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Aluminum-Free Diode Lasers
Aluminum-Free Diode Lasers
Lasers and Optronics - May 1, 1997
The Center for Quantum Devices at Northwestern University, has achieved operation at 60°C with 1 W of output power for a 100 μm-emitting aperture, over a device lifetime of 30,000 hours without any degradation in output power or change in wavelength, threshold current, or efficiency. ... [read more]
Pabricate Group III-Nitride Alloys on Saphire
Pabricate Group III-Nitride Alloys on Saphire
Microelectronics Technology Alert - April 21, 1997
The Norwestern group has already refined the deposition of epitaxial layers of III-Nitrides on sapphire substrates and extended the process. Using MOCVD, the alloys were fabricated on the sapphire substrates by varying the concentration of Al compounds to produce a variety of configurations of AlGaN ... [read more]
Race to Mid-IR Laser Emission Tightens
Race to Mid-IR Laser Emission Tightens
Electron Materials Technology News - March 10, 1997
In Illinois researchers at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Device (CQD) are testing 3.6 μm laser emission from antimonide-based materials. ... [read more]
InSb QWIP Shows Promise
InSb QWIP Shows Promise
Electron Materials Technology News - March 10, 1997
Preliminary results at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices (CQD) suggest a major breakthrough in carrier lifetimes has been achieved in infrared quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP) for logn wavelength focal plane arrays. ... [read more]
Al-Free Semiconductor Laser Has Greater Power, Lifetime
Al-Free Semiconductor Laser Has Greater Power, Lifetime
Microelectronics Technology Alert - March 5, 1997
Northwester University has granted and exclusive license to SLI to manufacture and sell aluminum-free lasers. Applications are expected to cover telecommunications, medicine, the military, precision machining, and many other areas. ... [read more]
SLI Liscenses Annother Innovation
SLI Liscenses Annother Innovation
Electron Materials Technology News - March 1, 1997
SLI said the license of Al-Free technology from Northwestern University will allow the company to produce better beam quality and stable output from semiconductor laser diodes. Dr. Burnham expects the data storage industry to benefit. ... [read more]
Building a Better High-Power Laser Diode
Building a Better High-Power Laser Diode
Optics and Photonics News - February 10, 1997
While Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices holds patents for MOCVD growth of Aluminum-Free laser diode, researchers at SLI and Coherent are investigating a new MBE fabrication technique that offer higher yields in production and better processing technology than other diodes. ... [read more]
Aluminum-Free Lasers Boost Power Potential
Aluminum-Free Lasers Boost Power Potential
R&D bulletin - January 1, 1997
Semiconductor Laser Int., will commercialize miniature semiconductor laser designed by researchers at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices. ... [read more]
IR Imaging Arrays Turn to Quantum Wells
IR Imaging Arrays Turn to Quantum Wells
Phontonics Spectra - January 1, 1997
A new semiconductor-based IR detector technology for mid- and long-wavelength instruments is ready for the marketplace. The quantum-well infrared photodetector (QWIP) is based on absorption by confined carriers in multiple quantum wells. ... [read more]
Laser Startup Scores Al-feee Power Lasers
Laser Startup Scores Al-feee Power Lasers
III-V's Review - December 1, 1996
Semiconductor Laser International Corp. Endicott, NY, USA has been granted an exclusive license from Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices, to develop, manufacture, market, and sell aluminum free high power semiconductor lasers. ... [read more]

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