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As Companies Race toDevelop the Blue Laser, Universities Join the Game
As Companies Race toDevelop the Blue Laser, Universities Join the Game
Optics and Photonics News - January 10, 1998
Nichia Chemicals Industry Ltd. is still setting the pace, but more companies and universities are heating up the competition. This includes promising new research coming from Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices. ... [read more]
High Power InAsSb/InAsSbP laser Diodes  Emitting in the 3 - 5 &mum Range
High Power InAsSb/InAsSbP laser Diodes Emitting in the 3 - 5 &mum Range
Research Hilights or the Physics Division - January 1, 1998
Mid-infrared laser diodes (λ = 3 to 5 μm) are the attractive source for a wide range of applications ranging from chemical spectroscopy to free-space and optical fiber communication. ... [read more]
Record Calimed by Al-free Laser
Record Calimed by Al-free Laser
Electron Materials Technology News - December 1, 1997
Researchers at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices are claiming the longest lifetime ever achieved for any high-power (more than 1 W) laser diode operated at high temperature (-60°C) with uncoated facets. ... [read more]
Sharper Imaes Thanks to Bigger Substrates
Sharper Imaes Thanks to Bigger Substrates
Inside R & D - November 12, 1997
A group at Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices has pushed the envelope by marrying higher quality, more uniform, cheaper and larger GaAs substrates with InSb films. ... [read more]
Northwestern Team Produces Quantum Cascade Laser
Northwestern Team Produces Quantum Cascade Laser
Optics and Photonics News - November 1, 1997
Using a single-step Growth process, Northwestern University researchers have produced room-temperature 8.5 μmm quantum cascade lasers (QCL). The lasers produce 1 μsec pulses at 200 Hz with a peak output power of more than 700 mW at 79K, and 25 mW at 300 K. ... [read more]
Researchers Demonstrate High-Power, Aluminum-free Mid-IR Laser
Researchers Demonstrate High-Power, Aluminum-free Mid-IR Laser
Photonics Spectra - October 1, 1997
Scientist at the Center for Quantum Devices have demonstrated and Al-free laser diode that emits up to 3 W at 3.2 μm. In comparison, similar Al-Free diode lasers have a maximum output of 100 mW, according to the center's director Dr. Manijeh Razeghi. ... [read more]
Northwestern Pushes Nitirde Research
Northwestern Pushes Nitirde Research
Electron Materials Technology News - September 1, 1997
Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices investigated ternary AlInN grown by MOCVD. They found the material to have a band-gap energy of 5.26 eV, (higher than previously reported) for a composition of Al0.92In0.08N ... [read more]
Single-Step QC Laser Emits at 8.5 μm
Single-Step QC Laser Emits at 8.5 μm
Photonics Spectra - August 1, 1997
In the latest development in quantum cascade laser (QCL) research a group of Northwestern University scientist reported an 8.5-μm emission from a QCL grown in a single step by gas-source MBE. ... [read more]
High-Power Mid-Infrared Diode-Laser Bar Generates Peak Power of 3 W at 3.2 μm
High-Power Mid-Infrared Diode-Laser Bar Generates Peak Power of 3 W at 3.2 μm
Laser Focus World - August 1, 1997
Scientist at Northwestern University have developed an antimonide-based laser bar that yields 3 W of peak power at 3.2 μm operating at 90 K. The device was tunable by injection current over a range of about 70 nm. ... [read more]
Semiconuctor Laser International
Semiconuctor Laser International
NASA Tech Briefs - July 10, 1997
Dr. Geoffrey T. Burnham, SLI's president and CEO announced that demand for laser build using Northwestern University's patented Al-Free technology was so great that work would begin on a second phase of its manufacturing facility that would double its size. ... [read more]

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