operation. Based on an established design and guided by simulation, the number of QCL-emitting stages is increased in order to realize a 29.3% wall plug efficiency (WPE) in pulsed operation at room temperature. With proper fabrication and packaging, a 5-mm-long, 8-µm-wide QCL with a buried ridge waveguide is capable of 22% CW WPE and 5.6 W CW output power at room temperature. This corresponds to an extremely high optical density at the output facet of ∼35 MW/cm&up2;, without any damage. ... [read more] |
73. | New Textbook Demystifies Carbon Materials McCormick Press Release - January 17, 2020 Carbon is a primary building block of life and forms millions of organic compounds with hydrogen, making it essential to the universe. It is also found in nearly every part of the human body. Northwestern Engineering’s Manijeh Razeghi wrote a new textbook offering a fundamental understanding of carbon, its science, applications, and recent discoveries made in the field of carbon materials.
... [
74. | Engineering the Quantum Era: Breaking Spectral barries for photonics Optics 2019 - October 7, 2019 The global quantum cascade laser (QCL) market is expected to grow from USD 302.9 million in 2016 to USD 374.8 million by 2022 at a CAGR of 3.9% between 2017 and
2022.The report aims at estimating the market size and future growth potential of the QCL market supported packaging sort, operation mode, fabrication technology, and
geographic analysis.The base year thought of for the study is 2016, and therefore the market size forecast is provided for the amount between 2017 and 2022. ... [read more] |
75. | TERAHERTZ OPTICS Room-temperature comb - June 21, 2019 A frequency comb in the terahertz region and that operates at room temperature could prove useful for applications in spectroscopy. The device, designed and built by scientists from Northwestern University in the US, relies on difference-frequency generation from a mid-infrared (mid-IR) quantum cascade laser (QCL). ... [read more] |
76. | VISIT OF PROFESSOR MANIJEH RAZEGHI TO UPEC - June 19, 2019 Manijeh Razeghi has been a pioneer in the development and implementation of the main modern epitaxy techniques. After leading, from 1986 to 1991, the Exploratory Materials Laboratory at
Thomson CSF; she is the Director of the Center for Quantum Devices at Northwestern University in Chicago. ... [read more] |
77. | ECE Student Profile: Robby Gray - April 26, 2019 When Robby Gray (’19) isn’t working with lasers, he might be found on campus arranging music for the X-Factors acapella group, supporting new students as a leader for Wildcat Welcome, or working with Global Engineering Brigades to build health infrastructure for communities in Central America and West Africa. ... [read more] |
78. | p-Type thin film field effect transistors based on lithium-doped nickel oxide channels grown by pulsed laser deposition Proceedings Volume 10919, Oxide-based Materials and Devices X; 109191H (2019 - March 12, 2019 Abstract
Staggered back-gated Field Effect Transistor (FET) structures were made by growing Li-doped NiO on Si3N4/SiO2/Si (111) using room temperature pulsed laser deposition. Optical studies showed over 80% transmission for the NiO:Li channel at wavelengths > 500nm. The MISFET revealed rectifying transfer characteristics, with a VON close to zero, a channel mobility of ~ 1 cm2/Vs, a gate leakage current (at +5V) of 0.8 mA and an ION/IOFF ratio (at a Vgs of -15V) of ~ 103. The transistors showed enhancement-mode output characteristics indicative of a p-type channel with sharp pinchoff, hard saturation, a comparatively high (milliampere range) Id and a relatively low on-resistance of ~11 kΩ. Hence the adoption of Li doping in NiO channels would appear to be a promising approach to obtain p-type TFTs with superior transparency, speed and energy efficiency. ... [read more] |
79. | Breaking Spectral and Performance Barriers for Diode Lasers - Plenary Speaker, Manijeh Razeghi - IPC 2018 IEEE Tv - February 19, 2019 This is a recording of the live-streamed plenary talk from Dr. Manijeh Razeghi, Director of the Center for Quantum Devices at Northwestern University, from the 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC).
Title: "Breaking Spectral and Performance Barriers for Diode Lasers with Material Innovation"
Abstract: From humble beginnings, diode laser technology has evolved to become an invaluable tool for many aspects of our daily lives. Diode lasers exhibit a number of favorable properties which have led to their wide adoption, including compactness, robustness, and mass producibility. ... [read more] |
80. | Seeking Illumination Northwestern Office For Research - February 15, 2019 Lifelong passion, discipline, and curiosity have fueled Manijeh Razeghi’s breakthrough discoveries in semiconductor science, using light to create world-changing technologies ... [read more] |
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